Nerves of the lower limb Flashcards
Where is the superior gluteal nerve formed?
Formed from the ventral rami from L4-S1
Where does the superior gluteal nerve exit
the great sciatic foramen
Where is the superior gluteal nerve located
superior to piriformis & between the gluteus minimus and medius
What does the superior gluteal nerve innervate
gluteus medius, minimus, & tensor fasciae latae
Where does the inferior gluteal nerve exit
greater sciatic foramen
where is the inferior gluteal nerve located
inferior to piriformis & deep to gluteus maximus
What does the inferior gluteal nerve innervate
gluteus maximus only
Where is the sciatic nerve formed
ventral rami from spinal cord levels L4-S3
Where does the sciatic nerve exit
great sciatic foramen
Where is the sciatic nerve located
in gluteal region inferior to piriformis
What does the sciatic nerve bifurcate into
tibial & common fibular n.
Where is the tibial nerve located
superficial content within the popliteal fossa
What does the tibial nerve innervate
posterior thigh except for biceps femoris short head & all of posterior leg
What does the tibial n. bifurcate into
medial & lateral plantar nerves
Where are the medial & lateral plantar nerves located
deep to the abductor hallucis
What does the medial plantar nerve innervate
abductor hallucis & flexor digitorum brevis
What does the lateral plantar nerve innervate
abductor digit minimi
Where is the common fibular nerve formed
ventral rami L4-S2
What nerve wraps around the neck of the fibula
common fibular nerve
What does the common fibular nerve bifurcate into
superficial & deep fibular nerves
What does the common fibular n. innervate
biceps femoris short head ONLY
Where is the superficial fibular n. located
runs between the fibularis longus & fibularis brevis
Where does the superficial fibular nerve continue into
the dorsum of the foot for sensory innervation
What does the superficial fibular nerve innervate
both lateral legs
Where is the deep fibular nerve located
between the tibialis anterior & the extensor hallucis longus
Where does the deep fibular nerve continue onto
flip flop area (between digits 1 & 2)
What does the deep fibular nerve innervate
ALL anterior leg & both mm. of dorsum of foot
What is foot drop?
Damage to the common fibular nerve superficial to the neck of the fibula
What compartments does foot drop affect
lateral & anterior compartments