Nerves of the Head and Neck Flashcards
Facial Nerve - Surgical Landmarks for Identification of the facial nerve during Parotid Surgery
- Tragal Pointer - F.N. is 1 to 1.5cm deep to and just anterior and inferior to the lateral edge of the external canal cartilage
- Tympanomastoid Fissure - F.N. can be identified 6 - 8mm below the inferior ‘drop off’ of the fissure
- Posterior Belly of Digastric muscle at its insertion to the mastoid process - f.n. exits the stylomastoid foramen just anterior to this
- Proximal dissection of peripheral f.n. branches through the parotid gland: allows the surgeon to localize the nerve when its proximal extratemporal anatomy is distorted or parotid neoplasm is present
- Identification in the Mastoid: Perform mastoidectomy and trace f.n. to the stylomastoid foramen.
Facial Nerve - Surgical landmarks for identification of the intratemporal facial nerve
- Cochleariform process - tympanic segment of the f.n. is just deep and superior to this
- Lateral Semicircular Canal - second gentiles inferior and medial to this
- Digastric ridge - stylomastoid foramen located at anterior edge of ridge
Intratemporal facial nerve dehiscence: Incidence and site of injury during surgery
- 30% incidence of f.n. dehiscence in the middle ear
- Most common site of dehiscence of and injury to f.n. during middle ear surgery is the tympanic segment near the oval window