Nervous System Flashcards
Describe the different anatomical axes and planes.
There are two sets of axes - those relative to the organism (rostral-caudal, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral), and those relative to 3D space (superior-inferior and anterior-posterior).
The rostral-caudal axis travels from the top of an organism’s tract (rostral) to the bottom (caudal). For example, the spinal cord extends caudally away from the brain, or food travels caudally from the GI tract. [Important to note, this corresponds to anterior-posterior in quadrapoedal organisms, but to superior-inferior in bipoedal organsisms].
The dorsal-ventral axis goes from the back aspect (dorsal) to the frontal aspect (ventral) of an organism [think dorsal horn].
The medial-lateral axis goes from the mid-line of a bilaterally symmetrical organism outwards.
The superior-inferior axis goes from up to down, and the anterior-posterior axis goes from front to back.
A horizontal plane is observing a cross-section from a bird’s-eye view.
A sagittal plane is observing a cross-section from a side-on view.
A coronal plane is observing a cross-section from a front-on view.
Describe the gross anatomy of the human brain.
The human brain contains 4 main components: cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord.
The cerebrum is the largest, and is located rostrally. It is split into two hemispheres which are connected by the corpus callosum.
The human brain is gyrencephalic (grooved), giving it a greater surface area. The ridges are known as gyri and the grooves as sulci.
The cerebellum is located caudally. The brainstem is caudal and inferior in humans. It is the most primitive part of the brain, and is composed of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla.
The spinal cord is continuous with the brainstem, and descends caudally and inferiorly down the spinal tract.
Describe the key landmarks of the cerebral cortex.
The cerebral cortex is split into four main lobes: the frontal lobe (rostral-most), the parietal lobe (dorsal and caudal), the occipital lobe (inferior and caudal to the parietal), and the temporal lobe (inferior and lateral).
The precentral and postcentral gyri are found at the boundary between the frontal and parietal lobes, with the central sulcus lying between them.
The lateral sulcus (AKA sylvian fissure) separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe.
The parieto-occipital sulcus is located between the parietal and occipital lobes - you can only see part of it from a lateral view (clearer from a mid-sagittal view).
The calcarine sulcus is found deep within the occipital lobe.
Describe the trends in white and grey matter within the brain and spinal cord, and what these symbolise.
Grey matter is made of neuronal cell bodies and dendrites, and white matter is made of myelinated axons.
Grey matter is found on the surface of the cerebral cortex, and white matter is found deeper in the brain. The corpus callosum is a band of white matter connecting the two brain hemispheres.
In the spinal cord, the opposite trend is seen. Grey matter is found in the centre of the spinal cord in a “butterfly” shape, and white matter is found around it.
Describe the key features of the cerebellum and brainstem.
The cerebellum is densely packed with neurons (more than the entire cerebrum). It is composed of three lobes - anterior, posterior, and flocculondular. It has a massive surface area, as it is made up of tightly folded leaf-life structures called folia.
The brainstem is split into the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
The midbrain is a relay centre for sensory information, the pons is important in breathing, and the medlla has control centres for the autonomic nervous system.
Describe the ventricular system and meninges.
There are four cavities in the brain (ventricles) which are interconnected. Two of these are lateral ventricles (one in each hemisphere), a third ventricle sits within the midline from a sagittal view, and the fourth ventricle is located caudally, near the brainstem.
These are filled with CSF which is produced by the choroid plexus in the ventricles.
CSF acts as a shock absorber to protect the brain, and surrounds the outer surfaces of the brain and spinal cord.
The meninges are a three-layer membrane which surround the brain and spinal cord. The outermost layer is the dura mater. It is tough, and makes contact with the skull and vertebrae.
The middle layer is the arachnoid mater, and the innermost is the pia mater (sits in contact with the CNS). The arachnoid and pia maters are not in direct contact with one another, there is a gap called the subarachnoid space which is filled with CSF.
Describe the anatomy of the spinal cord.
The spinal cord is divided into 30 segments, named after the bones of the vertebral column where they are located. There are eight cervical segments (C1-8), twelve thoracic segments (T1-12), 5 lumbar segments (L1-5), and 5 sacral segments (S1-5). Each segments has its own pair of spinal nerves.
How can the white matter of the spinal cord be subdivided?
Can be subdivided into dorsal columns (ascending sensory axons), lateral funiculi (ascending and descending sensory axons), and ventral funinculi (descending axons).
Describe the 5 criteria by which neurons can be classified.
1) Number of neurites (axons and dendrites): unipolar neurons have one neurite (an axon, and no dendrites). Bipolar have a single dendrite and a single axon. Pseudounipolar are the same, but the cell body is not in between the dendrite and axon. Multipolar neurons have many dendrites as well as their axon.
2) Dendritic tree structure: Pyramidal neurons have triangular cell bodies with very long, branched apical dendrites and basal dendrites (spiny dendrites). Stellate neurons have spherical cell bodies with short dendrites (can be spiny or aspinous)
3) Axon length: Projection neurons (Golgi type I) have very long axons. Local circuit neurons (Golgi type II) have short axons - they rely on interneurons to pass along information
4) Neurotransmitter: Many neurotransmitters can be released at the synapses of neurons (e.g. acetylcholine, glutamate, GABA, noradrenaline, dopamine, histamine, serotonin).
5) Connections: Sensory neurons relay sensory information from the body’s sensory surfaces towards the CNS.
Interneurons form connections between neurons to form neural circuits.
Motorneurons carry nerve impulses away from the CNS towards muscles.
How are resting membrane potentials established?
The resting potential of the typical neuron is -70mV, meaning that it is 70mV more negative on the inside than the outside. This potential is held constant by the membrane which is impermeable to charged particles.
The resting potential will only be significant across the membrane, but will remain constant elsewhere, as the charged particles will line up by the the membrane since they “want” to equilibriate. Extracellular sodium and intracellular potassium ions produce the majority of the resting potential, but negatively charged intracellular proteins and some other metal ions contribute as well.
The membrane is significantly (25-30 times) more permeable to potassium than it is to sodium, since its ion channels are kept open at rest.
Explain the concepts of EPSPs, graded and action potentials, and summation.
EPSPs are excitatory potentials from a synpase which become graded potentials. Graded potentials are small depolarisations which occur from a single ligand-gated sodium channel, when it is stimulated to open. A rapid influx of sodium ions occurs, and there is small depolarising effect on the local region surrounding the ion channel. The sodium ions move outwards from here down their electrochemical gradient in order to equilibriate, the ligand will dissociate, and the channel will close. As the ions move outwards, their effect will quickly dimished, as they become further apart and their concetrantion decreases.
Summation occurs either spatially or temporally, when many of these graded potentials occur in close proximity to one another, or when the same signal is repeated several times in a short time-span, respectively. Summation of these EPSPs may be sufficient to pass a threshold potential (usually -55mV), which will result in the opening of voltage-gated ion channels, causing rapid depolarisation (action potential). This depolarisation will drive the membrane potenntial to around +35mV, and this will be sensed by voltage-sensing domains (VSDs) on voltage-gated potassium channels, which will result in potassium ions rapidly leaving the cell to repolarise it. A temporary hyperpolarisation will bring the membrane potential to around -90mV very briefly before the resting potential is restored, and voltage-gated potassium channels close.
How are action potentials propagated down axons (including myelinated)?
Action potentials arise on localised areas, while adjacent sections are still at resting potential. Subsequent regions VSDs recognise the depolarisation of the previous section, and voltage-gated sodium channels open. This results in a sequential wave of depolarisation down the axon while each previous section repolarises behind the impulse due to the sodium/potassium pump restoring equilibrium.
Myelin sheaths encase axons at lengths of roughly 1mm. nodes of Ranvier between these segments are densely populated with voltage-gated ion channels. The myelin draws positively charged ions from the intracellular environment of a depolarised node, towards the negative environment of the subsequent node. This results in the opening of voltage-gated channels at the adjacent node, propagating the action potential 50 times faster than in continuous conduction. This is known as saltatory conduction, because the impulse “jumps” from node to node, skipping over the myelinated sections of axon.
Explain the process of synaptic transmission.
There are two kinds of synpase - chemical synapses and gap junctions.
Gap junctions are direct connections between two neurons, whereby ions are passed straight from one to the next for the continuation of the action potential (electrically coupled by channel pores spanning from the cytoplasm of one cell to the other).
Chemical synapses rely on diffusion of chemical neurotransmitters across a synaptic cleft from the axon terminal of one neuron into the receptors of another (dendrites or soma). Neurotransmitters stored in presynaptic vesicles are released when the action potential reaches the axon terminal - this occurs via voltage-gated calcium channels, which associate with ions to form a complex which drives the diffusion of the vesicles within the presynaptic membrane such that they exocytose into the synaptic cleft. Once they cross the cleft, neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron, inducing EPSPs or IPSPs. The sum of all excitatory and inhibitory signals will determine if the post-synaptic neuron fires its own action potential. The neurotransmitter then dissociates from the receptor and is released into the synaptic cleft. This is then cleared via a specific mechanism. These mechanisms often involve a secondary protein, found adjacent to the postsynaptic receptors. These break down toxic neurotransmitters and the components are taken back up into the presynaptic cell, reassembled, and packaged up into vesicles again (recycled).
Describe the functions that the main cortical areas are associated with.
The frontal lobe can be subdivided into the prefrontal cortex, the motor cortex (premotor, primary, and supplemtary motor cortices), and Broca’s area. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for executive functions such as problem solving, complex planning, and personality. The motor cortex is reponsible for planning, control, and execution of voluntary movements (premotor prepares and guides, supplementary plans movement sequences, primary executes these voluntary movements - precentral gyrus, M1). Broca’s area is involved in the production of speech (usually only found in the left hemisphere).
The parietal lobe can be divided into the postcentral gyrus and the posterior parietal cortex. The postentral gyrus is the primary somatosensory cortex, and it processes tactile sensation (exhibits cortical amplification - sensory homunculus). The posterior parietal cortex (AKA somatic sensory associated area) integrates sensory information, and has a role in spatial perception and attention.
The occipital lobe can be divided into the visual cortex and the visual association area. The primary visual cortex is located around the calcarine sulcus, and it receives visual information from the thalamus (organised into 6 layers).
The temporal lobe can be divided into the auditory cortex, the auditory association area, and Wernicke’s area. The auditory cottex is located just underneath the primary somatosensory cortex, and is involved in processing sound.
Wernicke’s area is important in language comprehension (usually only found in the elft hemisphere).
Describe the sensory and motor cranial and spinal nerves.
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves (emerge from the brain), and 31 pairs of spinal nerve (emerge from the spinal cord).
Cranial nerves I, II, and VIII are special sense nerves: I is the olfactory nerve, II is the optic nerve, VIII is the vestibulocochlear nerve.
Cranial nerves III, IV, VI, XI, and XII are motor cranial nerves: III, IV and VI all regard the movement of the eyes, XI is movement of neck muscles, and XII innervates the muscles of the tongue.
Cranial nerve V has a sensory component which innervates the face and a motor component which innervates the muscle of mastication.
Cranial nerve VII innervates the muscles of the face, and senses the anterior of the tongue and soft palate glands.
Cranial nerve IX is the glossopharyngeal nerve, its sensory component is the tongue, tonsils, and pharynx, and its motor component controls the muscles involved in swallowing.
Cranial nerve X is the vagus nerve - its motor component works the heart, lungs, and GI GI tract (and more), and its sensory component does the same.
There is one pair of spinal nerves for each spinal cord segment (cervical x8, thoracic x12, lumbar x5, sacral x5) as well as a pair of coccygeal nerves. Each nerve pair is a mixed fibre - sensory axons end in sensory receptors, and motorneuron axons end in effectors. Each spinal nerve applies to sensation of a single area of skin called a dermatome (with the only exception being C1 - there are 30 dermatomes).