Nerve Palsies in the Limbs Flashcards
Describe the brachial plexus?
From spinal roots C5-T1 > upper, middle and lower trunk > anterior/posterior divisions > medial/lateral cords > branches

Brachial lesions are common in what?
Upwards traction (such as fall onto side of neck - upper cord damage)
Downwards traction - lower cord damage
Damage to what spinal nerves is considered upper cord damage?
C5, C6
What muscles are supplied by the upper cords (C5, C6)?
Shoulder muscles
What kind of paralysis does upper cord damage cause?
- Causes Erb-Duchenne paralysis (arm “porters tip”)
- Arm adducted, elbow extended, forearm pronated, wrist flexed
Describe Erb-Duchenne paralysis?
- Causes Erb-Duchenne paralysis (arm “porters tip”)
- Arm adducted, elbow extended, forearm pronated, wrist flexed
Damage to what spinal nerve is lower cord damage?
What paralysis does lower cord damage cause?
Klumpke’s palsy
Axillary nerve is formed from what spinal nerves?
C5, C6
What cord forms axillary nerve?
Posterior cord
What does the axillary nerve supply?
- Wraps around surgical neck of humerus supplying deltoid and teres minor, also regimental badge area of skin
Damage to axillary nerve causes what paralysis?
- Axillary nerve palsy
- Caused in shoulder dislocation or fracture of surgical neck of humerus
- Presentation
- Lack of sensation in badge area
- Deltoid atrophy
What is the presentation of axillary nerve palsy?
- Lack of sensation in badge area
- Deltoid atrophy
What often causes axillary nerve palsy?
- Caused in shoulder dislocation or fracture of surgical neck of humerus
Radial nerve is formed from what spinal nerves?
C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
Radial nerve comes from what cord?
Posterior cord
What does the radial nerve supply?
- Tricep brachii
- Supplies BCR, ECRL and ECRB before dividing into PIN (motor) and SRN (sensory) branches
Describe the course of the radial nerve?
- Runs in radial groove of humerus as it passes from medial to lateral
Radial nerve damage causes what paralysis?
- Radial nerve palsy
- Occurs in entrapment (maybe in radial fracture) or compression (such as due to Saturday night palsy)
- Presentation depends on site of lesion
- In axilla – lose of elbow extension, wrist extension and sensory changes in forearm and hand
- In arm – loss of wrist extension and sensory loss
- In forearm – loss of finger extension (PIN)
- At wrist – loss of sensation (SRN)
What is the presentation of radial nerve palsy?
- In axilla – lose of elbow extension, wrist extension and sensory changes in forearm and hand
- In arm – loss of wrist extension and sensory loss
- In forearm – loss of finger extension (PIN)
- At wrist – loss of sensation (SRN)
What often causes radial nerve palsy?
- Occurs in entrapment (maybe in radial fracture) or compression (such as due to Saturday night palsy)
What nerve supplies snesation to this area?
Radial nerve

Median nerve is supplied from what spinal nerves?
C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1
What cords form the median nerve?
Medial and lateral cords