Nervous system Flashcards
Bacteria meningitis-3 types
1)Neisseria meningitidis
2)Strep pneumoniae
3) Listeria moncytogenes
Neisseria meningitidis
spread via dorms and close living quarters. virulence factors: fimbriae, capsule, LOS (has lipid A)
Strep pneumoniae
most common form in adults. intracellular
Listeria monocytogenes
a problem for the immunocompromised, pregnant, and elderly. contracted from eating contaminated food
Leprosy-2 types
Leprosy organism
Mycobacterium leprae
Tuberculoid leprosy
strong cell-mediated immune response. rash
Lepromatous leprosy
most severe. weak cell mediated immune response. resides in cold spots of the body causing skin deformaties.
Mycobacterium leprae
neurological component of leprosy
when infected nerve cells are killed, it leads to nerve damage
Viral meningitis
more common and less severe. enteroviruses. transmitted via fecal matter
virus. results in hydrophobia, seizures, hallucinations, paralysis. occurs when bite or scratched by infected animal. antivenom for treatment
3 types of botulism
1) foodborne-contaminated food
2)infants-spores in honey
3) wound-spores enter wound
botulism organism
Clostridium botulinum
what does the botulism toxic do?
it blocks the ends of neurons, preventing muscle cells from receiving a signal to contract. muscles remain relaxed.
tetanus organism
clostridium tetani
what does the tetanus toxin do?
it prevents muscles from relaxing
treatment for tetanus
it’s slow moving so you can administer the vaccine
Fungal meningitis
Cryptococcus neoformans
how does one contract fungal meningitis?
inhalation of spores
who is at risk for fungal meningitis
AIDS and transplant patients whose immune systems are weakened
African Sleeping Sickness organism
Trypansoma brucei
African Sleeping Sickness stages
1) bite site turns into lesion
2) parasite is in blood: lymph node swelling
3)invade CNS: brain swelling
African Sleeping Sickness tsetse fly cycle
1) noninfective protozoa matures in tsetse fly
2) fly bites human and protozoa is transferred
3)carried thro blood and it replicates
4)they invade CNS or are ingested by another fly
5)reproduce in fly to noninfectious form
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (VCJ) organism
abnormal PrP
VCJ symptoms
insomnia, memory failure, spongiform. medical procedures can spread this bc hand sanitizer can’t kill it.
Trachoma organism
Chlamydia trachomatics
Trachoma symptoms
swollen eyelid scratches eye leading to blindness