Nervous System Flashcards
Glial cells
Schwann cells
Astrocytes - struc and metab, immune, nourish BBB
Right vs left hemisphere
Right receives afferent fibres and sends efferent fibres to left side
Left does opposite
Parts of cerebellum
Frontal- movement and executive
Parietal- sensory locating where we are and guides movement in 3D
Temporal- hearing, smelling, memory, visual recognitions of faces and languages, surrounds and comms w hippocampus, send info from short to long term memory
Occipital- vision
Basal ganglia
Pallidum and striatum
Striatum goes into caudate nucleas and putamen
S= receives input from cerebral cortex about desired movement and sends output to other basal ganglia to control smooth movement inhibiting undesired movement
Thalamus is a collection of nuclei that processes sensory information of body to cerebral cortex and motor info to cerebral cortex to body
Hypothalamus regulate body temp, sleep wake, eat drink, endocrine to pit
Coordinates movement, precision, balance
Spinal cord does sensory input about body position while brain does motor input which fine tunes motor activity = muscle memory like riding a bike
Brain stem parts and function
Midbrain- vision, hearing, motor control, sleep wake, consciousness
Pons- facial expression and sensation, body equilibrium and posture
Medulla- bp, breathing, swallowing, coughing, vomiting, digestion
Spinal cord anatomy
Afferent and efferent to white matter while grey matter is nerve cell bodies
There’s ant or ventral, lateral and post dorsal horns= nerve cell bodies There’s
Ventral receive info from motor to skeletal for voluntary movement
Dorsal take sensory like pressure vibration fine touch proprioception to sensory cortex
Lateral is sympathetic division of autonomic NS like urination, digestion, HR
Some neurones synapse in just spinal cord for reflexes
Outer dura mater then arachnoid then subarachnoid space of CSF then pia mater