Babel english :) Flashcards
rozhodli sme sa zobrat 6 tydnov volna (cas mimo roboty) /Story Transcript/
we decided to take 6 weeks off of work
mohli by sme cestovat na Ekvador /Story Transcript/
we could travel to Ecuador
museli sme prespat v hotely /Story Transcript/
had to stay in a hotel overnight
museli sme opustiti hotel pred 9 AM /Story Transcript/
we had to take off from our hotel at 9 AM
mali sme dostatok casu /Story Transcript/
we had enough time
nase lietadlo zlietlo /Story Transcript/
our plane took off /Story Transcript/
na poludnie dosiahnut nasu konecnu destinaciu /Story Transcript/
at noon to reach our final destination
nasa konecna destinacia na rovniku /Story Transcript/
our final destination on the coast
vysoko nad horamy /Story Transcript/
high about the mountains
jeden z motorov mal technicke problemy (vyvadzal) /Story Transcript/
one of the engines acting up
dufali sme, ze sa nic nepokazi /Story Transcript/
we were hoping nothing as going to go wrong
rozmyslala som o vsetkych hroznych veciach /Story Transcript/
I was thinking over all of the horrible things
veci, ktore sa mozu stat /Story Transcript/
things that might happen
asi v polovici letu /Story Transcript/
About halfway through the flight
rozhodla som sa zobliest si bundu /Story Transcript/
I decided to take off my jacket
citila som, ze mi dochadzaju baterky (dole s energiou) /Story Transcript/
I was feeling run down
male dievcatko zacalo vystrajat (m….) /Story Transcript/
a little girl started to misbehave
neskusam ociernit letecku spolocnost /Story Transcript/
I’m not trying to run down (talking badly) the airline
Na koniec
in the end
povolila predsedovi (manazerovy / sefikovy)
she allowed the chairman to
trvam na zaplateni tohto jedla
I insist on paying for this meal