Ness Emails Flashcards
Vocabulary I found in our ness emails.
Je mi potesenim predstavit
I am pleased to introduce
Zameria sa tiez na posilnenie (Ona)
She will also focus on strengthening
ako aj komerčné a rezidenčné nehnuteľnosti
well as commercial and residential real estate
tradicna taktika
traditional tactics
Vyrabaju ho nessaci pre seba na celom svete
it is produced by and for Nessians across the globe.
Prosim, rezervujte si datum
Please save the date
Ako ucastnik konferencie
As an attendee at the conference
dozvediet sa o najnovsich pristupov k dizajnu
learning about the latest design approaches
vylepsenia procesu
process advancements
riadiť produktívne obchodné výsledky pre našich klientov
to drive productive business outcomes for our clients
chceli by sme, aby ste zvážili, ako by sa vaša odbornosť mohla rozšíriť
we would like you to consider how your area of expertise could extend
chceme zaposobit
We want to impress
s hĺbkou nášho uvažovania o tom, ako
with the depth of our thinking on how
cez vsetky prekazky
despite all the obstacles