nervous system Flashcards
what are the parts of the CNS?
spinal cord
parts of PNS?
peripheral nerves (e.g radial,sciatic nerves) ganglia (sensory, autonomic) other CN, III-XII
what are the 3 germ layers?
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
what is the thin part of ectoderm?
skin (surface) ectoderm
what is the thick part of ectoderm above the notochord?
neural ectoderm
what is the neural groove?
when a part of the neural ectoderm inveginates to the mesenchyme.
a groove is found between 2 folds.
what is the neural tube?
when 2 folds will meet and enclose the neural groove, a neural tube will form and migrate to the mesenchyme.
what are the cell is the neural fold?
neural crest- from neural fold cells.
what is the thickening on the anterior part of the surface ectoderm, in front of the neural tube?
placod ectoderm
what will form the brain and what will form the spinal cord?
cranial part of neural tube will form the brain,
caudal part of neural tube will form the spinal cord.
(neural tube will form the CNS)
what are the 3 primary brain vesicles, found at the cranial end of the neural tube?
- forebrain (prosencephalon)
- midbrain (mesencephalon)
- hindbrain (rombencephalon)
- the caudal continuation of these 3 is the spinal cord
- this is until the 5th week, after which these primary brain vesicles transform to secondary vesicles.
what are the derivatives of the prosencephalon?
secondary brain vesicles
- telencephalon (end brain) with 2 hemispheres
- -> 2 hemispheres r+l
- -> telencephalon impar (unpaired), found between them. - diencephalon
what are the derivatives of the mesencephalon?
secondary brain vesicles
there are no derivatives, it remains mesencephalon/midbrain
what are the derivatives of the rombencephalon?
secondary brain vesicles
- metencephalon
- -> pons [ant]
- -> cerebellum [post] - myencephalon
- ->medulla oblongatab(it is between pons and spinal cord)
*caudally is the spinal cord
what is the wall of primary and secondary vesicles?
neural ectoderm, will form Glial cells and neurons.
what is the cavity of the hemispheres?
lateral ventricles.
what is the opening between telencephalon impar and the cavity of the hemispheres?
interventricular foramen (of Monroe)
what is the common cavity between the telencephalon impar and diencephalon?
the 3rd ventricle
what is the common cavity of the rombencephalon, of the the pons, medulla and cerebellum?
4th ventricle (behind pons and medulla, in front of the cerebellum)
what is the connection between 3rd and 4th ventricles?
cerebral aquaduct (sylvian cannal) it is due to proliferation of cells in the mesencephalon which makes the space narrower, tube like.
what are the 2 main sulcus we need to identify?
central sulcus
lateral sulcus
what are the parts of the inferior frontal gyrus?
pars orbitalis
pars triangularis
pars opercularis
*these are bordered by the ascending and horizontal parts.
what is between the superior frontal sulcus and inferior frontal sulcus?
the middle frontal gyrus
what is the gyrus above the corpus callosum?
cingulate gyrus, with cingulate sulcus above.
what is the continuation of the cingulate sulcus?
marginal sulcus
what is the border between the parietal and occipital lobes?
parieto-occipital fissure
what is the most important fissure of the occipital lobe?
calcarine sulcus.
what is found between the calcarine sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus?
triangular - shaped cuneus.
in front of the cuneus- precuneus [quadrangular shaped, btw marginal sulcus and parieto-occipital sulci]
what is in front of the precuneus?
para-central lobule
which 2 lobules are between the intra-parietal sulcus?
superior parietal lobule + inferior parietal lobule
which 2 parts belong to the inferior parietal lobule?
supramarginal gyrus
angular gyrus
(two C shaped)
how can you find easily the 2 gyri of the inferior parietal lobule?
at the end of the lateral sulcus - the supramarginal gyrus can be found.
at the end of the superior temporal sulcus - the angular gyrus can be found.
[Wernicke’s area]
what is the continuation of the lingual gyrus?
para hippocampal gyrus
the fusion of the 2 vertebral arteries gives which artery?
the Basilar a.
where can we find the 3rd cranial nerve?
posterior cerebral a. AND superior cerebellar a.
what are the branches of the vertebral a.?
it gives:
- posterior inferior cerebellar a.
- anterior spinal a.
- posterior spinal a.
what are the emissarian veins?
connection between intracranial veins + diploe,
and intracranial veins + extracranial veins.
which 2 veins are in the roof of the 3rd ventricle?
- internal cerebral vein
- -> vein of septum pellucidum
- ->thalamo-striate vein
- -> superior choroidal vein - great cerebral vein (of Gallen)
- ->drains to straight sinus
what is the cavity of the hemisphere?
the lateral ventricle
what are the parts of the lateral ventricle?
- anterior horn [f]
- central part\body [p]
- posterior horn [o]
- inferior horn [t]
what are the walls of the anterior horn?
ant: genu of corpus callosum
floor: rostrum of corpus callosum
roof: junction of body+genu of C.C
medial: septum pellucidum
lateral: head of caudate nucleus
what are the walls of the central part?
ant: NO anterior wall {because anterior horn}
floor: seemingly thalamus, but lamina affixa
roof: body of corpus callosum
medial: septum pellucidum, part of fornix, choroid tella of central part
lateral wall: body of caudate nucleus.
walls of posterior horn?
ant: NO anterior wall
roof: radiation of splenium of C.C + optic radiation
floor: collateral trigone
postero-medial: calcar avis, from calcarine sulcus
lateral: tapetum [radiation of fibers of c.c]
walls of inferior horn?
roof: white matter of temporal lobe [tale of caudate nucleus, stria terminalis,optic tract, lateral geniculate body]
floor: collateral eminene +hippocampus
medial: choroid tella
lateral: tapetum
anterior: amygdaloid body
what is the outer layer of the brain and what does it contain?
grey matter\cortex, contains cell bodies of neurons + glial cells + basal ganglia
what is the inner layer of the brain and what does it contain?
white matter \ medulla, longest parts of neurons, vessles, cell nuclei.
what is the boundary between parietal lobe and occipital lobe?
line between the upper part of parieto-occipital fissure and pre-occipital notch
what are the 2 layer of the dura matter in the brain?
outer, periosteal layer [gives periosteum to cranium]
inner, meningeal layer
what are the meningeal arteries?
- anterior meningeal a.
- > from ICA - middle meningeal a.
- > from maxillary a. -> from ECA - posterior meningeal a.
- >from ascending pharyngeal ->ECA
what are the septa?
duplications of the dura matter:
- falx cerebri
- falx cerebelli
- tentorium cerebelli
- diaphragma sellae [opening for stalk of hypophysis]
- trigeminal cavity [meckel’s]
what kind of space is the epidural space in the brain?
not a true space, potential epidural bleeding. [lens shaped]
between the periosteal layer and the sutures of skull
what kind of space is the subdural space in the brain?
not a true space. potential venous hemorrhage.
[bridging veins]
what is a cistern?
dilated portion of subarachnoid space,
a cavity where CSF flows
what are the functions of the CSF?
shock absorber
removes waste products of neurons and glial cells
makes brain & spinal cord lighter.
what is the dura matter spinalis?
its the dura mater of spinal cord, consists of
outer layer = endorachis
inner layer = dural sac
the epidural space in the spinal cord is..
a true space !
filled with fatty C.T + internal vertebral venous plexus.
the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord is..
a true space!
contains the CSF.
the 4th ventricle is considered as a cavity of..?
the hindbrain
what is the connection between the 3rd and 4th ventricles?
cerebral aquaduct - filled with CSF
in the brain stem, what are the 2 structures that each part has? and which part has an extra structure?
the midbrain, pons, and medulla each have a BASE + TEGMENTUM.
the midbrain also has a Tectum.
what is the cerebral peduncule?
it is in the midbrain, consists of the base + tegmentum.
2 cerebral peduncules form interpeduncular fossa.
where does the production of CSF takes place?
in the roof of 3rd ventricle
in the central part of lateral ventricle
at the inferior horn of lateral ventricle
in the 4th ventricle
what is the choroid glomus?
enlargement of choroid plexus.
choroid plexus of central part+inferior horn meet, and protrudes to posterior horn.
what is the choroid tella?
lamina choroidea epithelialis + vascular pia matter
what are the 3 gyri of the frontal lobe?
superior frontal gyrus
middle frontal gyrus
inferior frontal gyrus
what are the 3 gyri of the temporal lobe?
superior temporal gyrus
middle temporal gyrus
inferior temporal gyrus
what are the 3 parts comprising the inferior frontal gyrus?
pars orbitalis
pars triangularis
pars opercularis
what are the 2 parts of the inferior temporal lobule?
- supramarginal gyrus [cont. with lateral sulcus]
2. angular gyrus [cont. with sup. temporal sulcus]
what is the name of the cistern which is connection between median pontine cistern, and cistern of optic chiasm?
interpeduncular cistern
arteries of the willi’s circle?
anterior + posterior cerebral a.
posterior communicating a.
anterior communicating a.
internal carotid a.
main gyri of inferior parietal lobule?
angular gyrus
supramarginal gyrus
what is the gyri below the calcarine sulcus?
lingual gyrus
between which 2 layers is the epidural space of the vertebral column?
endorachis + dural sac
what are the veins forming the internal cerebral vein?
- vein of septum pellucidum
- thalamo-striate vein
- superior choroidal vein
what is the border between para-hippocampal gyrus and medial occipito-temporal gyrus?
collateral sulcus
how many cervical cranial nerves do we have?
what are the denticulate ligaments?
pia matter, pierces the arachnoid and attached to dural sac, anchors the spinal cord in the vertebral canal
contents of the epidural space in vertebral canal?
fatty connective tissue
internal vertebral venous plexus
superior orbital fissure is the skull exit of which cranial nerves?
- occulomotor
- trochlear
- ophtalmic of trigeminal
- abduscent
where is the dural exit of the olfactory nerve?
cribriform plate
what is the name of the fissure between the 2 hemispheres?
longitudinal cerebral fissure
what is the name of the dural septum in the transverse cerebral fissure?
tentorium cerebelli.
what is the connection between the inferior sagittal sinus and confluence sinus?
straight sinus.
what is the lateral wall of 3rd ventricle?
floor of 3rd ventricle?
hypothalamus+ mamilary bodies, infundibulum, optic chiasm
roof of 3rd ventricle?
choroid tella and plexus of 3rd ventricle.
where can we find the lamina rostralis?
between rostrum of corpus callosum and ant. comissure.
what comprises the anterior wall of the 3rd ventricle?
columns of fornix
lamina rostralis
anterior comissure
lamina terminalis
posterior wall of 3rd ventricle?
anterior opening of cerebral aquaduct posterior comissure pineal recess habenular comissure (suprapineal recess?)
floor of 4th ventricle?`
rhomboid fossa
what is the lateral opening of 4th ventricle?
foramen Luschka / lateral aperture
what is the opening in the roof of the 4th ventricle?
inferior opening of cerebral aquaduct
what is the boundary between pontine part and medulary part of the rhomboid fossa?
medullary striae
where is the medial eminence?
in the pontine part of the rhomboid fossa [which forms the floor of the 4th ventricle], between the median sulcus and limiting sulcus.
where is the facial collicle
in the lower part of the medial eminence, below it is the abduscent nucleus + internal genu of facial nerve.
where is the locus caeroleus and what is its function?
it is located lateral to the limiting sulcus in the rhomboid fossa, producing the epinephrin.
which 2 trigons are there in the medullary part of the rhomboid fossa?
- hypoglossal trigone
2. vagal trigone [ala sinerea]
where is the vomiting center and what is its name?
area postrema, located inferiorly to the 2 rigones.
its an area with no BBB.
what is there in the ponto-medullary junction?
vestibular area+ abducent nerve
what is thr roof of the 4th ventricle?
choroid tella, covers medullary part of the rhomboid fossa.
what is the flower basked of BOCHDALEK?
it is choroid plexus protrudes outwards from the foramen Luschka. (to lateral pontine cistern)
what is the name of the convulations on the cerebellum, instead of gyri?
Folia \ Folium
what is the part of the cerebellum which is firmly attached to the superior medullary velum?
lingula of cerebellum.
what comprises the roof of the 4th ventricle?
superior medullary velum fastigium inferior medullary velum nodule of vermis choroid tella+plexus of 4th ventricle
what forms the lateral wall of 4th ventricle?
cerebellar peduncules. [sup. mid. inf.]
where is the red nuclei located?
in the tegmentum at the level of superior collicle of the midbrain.
what is located in the ventral part of the tegmentum?
substancia negra [dopamine]
what are the parts of the corpus callosum?
rostrum > genu > body > splenium
what is the fissure between the 2 hemispheres which is located above and also below the c.c ?
longitudinal cerebral fissure
which 2 arteries are on the lower part of longitudinal cerebral fissure?
anterior cerebral arteries, which give pericallosal aa.
putamen and caudate nucleus together are called..
what is the lentiform nucleus?
Putamen + Globus pallidus
what are the 3 types of fiber in the white matter of the hemispheres?
- comissural fibers [mainly on c.c]
- association fibers [connection bw 2 points on a hemisphere.
- projection fibers [ ascending\descending tracts]
what are the main fibers in the externaland extreme capsule?
association fibers.
what is the name of the gyrus at the lower part of the longitudinal cerebral fissure?
straight gyrus
whats the sulcus laterally to the straight gyrus?
olfactory sulcus [with tract, bulb..]
what does the anterior cerebral artery supplies?
medial surface of frontal and parietal lobes,
and small part of the convexity of the brain
posterior cerebral a. supplies?
occipital lobe
what are the vessles on the surface of the insula?
middle cerebral a. [descending + ascending branches]
where does the middle deep cerebral vein drains to?
basal [Rosenthal] vein –> to Galen vein.
what is the structure at the upper part of lateral wall of 3rd ventricle?
superior anastamotic vein [TROLARD] goes to?
it is a connection between superficial middle cerebral vein to superior sagittal sinus
Inferior anastamotic vein [Labbe] goes to?
between superficial middle cerebral vein to transverse sinus
what is the anterior wall of the inferior horn?
amigdaloyid body or hippocampus
which comissure can we find above the cerebral aquaduct?
posterior comissure.
what is the cistern lateral to the midbrain?
ambient cistern, with: posterior cerebral a. superior cerebellar a. CSF Basal vein
ambient cistern connects which 2 structures?
cistern of great cerebral vein and interpeduncular cistern.
which cistern can be found between the splenium of C.C and the midbrain?
cistern of great cerebral vein [quadrigeminal cistern]
contents of ambient cistern?
trochlear n. CSF basal vein superior cerebellar a. posterior cerebral a.
what is the name of the gyrus medially to collateral sulcus?
para-hippocampal gyrus.
what is the name of the gyrus lateral to the colateral sulcus?
medial occipito-temporal gyrus.
what is the roof of the inferior horn?
tale of caudate nucleus
stria terminalis
lateral geniculate body
what is the cranial nerve in the ambient cistern?
trichlear n.
what is the floor of the posterior horn?
collateral trigone , from collateral sulcus
what is the posteromedial wall of posterior horn?
calcar avis- formed by the calcarine sulcus.
which cistern is above the tectum of the midbrain? [below splenium of c.c]
cistern of great cerebral vein.
what are the gyri of the cerebellum?
in the white matter of the cerebellum, which is the most prominent nucleus?
dentate nucleus.
what other nucleus does the cerebellum have?
fastigial [nearest the midline]
what is the unpaired part of the cerebellum?
which cranial nerves are located on the meningeal layer of the dura at the cavernous sinus [lateral wall]?
III - occulomotor
IV - trochlear
V/1 - opthalmic
V/2- maxillary
*also ICA, C.N VI through the central part of the sinus.
what is the dural septa above the hypophyseal fossa?
diaphragma sellae
what is the structure piercing the diaphragma sellae?
hypophyseal stalk
what are the main parts of the cerebellum?
- archicerebellum / vestibulocerebellum
- paleocerebellum / spinocerebellum
- neocerebellum / cerebrocerebellum [cortico]
main parts of the archicerebellum / vestibulocerebellum
- -> flocculo-nodular lobule (nodule + floccus)
- ->lingula of vermis [worm shape structure]
- -> fastigial nucleus
main parts of the paleo-cerebellum?
- -> main part of vermis
- ->ant. lobe of cerebellar hemisphere
- -> medial parts of hemispheres
- ->cerebellar tonsils
- ->Globus nucleus
- ->Emboliform nucleus
main parts of neo-cerebellum?
*also cerebro-cerebellum / cortico-cerebellum
- ->posterior lobes of hemispheres
- ->Dentate nucleus
which fissure is important on the cerebellum?
Primary fissure.
its on the posterior surface of the hemispheres -
between the anterior lobe and posterior lobe.
the cerebellum is connected to the brain stem by?
3 cerebellar peduncles.
superior cerebellar peduncle connects.. and what is the other name?
the cerebellum with mid-brain [brachium conjuctivum]
middle cerebellar peduncule connects..
brachium pontis, connects between pons and cerebellum.
inferior cerebellar peduncle connects.. and what is the other name?
Restiform body
what is the Teniae?
these are free margins of different structures used for the attachment of choroid tella.
what is the lining of the ventricles in general made of glial cells?
what is the teniae talami?
free margin of stria medullaris thalami,
between 2 thalami we have lamina choroidea epi.
what is the teniae of the 3rd ventricle?
teniae thalami
what is the free edge of the lamina affixa?
teniae choroidea.
which 2 teniae connects the lamina choroidea epithelialis on the central part?
teniae fornicis + taniae choroidea
which teniae can be found in the inferior horn of lateral ventricle?
teniae terminalis [of stria terminalis]
teniae fimbriae [at the fimbria of fornix]
*the lamina choroidea epithelialis will be anchord to these 2 teniae
where does the flower basket of Bochdalek opens to?
Lateral pontine cistern, through the foramen Luschka
what is the name of the structure which is the roof of the 4th ventricle?
superior medullary vellum.
which 2 cranial nerves can be found in the lateral pontine cistern?
CN - VII [facial] + intermediate
CN - VIII [vestibulocochlear]
CN - V
what is the stria medial to the caudate nucleus?
stria terminalis.
which vein passes in the stria terminalis?
thalamo-striate vein
whats the medial border of the lamina affixa?
teniae choroidea
what is the stria along the superomedial margin of the thalamus?
stria medullaris thalami
whats the margin of the stria medullaris thalami?
tenia thalami
whats the teania of the 3rd ventricle?
tenia thalami
whats the lateral tenia of the central part of lat. ventricle?
teniae choroidea
whats the medial tenia of the central part of lat. ventricle?
tenia fornicis
whats the inferior tenia of the inferior horn?
tenia fimbriae
whats the superior tenia of the inferior horn?
tenia terminalis.
between which 2 tenia is the choroid tella of the inferior horn?
tenia fimbriae + tenia terminalis.
what is the tenia of the 4th ventricle?
teniae of the 4th ventricle. [above the obex]
which cerebellar nuclei are located nearest the midline?
fastigial nucleus
what is the lateral wall of the 4th ventricle?
cerebellar peduncule
what is the nucleus located lateral to the sulcus limitans?
locus ceroleus [blue spot]
–> mainly norepinephrin
where can i find the vestibular area?
partly in the pons, partly in the medulla, at the rhomboid fossa.
how many nuclei are there below the vestibular are?
4 vestibular nuclei
2 cochlear nuclei
what is the lowermost part of the 4th ventricle?
obex, which leaves through central canal
which 2 tubercles are there below the obex, formed from nuclei?
gracile tubercle
cuneate tubercle
striatum + globus pallidus = ?
striated body.
caudate nucleus + putamen = ?
putamen + globus palidus = ?
lantiform nucleus.
which 2 structures morphologically do not belong to basal ganglia, but functionally does?
- subthalamic nucleus
2. substancia nigra
which structure belongs to basal ganglia morphologically but not functionally?
which 2 structures belong to the ventral striatum?
- accumbence nucleus [REWARD center]
2. olfactory tubercle
which structure belongs to the dorsal striatum?
the striatum [ caudate nucleus + putamen ]
which structure belongs to the ventral palidum?
Basal nucleus of Meynert. [Ach]
which structure belings to the dorsal palidum?
globus palidus
describe the Papez ring
[neural circuit of limbic system]
Ammons horn –> fornix + post comissural fornix –> mamillary body –> mamillothalamic tract –>ant. thalamic nuclei –>cingulum –>antorhinal cortex–>perforant tract–>dentate gyrus –> Ammon’s horn, by mossi fibers
what comprises the hippocampus?
- Ammon’s horn
- dentate gyrus
- subicular area [medial part of parahippocampal gyrus]
what is the connection between 2 adjacent gyri?
short arcuate fibers
what is the connection between 2 far gyri?
long arcuate fibers
what fiber connects the occipital cortex and the frontal cortex?
superior longitudonal fasicle.
what fiber connects the occipital cortex and the temporal cortex?
inferior longitudonal fasicle.
what fiber connects between anterior cortex of temporal lobe and anterior cortex of frontal lobe?
uncinate fasicle
which fasicle is connecting between sensory speech center and motor speech center
arcuate fasicle.
which other fibers are association pathways?
*the fasicles belong to white matter.
contents of the nervous part of jugular foramen?
CN 9,10,11
contents of the venous part of jugular foramen?
posterior meningeal a. ? , internal jugular vein
blood supply of spinal cord?
- vertebral / spinal branches of vertebral a.
- posterior intercostal a.
- lumbar a
- segmental branches will reach the intervertebral foramen and will give posterior+anterior radicular branches
- cervical
- lateral sacral
*posterior radicular a. also called Adamskiewics a. between 9-12 ribs.
parts of epithalamus?
pineal gland medullary thalamic striae posterior comissure habenular trigone.. להוסיף!
connection between inf. sagittal sinus and confluence sinus?
straight sinus
contents of foramen spinosum?
middle meningeal a.
meningeal branch of mandibular n.
contents of median pontine cistern?
Abducent n., CSF, Basilar a.
brain exit of 1st CN?
olfactory bulb.
dural exit of 2nd cranial n.?
posterior pole of the eyeball.
parts of the willis circle?
ant. communicating a.
ant. cerebral a.
post.communicating a.
post. cerebral a.
roof of posterior horn.
radiation of splenium of C.C
optic radiation
[forceps major]
what are the mesencephalic branches?
arteries found on the posterior perforated substance, supply ventral part of the midbrain
[from posterior cerebral a.]