Nervous system Flashcards
structure of nervous system
Central Nervous System - the body’s master control unit
- Spinal cord: connects CNS to PNS
- Brain stem: connect brain to spinal cord
- Brain
Peripheral nervous system - the body’s link to the world
- Autonomic nervous system (involuntary):
-Parasympathicus (calming)
-Sympathicus (arousing, fight or flight)
- Somatic nervous system (sensory - motor command, voluntary movements)
Brain parts
Forebrain - Cerebrum (telencephalon) - Cerebral cortex - Limbic system - Basal ganglia - Diencephalon - Thalamus - Hypothalamus - Mamillary bodies Midbrain - Substantia nigra - Superior and inferior colliculi Hindbrain - Cerebellum - Pons - Medulla oblongata
Brain structure
The brain consists of a highly convoluted folded sheet of gray matter (the cerebral cortex), beneath which lies the white matter. In the center of the brain, beneath the bulk of the white matter fibers, lies another collection of gray matter structures (the subcortex). Brain also contains a number of hollow chambers termed ventricles. They are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), carrying waste metabolites, transferring some messenger signals and providing a protective cushion for the brain.
Cerebral Cortex function
Highest level of control Voluntary movements Conscious perception Highest cognitive functions: language, math, reading Semantic memory Auto-biographic memory
Limbic system main function
Limbic system: a region of subcortex involved in relating the organism to its environment based on current needs and the present situation, and based on previous experience.
Limbic system - Amygdala function
- involved in the detection and expression of emotional responses
- Control of fear, anxiety, agression
Limbic system - hippocampus function
Spatial navigation Episodic memory Memory formation Organization of thoughts The brain’s RAM (rapid access memory) *can build new neuron, new memories of experiences → important for learning and memory
Limbic system - mamilary bodies
2 round protrusions
Implicated in memory
Limbic system - Olfactory bulbs
Under-surface oc the frontal lobs
Smell for the detecting environmentally salient stimuli e.g. food or other animals
Influence on mood and memory
Forebrain - Thalamus
Gate keeper of the cerebral cortex
Relay station of sensory input to cerebral cortex
Thalamo-cortical loops (information goes both way from and to between thalamus and cerebral cortex) → important to attention mechanism
Forebrain - basal ganglia
Basal ganglia: regions of the subcortical gray matter involved in aspects of motor control, skill learning and reward learning.
“Servo-mechanism” for cerebral cortex
Shortcuts from sensory association areas to motor control
Trained, complex input-output mappings e.g. driving car (new learning happened in cerebral cortex, trained, experienced → controlled by basal ganglia)
Model-free reinforcement learning
Hindbrain - cerebellum
Cerebellum: structure attached to the hindbrain; important for dexterity and smooth execution of movement.
Temporal coordination of movements (and higher cognition function) e.g play piano
Error correction of movements
Learning of new motor skills
Extremely regular structure: climbing fibres, parallel fibres
Contains most neurons of the brain: 69 billion neurons from 86 billion neurons in total
Function is not completely clear → more research