Nerve root Dermatome/myotome/Reflex/Paresthesias Flashcards
D: vertex of skull
M: none
D: temple, forehead, occiput
M: longus colli, SCM, rectus capitis
D: entire neck, post cheek, temporal area
M: trap, splenius capitis
Paresthesias: cheek, side of neck
D: SH area, clavicular area, upper scap area
M: trap, levator
paresthesias: horiz band along clavicle and upper scapula
D: Delt, ant entire arm to base of thumb
M: supr, infra, delt, biceps
Reflex: biceps, BR
D: ant arm, radial side of hand to thumb and index finger
M: Biceps, supinator, wrist ext
R: biceps, BR
P: thumb and index finger
D: lateral arm and FA to index, long, and ring fingers
M: triceps, wrist FL
R: triceps
Paresthesias: index, long, and ring fingers
D: med arm and FA to long, ring, and little fingers
M: ulnar deviators, thumb ext and ADD
Paresthesias: little finger alone or with 2 adjacent fingers; not ring or long fingers, alone or together
D: medial side of forearm to base of little finger
no weakness
D: medial side of upper arm to medial elbow, pectoral and midscapular areas
no weakness
T3-6 D: Upper thorax T5-7 D: costal margin T8-12 D: abs and lumbar region cutaneous analgesia is uncommon weakness not detectable
D: back, over trochanter and groin
Paresthesias: groin; after holding posture, which causes pain
D: back, front of thigh to knee
M: Psoas, hip ADD
P: occasionally ant thigh
D: back upper butt, ant thigh and knee, med low leg
M: psoas, quad, thigh atrophy
R: knee jerk, sluggish, PKB positive, pain on full SLR
P: medial knee, ant lower leg
D: Medial butt, lateral thigh, medial leg, dorsum foot, big toe
M: tib ant, ext hallucis
R: SLR limited, neck FL pain, weak knee jerk, side FL lmtd
P: med calf and ankle
D: butt, post and lat thigh, lat aspect of leg, dorsum foot, med half sole, 1st-3rd toes
M: ext hallucis, peroneals, glute med, DF, HS, calf atrophy
R: SLR lmtd one side, neck FL pain, ankle decreased, crossed leg raising pain
P: lateral aspect of leg, med 3 toes
D: Lat and plantar aspect foot
M: calf, HS, wasting of glutes, peroneals, PF
R: SLR lmtd, achilles weak or absent
P: lat 2 toes, lat foot, lat leg to knee, plantar foot
D: butt, thigh, leg post
M: calf HS, glute wasting, PF
R: SLR lmtd, achilles weak or absent
P: lat leg, knee, heel
D: Groin, med thigh to knee
D: Perineum, genitals, lower sacrum
M: bladder, rectum
P: saddle, genitals, anus, impotence, massive post herniation