Nervous Coordination Flashcards
nervous system
co-ordinates response to specific stimuli
-fast, localised
reflex arc
rapid response and instinctive
receptor detects stimulus → sensory neuron → relay neuron in CNS coordinates response → motor neuron
→ response by effector
when electrical impulse reaches end of neurone
neurotransmitters secreted
autonomic nervous system
controls involuntary actions of glands and muscles
split into
sympathetic - stimulates effectors
parasympathetic - inhibits effectors
motor neurone
—————————-> direction of impulse
denrites = branched spikes
cell body = soma - star shape - nucleus inside
myelinated neurone
schwan cells - wrapped around axon
myelin sheath - myelin-rich membranes of SCH cells
nodes of ranvier - gaps between SCH cells with no myelin sheath
myelinated faster than unmyelinated
nodes of ranvier are the only depolarised areas
saltattory conduction where impulse jump
non myelinated = ap travels whole length
less than X%?
significant difference so low probability of difference by chance
control vs group …. higher or lower
significant difference to due to overlap
other factors cause X
sample size
resting potential -70mv
depolarisation reaches action potential +35/40 mv
repolarisation reaches hyperpolarisation/refractory period -90mv
Na+ channels open and Na+ diffuse in
K+ closed - more positive inside axon
K+ open - move out of axon
Na+ close
inside gets more negative
K+ channels are open so its too negative inside
so channels close
resting potential
no voltage gated channels are open Na+/K+ pump actively transports Na+ ions out against gradient more permeable to K+ little Na+ diffusion into axon restores ion balance after a.p.
fewer ap’s along myelinated
ions only pass through the nodes
different channels
protein channels = specific tertiary structure
ions are different in size
MANY k+ compared to Na+
channels open and closed
RP - both closed
depolarisation - Na+ open K+ close
repolarisation - Na+ close K+ open
higher temp
faster diffusion of ions
if acetylcholin enzyme inhibited
acetylcholine not broken
Na+ continue to enter so continued depolarisation
muscles stay contracted
refractory period
max freq of aps - no further increase in information
leads to separate nerve impulses
if neurotransmitter not broken down and returned
keeps binding to receptor
continued depolarisation
calcium in synaptic transmission
Ca+ channels open and diffuse in
vesicles fuse with membrane and release NTMS
NTMS diffuse across synapse
post synaptic neurone depolarises