Nervous System - Co- Existing Flashcards
MS and GA considerations:
- IV or IA?
- MR? prolonged response? resistance?
- ANS dysfunction?
- steroids?
- no one agent preferred
- increased sensitivity to MR, AVOID Succs
* prolonged response w/ NDMR w/ decreased muscle mass
* may be resistant to NDMR - labile pt : increased hypotension with PPV, VAs, position changes
- suppl corticosterooids
MS: Maintenance and Emergence
- monitor for?
- what to consider during emergence?
- extubation?
- post op?
- ANS dysfunction - Aline
- baseline muscle weakness
- fully awake - completely reversed
- neuro eval - exacerbation?
MS and RA:
- ideal RA?
- spinal anesthesia?
- epidurals/PNBs?
- best avoided if no strong reason (OB and pain syndrome)
- assoc with exacerbations
- not assoc with exacerbations
GB: Preop considerations?
- aspiration risk d/t?
- ventilation?
- ett?
- BP?
- weak pharyngeal muscles
- vent support (if VC less than 15ml/kg)
- cuffed ett (prevent aspiration)
- treat hypo/HTN w/ BB, vasopressors
GB and GA:
- hypotension/HTN?
- mandatory monitoring?
- MR? avoid/use (resistance?)?
- temp?
- hypo - with PPV, position changes
- HTN - w/ indirect acting agents (ephedrine), pain, DVL - Give FLUIDS 1st
- Aline
- AVOID SUCCs/use CV stable NDMR (increased sensitivity and resistance)
- altered temp
GB and RA:
- _____ can be used for sensory pain, pts sensitive to LAs
- spinal vs epidural?
- epidural opioids
* epidural preferred (slow onset) d/t ANS dysfunction
Major Drugs in Parkinson’s:
- Levodopa - implications?
- alternate drug? - MAOIs - implications?
- Anti-cholinergics
- short 1/2 life redose in OR (OG) - will see skeletal muscle rigidity (with MV)
- drug: apomorphine - inhibit reuptake of serotonin and NE - AVOID meperidine and ephedrine
PD and GA:
- aspiration risk?
- avoid (certain drugs)?
- ANS dyfxn - labile - VAs and MRs
- emergence? (resp complications - upper a/w obstruction)
- consider RSI (dysphagia, difficulty swallowing)
- DA anatg (droperidol, reglan, phenothiazines) and fent/alfent?
- iso, des, sevo - all MRs (succs?) - are OK
- extubate wide awake after full reversal
SC injury - Intubation:
- technique?
- emergency intubation? meds?
- awake/cooperative pt?
- immobilize C spine, log roll, manual inline stabilization
- DVL with inline stabilization/ methylpred 30mg/kg
- awake fiberoptic intubation
Acute SC with GA:
- temp?
- agents?
- MRs: desired? avoid?
- monitoring?
- pokliothermic
- N2O (if closed air spaces), IAs and IV agents all acceptable
- NMDR (pancuronium=SNS desired), AVOID succs after 24hrs
- Aline (need blood, fluid and pressors)
Chronic SC injury GA: HTN (vasoconstriction) and bradycardia (BR) d/t stimulus below the injury
- considerations of chronic SC pt? muscle, positioning etc.
- treatment for autonomic hyperreflxia?
- treatment for muscle spasms in the OR
- chronic UTIs, DVTs, pain, bone fractures/skin, spasticity
- VAs, epidural or intrathecal anesthesia - preventative
- vasodilators (SNP) - NDMR (good for DVL)
VAs at 0.5 MAC cause uncoupling which means?
- how to compensate for this effect?
- increase CBF (vasodilation) with decrease metabolic demand (CMRO2)
* IV agents (decrease CBF & ICP) and hyperventilate
Goal for Head Injury treatment?
- hyperdynamic circulatory response (HTN, ^CO, ^HR)
1. CPP?
2. PaCO2?
- maintain CPP (>70mmHG) and CBF (decrease ICP and increase BP)
- 30mmHg (low nml)
GA for Head Injury:
- Induction agents?
- Treat Cushing’s syndrome?
- MRs to avoid?
- Monitors?
- Fluids: Avoid? Prevent?
- IV anesthetics (except KETAMINE) and Lidocaine, or Opioids
- incr HOB, barbs, diuretics, PaCO2 30, drain CSF, hypothermia?
- AVOID succs and histamine release
- ALINE, R heart cath (VAE)
- AVOID: LR (hyperosmolar) and glucose containing solutions- (NS, blood, albumin are good) PREVENT - decreased serum osmolarity
GA for Maintenance and Emergence: Head Injury
Maintenance: Emergence:
- IAs? when? 2. swelling?
- N20 (if no pneumocephalus) and VA until cranium open (ICP ok?)
- 12-72hrs (stay intubated)
- coughing and bucking (HTN) - BB, TPL
Supratentorial Tumors:
- Monitors and Equip?
- Induction: Goal? Meds?
- MR?
- HR and BP control?
- 2 large IVs, PRBCs, Aline, temp, PNS, CVP?PA?
- blunt SNS with DVL and decrease ICP
- osmotherpay, propofol, TPL, opioids, lidocaine
- esmolol
Maintenance for Supratentorial Tumor?
- PaCO2?
- VA + N20?
- low brain compliance?
- 30-35
- depends in compliance and ICP
- use TIVA will low Iso
Emergence of Supratentorial Tumor Pt?
- extubate? 5. risk for?
- meds?
- bucking, coughing, HTN
- fully awake and reversed
- lido, antiHTN
- HOB 30*
Anesthesia for CVA pt?
- What anesthesia is contraindicated in these pts?
- NMB monitor?
- neuraxial in para/hemiplegia or active anticoagulant
* monitor on UNAFFECTED side
Preop CVA pt Considerations?
- Pt needs to be?
- MAP?
- sedated on stool softeners & anticovulsants
- HTN and rebleeding
- maintain tight control of MAP
Induction for CVA?
- AVOID HTN/hypo and control ICP- meds for induction?
- lido + BB + opioids + TPL (or propofol)
Maintenance for CVA
- Meds?
- Meds if high ICP?
- Fluids?
- VA and N2O or TPL/fent/iso/ O2 = maintain MAP and ICP
- TPL (propofol) gtt/ fent/ O2 and 0.5 MAC iso
- limit fluid replacement prior to clipping
Emergence of CVA pt:
- Grade 1-2?
- Grade 3-5?
Post - op: AVOID?
- coughing, bucking, HTN and increased CO2
- extubate
- keep intubated
AVOID HTN/hypo/vasospasm - causes cerebral edema and hematoma
MS: major things to AVOID/try to decrease?
- surgical stress
- infection
- emotional stress
- increases in temp
Anesthetic Considerations: Seizures
- Anticonvulsants/effects? 3. Tx for Status Epilecticus?
- considerations (3?)
- con’t on day of surgery?
- AVOID which drugs? (8)
- additive effects with anesthetics
- enzyme induction, coagulation, end organ
- yes - con’t preop, intraop, postop
- methohexital, ketamine, etomidate, meperidine, atracurium, cisatracurium, enflurane, alfentanil
- TPL, propofol, benzos
5 determinants of CBF?
- PaCO2
- PaO2
- arterial pressure (autoregulation 80-180mmHg)
- venous pressure
- anesthetic drugs & techniques
GOLD standard for VAE detection?
- doppler, PAP, etCO2