Brain cells Flashcards
Brain cell types
Neurons are grouped together to form gray matter (cell bodies) and white matter (axons and other cells). Other supporting cells are called glia: Microglia Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes
Neuron structure
Neuron is a type of cell that makes up the nervous system and supports, among other things, cognitive function.
They consist of 3 components:
- Cell body (soma): part of the neuron containing the nucleus and other organelles
- Dentrites: branching structures that carry information from other neurons in close proximity.
- Axon: a branching structure that carries information to other neurons and transmits an action potential.
axon hillock
The axon hillock is essentially the “root” or beginning of the axon. From the hillock, the axon stretches outward until ending in the terminal, which synapses unto the dendrites of other neurons.
The hillock also contains the spike-triggering zone, where excitatory postsynaptic potentials (or EPSPs) converge and accumulate in order to trigger an action potential.
Neuron types
There are some significant differences between different types of neurons in terms of spatial arrangements of dentrites and axon.
- Bipolar neuron e.g. in retina
- Unipolar neuron e.g. ganglion cell of dorsal root carry touch and pain signal
- Multipolar neuron e.g. Motor neuron of spinal cord, Purkinje cell of cerebellum(
- Anaxonic neuron e.g. Amacrine cell of retina?
Each neuron consists of many dendrites but only a single axon, although the axon may be divided into several branches called collaterals.
Neuron activation
Neuron activation by input that change neuron state
- Excitatory state (green): input as electrical current that brings neuron closer to activation state (from resting state) → depolarization
- Inhibitory state (red): input as electrical current that brings neuron far away from activation → hyperpolarization
The single excitatory input can not activate the neuron but the sum of all the excitatory inputs and 1 inhibitory input exceeds the threshold and generate an action potential.
The first ever measured and published intercellular recording of an action potential is from Hodgkin and Huxley 1939
the small gap between neurons in which neurotransmitters are released, permitting signaling between neurons.
chemical signals that are released by one neuron and affect the properties of other neurons.
Action potential
a sudden change (depolarization and repolarization) in the electrical properties of the neuron membrane in an axon, which forms the basis for how neurons code information (in the form of the rate and synchrony of action potentials.
How do neurons communicate with each other?
The two neurons forming the synapse are referred to as presynaptic (before the synapse) and postsynaptic (after the synapse), reflecting the direction of information flow (from axon to dendrite).
- When a presynaptic neuron is active, and electrical current (termed an action potential) is propagated down the length of the axon. When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, chemicals are released into the synaptic cleft. These chemicals are termed neurotransmitters. (Note that a small proportion of synapses, such as retinal gap junctions, signal electrically and not chemically).
- Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the dendrites or cell body of the postsynaptic neuron and create a synaptic potential. The synaptic potential is conducted passively through the dendrites and soma of the postsynaptic neuron. These passive currents form the basis of EEG.
- These different passive currents are sum#–med together and if their summed activity exceeds a certain threshold when they reach the beginning of the axon in the postsynaptic neuron, then an action potential will be triggered in this neuron. In this way different neurons can be said to be “communicating” with each other.
electrical signalling and the action potential in axon of the presynaptic neuron
If a passive current of sufficient strength flows across the axon membrane, this begins to open the voltage-gated Na+ channels. →Na+ may enter the cell
The negative potential normally found on the inside reduced → depolarized. If the neuron receives enough stimulus (passive current) to reach a threshold at about -50 mV, the cell membrane becomes completely permeable and the charge on the inside of the cell momentarily reverses. This sudden depolarization and subsequent repolarization in electrical charge across the membrane is the action potential. If the threshold is not met, no action potential is generated.
As the membrane potential becomes more positive and reaches a value of roughly +50 mV. The negative potential of the cell is restored via the outward flow of K+ through voltage-gated K+ channels and closing of the voltage-gated Na+ channels. → repolarization
There is a brief period in which hyperpolarization occurs (the inside is more negative than at rest). This makes it more difficult for the axon to depolarizes straight away and prevents the action potential from traveling backwards. the cell hyperpolarizes at a voltage more negative than its baseline (-80 to -90 mV) due to the increased outward K+ flow. Eventually the K+ channels return to their baseline state and the membrane potential reaches -70 mV again until another stimulus surpasses threshhold.
An action potential in one part of the axon opens adjacent voltage-sensitive Na+ channels, and so the action potential move progressively down the length of the axon, starting from the cell body and ending at the axon terminal. The conduction of the action potential along the axon may be speeded up if the axon myelinated.
a fatty substance that is deposited around the axon of some cells ( especially those that carry motor signals) that speeds conduction.
chemical signaling and passive conduction in the postsynaptic neuron
- When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, the electrical signal initiates a sequence of events leading to the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
- Protein receptors in the membrane of the postsynaptic neurons bind to the neurotransmitters. Many of the receptors are transmitter-gated ion channels. This sets up a localized flow of charged Na+, K+ or chloride (Cl-), which creates the synaptic potential.
- These synaptic potentials are then passively conducted in the postsynaptic neuron.
McCulloch-Pitts model of neuron
A theoretical neuron with 2 input x1, x2 và 1 output y
value of input/output of either 0 or 1 → binary.
Neuron is characterized by 1 parameter theta Θ ← → activation threshold
Perceptron - a theoretical neutron
introduces weight to each input
(Frank Rosenblatt)
XOR affair in Perceptrons (1969)
A single neuron can´t implement the XOR function
For realising XOR using perceptron/neurons an OR gate, an AND gate and an NOT AND gate are required.
Solution →deep neural network