Nervous System Flashcards
overall controller
nervous system
made up of brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
nervous system
control how the body react with emergency. and control what you think and felt.
nervous system
2 division of nervous system
° central nervous system or CNS
° peripheral nervous system
consist of brain and spinal cord
central nervous system or cns
consist of nerves that connect CNS to the rest of the body.
peripheral nervous system
carries motor and sensory signals between the brain and nerves. it also contains separate circuits for many reflexes.
spinal cord
consist of cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus and brain stem.
carries message from the brain to the muscle which enables movement
motor pathway
detect thing such as light and sound and carry information to the brain
sensory pathway
nervous system is made up of cell called?
responsible for carrying messages from different parts of the body.
connects the neurons to each other and to other cells which carry electrical signals and neurotransmitters.
chemical messenger of the body
carry information to the brain (receive)
carry information from brain (send) to the body.
motor neurons
include cerebrum the largest brain division.
2 subdivision of forebrain
telencephalon and diencephalon
4 division of telencephalon
- frontal lobe
- parietal lobe
- occipital lobe
- temporal lobe
-central portion of brain
-cerebral hemisphere
-cerebral cortex
-corpus callosum
connect hindbrain and forebrain.
midbrain (mesencephalon)
compose the brain stem which connect the spinal cord
forebrain and hindbrain
cranial nerves
cerebral aqueduct
cerebral peduncle
substancia nigra
control voluntary movement and regulates mood.
substancia nigra
2 sub region several cranial nerves are found in this 2 region.
metencephalon composed of;
-trigeminal nerve
-abducent nerve
-facial nerve
-vestibulochlear nerve
myelencephalon composed of;
-medula oblongata
upper region of hindbrain
lower region of hindbrain
is a long cylinder of nervous tissue
spinal cord segments
the spinal cord and roots are enveloped by meninges and housed with vertebral canal
external layer of spinal cord
composed of cranial nerve, spinal nerve autonomic
provide motor function to 4 of the six muscles around the eyes to help your eyes focus on the object.
muscle function
help control size of the pupil
pupil response
controls the oblique muscle that in charge downward, outward, and inward movements
trochlear nerve (motor)
largest of the cranial nerve and has both sensory and motor function
trigeminal nerve (sensory and motor)
sends sensory information from the upper part of face; forehead, scalp and upper eyelids.
receive information from middle part of face; cheek, upper lip, and nasal cavity
both have sensory and motor sends sensory into from ears, lower lips, and chin to control the movement of muscle within your jaw and ear.
controls another movement of the eye called lateral rectus muscle. it is a outward movement of the eye like example you would use it to look at the side.
move muscles in face to show expressions. and provide sense of taste to tongue.
facial nerve
has sensory functions involving audition nerve hearing and balance.
2 parts of vestibulocochlear
cochlear portion and vestibular portion
sends information from sinuses back to the throat part of inner ear and back of the tongue.
glossopharyngeal nerve
shoulder and neck movement
sends information from organs in your chest and trunk
vagus nerve
movements of tongue
regulates involuntary physiologic processes including heart rate, BP, respiration, digestion, and sexual arousal.
respond to stressors that can increase your heart rate deliver more blood to your body to escape danger.
sympathetic nervous system
network of nerves that relaxes your body after a period of stress.
parasympathetic nervous system