Nervous tissue Flashcards
look for:
myelinated neuronal process (myelin sheath, endoneurium/neurolema, Schwann cell nucleus, Node of Ranvier)
connective tissue (endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium)
slide #39, and #6 or 9 (nerve in native setting)
Auerbach’s myenteric plexus
autonomic ganglia linked together forms the myenteric plexus
between the two thick layers of smooth muscles
slides #6,9, or 11
Spinal cord
gray matter
ventral horn, dorsal horn, central canal and surrounding ependymal cells
ventral motor neuron (in ventral horn) - perikaryon (cytoplasm), neuronal cell body/multipolar motor neuron, nissl substance/bodies (clumps of course granules in cell body/cytoplasm of ventral motor neurons
neuronal cell process (esp. in the neurophil) - axons and dendrites
neuroglial cells (strings stuff between ventral motor neurons in grey matter)
slide #40
spinal cord
white matter
neuronal cell process (axons and dendrites)
meninges (exterior to CNS white matter) - pia mater (adheres directly to brain), arachnoid mater (delicate web-like), dura mater (tough and thick), dorsal root/dorsal root gagnlion
slide #40
cerebral cortex has outer gray, inner white matter
gray matter - pyramidal cell
white matter -
slide #42
cerebellar cortex
outer gray matter/inner white matter
gray matter - molecular layer (outer layer), purkinje cell layer, granular layer (inner layer, next to white matter)
white matter - note location next to granular layer of gray matter
slide #43