Nerve tissue Flashcards
Neural plate forms neural tube via process called?
_ form the muscles, ribs, vertebra, skin
_ give rise to sensory ganglia and glial cells in PNS
Crest cells
_ are non-conducting cells that divide and support/protect neurons
Majority of neurons in humans are
Multipolar neurons(2)
Each involved in what?
- Pyramidal(memory, learning)
- Purkinje(motor movement)
Bipolar neurons involved in?
Sight, smell, hearing, balance
Unipolar neurons involved in?
Example of anaxonic neurons
Amacrine cells in retina
Structure of -
Motor neurons:
- Most unipolar, some bipolar
- Multipolar
- Multipolar
Perikaryon(Cell body) made of(3)
- Organelles
- Nissl substance
- Inclusions(Lipofuschin, melanin)
Alzheimer’s deposits(2)
- Plaques(B-amyloid)
- Neurofibrillary tangles(Tau proteins)
Network of unmyelinated axons, dendrites, synapses, glial cells with low cell bodies
What is each composed of?
- Microtubules(tubulin)
- Neurofilaments(IF)
- Microfilaments(actin)
T/F: Neurons and glial cells have neurofilaments.
False. Only neurons. Neurofilaments are a marker for differentiation
What is used in anterograde tracing?
What is used is retrograde tracing?
- Wheat germ agglutinin, phaseolus vulgaris
- HRP, fluorscent dye, viral strains
Injury to a nerve fiber that damages axonal transport causes _
Wallerian degeneration
If the axon fails to regenerate, it forms a _
Most numerous glia _
They are found near _
- Astrocytes
- Capillaries
2 types of astocytes
- Fibrous(white matter)
- Protoplasmic(Gray matter)
Marker for astrocytes
_ astrocytes processes that regulate blood flow in brain and attach to capillaries
Perivascular feet
BBB consists of
Perivascular feet + endothelial cells + basement membrane
_ astrocyte processes beneath pia mater
Subpial feet/Glia limitans
Astrocytes cause scar upon injury via a process called _
Marker of oligodendrocytes
Anti-myelin oligodendrocyte binding protein
T/F: One oligodendrocyte can myelinate many axon segments
_ main immune cell of CNS that secrete chemokines, NO, ROS
In a healthy brain, microglia are _ structure
Upon injury they _
- Ramified
- Become hyper-ramified, bushy, amoeboid
_ produce and regulate CSF
_ control fluid release
- Ependymal cells(Choroid plexus)
- Tight junctions
_ support cell bodies in ganglia
Satellite cells
_ originate from neural crest and support peripheral axons
Schwan cells(neurolemmocytes)
Outer cytoplasmic layer of schwan cells that are wrapped around an axon _
T/F: Synapses occur everywhere in the NS
False. Except in dorsal root ganglia
Axons of motor neurons terminate in branches of axons called
Terminal arborizations
Myelin stain _
Neuron/processes stain _
Cell body stain _
- Weigert
- Golgi
- Nissl
Cells in layer 4 of cerebral cortex
Layer 5?
Layer 3?
Both layers 3,5?
- Stellate cells
- Betz cells
- Chandelier cells
- Basket cells
Betz cells form the _ that is responsible for voluntary motor movement
Corticospinal tract
Arachnoid mater has _ in contact with dura and _ continuous with pia
Around trabeculae, there is the _
- CT, Trabeculae
- Subarachnoid space
Pia mater is separated from neural elements by _
Glia limitans
Blood vessels penetrate CNS through _
Perivascular spaces
_ small cytoplasm pockets left behind during schwan cell myelination
Schmidt-laterman incisures
Meissner’s corpuscles?
Merkle’s corpuscles?
Pacinian corpuscles?
Ruffini corpuscles?
Krause end bulb?
- Light touch
- Touch
- Deep pressure, vibrations
- Warmth, pressure(hair)
- Cold
ENS has 2 plexuses
Myenteric, submucosal