Cancer - Co-Existing Flashcards
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Mediastinoscopy
- Airway?
- Breathing/concerns?
- Circulation? Scope concerns? Causes of Bradycardia?
- controlled vent/pneumothorax
- pressure on the R subclavian = loss of pulse (need Aline on L side) — stretching of vagus/trachea causes bradycardia
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Open Lung Biopsy
- Anesthesia Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing/Tumor location?
- General
- Compression - awake fiberoptic (for ETT)
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Thoracotomy
- Anesthetic Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing/One lung ventilation?
* potential for massive blood loss with resection
- General
- Double lumen ETT
- Up lung = CPAP, down lung = PEEP, 100 FiO2 ( ABGs)
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Drugs!
- Preop pain meds- AVOID?
- Bronchodilator: meds?
- Drugs to avoid?
- Post op pain management?
- resp depression
- IAs
- N2O and Histamine releasing meds
- Thoracic epidural - placed prior to induction
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Fluids
- Hemorrhage: ???
- Infusion: temp?
* monitor UOP
- T and C, 2 large IVs, check intraop H/H
2. decreased temp - fluid warmer
Anesthetic Technique: Breast Cancer: Biopsy
- Technique?
- general: after radiology with needle placement
- Airway?
* Breathing- ambu/suction/all airway equip
- Local with sedation
2. NC O2/chin lift
Anesthetic Technique: Breast Cancer: Lumpectomy
- Technique?
- Airway/Breathing?
- GA
2. LMA (spontaneous vent + assist)
Anesthetic Technique: Breast Cancer: Mastectomy
- Technique?
- Airway/Breathing?
*Radical mastectomy/node dissection = GA
- GA
2. ETT/controlled vent
Anesthetic Technique: Breast Cancer: Fluids/Circulation/Drugs
- Fluids: IV and BP cuff?
* Preop opioids for pain relief- chemo influences med admin
- place on non-operative side
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: Endoscopy (Diagnostic)
- Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing?
- GA- TIVA + Sedation
- NC O2/chin lift
- A/w equip, ambu, suction
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: Laparotomy w/ Radical Surgical Resection
- Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing?
- General, Regional (epidural)
- ETT (+ RSI?)
- controlled vent (NMB) or awake intubation (RSI)
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: Laparoscopic/Laparotomy
- Technique?
- Airway??
- Breathing (RA concerns?)
- General or RA
- GA = ETT (RSI), RA = NC O2
- Increase O2
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: Circulation/Fluids
- Bowel Prep: concerns??? Fluids:
- Ascites: concern? 3. preop hypovolemia = ?
4. CVP to monitor?
- 3rd space loss, T/C, UOP
- hypovolemia, tachycardia, hypotension
- low albumin levels
- preop hydration
- fluid shifts
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: Drugs
- Hypovolemia: Avoid? 5. Aspiration med: Avoid?
- Avoid (gas)? 6. Laparotomy: Need?
- High PB drugs?
- Anemia concerns?
- cause hypotension (decrease doses)
- N2O
- lower doses if albumin low
- decrease MAC
- metoclopramide
- muscle relaxation for retractors
Anesthetic Technique: Prostate Cancer: Open/Laser/Scope (TURP)
- Technique Options?
- Airway: GA/RA?
- Breathing?
- GA or RA (epidural/spinal)
- GA (LMA or ETT), RA (natural a/w, NC O2)
- LMA - spon vent + assist, ETT - controlled vent, NC - O2, ambu, equip
Anesthetic Technique: Colon Cancer/GI: TURP
- Circulation:
- Irrigation fluid concerns?
- Fluids: concern w/ low Na?
- Check intraop?
- RA - allows assessment of neuro fxn during concern of?
- systemic absorption = volume overload and dilutional hyponatremia
- admin NS (0.9%)
- Na levels
- hyponatremia
Anesthetic Technique: Head and Neck Cancer: Diagnostic Procedures
- Fiberoptic Rigid Scope: Technique?
- Mediastinoscopy: Technique?
- Airway? Tube?
- Breathing? Meds/Consideration/Concerns?
- GA
- GA
- ETT (oral vs. nasal), armored tube
- Jet ventilation (via bronchscope), NMB, Passive Exhalation, Barotrauma
Anesthetic Technique: Head and Neck Cancer: Biopsy
- Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing/Check with surgeon regarding?
- Local with Sedation or GA
- Local - natural a/w, spont respirations
- controlled vent/ NMB
Anesthetic Technique: Head and Neck Cancer: Dissection
- Technique?
- Airway? Preserve? Avoid?
- Breathing?
- GA
- ETT (armored), preserve nerve fxn, No NMB
- Controlled ventilation
Anesthetic Technique: Head and Neck Cancer: Circulation/Fluid/Drugs
- Circulation *Fluids *Drugs
1. Carotid compression? 3. Access/Position? 4. nerve fxn assess?
2. Laceration? * blood avail/UOP - +/- Aline
- Bradycardia
- Hemorrhage
- 2 large IVs/arms tucked
- No NMB
Anesthetic Technique: Lung Cancer: Bronchoscopy (Diagnostic)
- Anesthetic Technique?
- Airway?
- Breathing?
- General-TIVA + sedation
- NC O2/chin lift/ side port O2
- increase liter flow O2