Nephrology + Genitourinary Disease Flashcards
What is the effect of parasympathetic innervation on the lower urinary tract?
Causes detrusor muscle contraction and smooth muscle urethral sphincter relaxation to allow for urine voiding.
What nerve and roots are responsble for the parasympathetic innervation of the lower urinary tract?
Pelvic nerve, roots S2-S4
What is the effect of sympathetic innervation on the lower urinary tract
Detrusor muscle relaxation
Contraction of internal urethral sphincter
What nerve and roots are responsble for the sympathetic innervation of the lower urinary tract?
Hypogastric nerve, T12-L2
What are the 3 types of urinary incontinence?
Stress incontinence
Urge incontinence
Overflow incontinence
Aetiology of stress incontinence
Weakened pelvic floor muscles or urethral sphincters
Pathophysiology of stress incontinence
Coughing or sneezing can cause increased intra-abdominal pressure causing leakage of urine.
Who can be especially affected by stress incontinene?
Postpartum women
Post-prostatectomy men
Management of stress incontinence
Pelvic floor exercises
Urethral slings
Artificial urethral sphincter
Aetiology of urge incontinence
Detrusor muscle and bladder overactivity
Can be primary, due to UTIs or neural factors like parkinson’s.
Pathophysiology of urge incontinence
Rise in detrusor pressure upon bladder filling causes urgency and leakage.
Management of overactive/reflex bladder and urge incontinence
Bladder exercise therapy
Anti-muscarinics - e.g oxybutynin to reduce detrusor contraction.
B3 agonists - increase sympathetic detrusor relaxation.
Botox - blocks neuromuscular junction
Sacral neuromodulation - insertion of electrode in S3 to modulate afferent impulses.
Intermittent self-catheterization.
Surgery - cystoplasty
What is the effect of somatic innervation on the lower urinary tract?
Voluntary contraction/relaxation of the external urethral sphincter.
What nerve and nerve roots are responsbible for the somatic innervation of the lower urinary tract?
Pudendal nerve, S2-4
Side effect of urinary botox use?
Urinary retention
What are the spinal urinary reflexes?
Reflex blader contraction
Guarding reflex
Bladder receptive relaxation
What is reflex bladder contraction?
When bladder fills it automatically triggers contraction.
Pelvic nerve mediated.
What is the urinary guarding reflex?
Urine in proximal urethra causes impulse to spinal cord to tell Onuf’s nucleus to close proximal urethreal sphincter to store urine.
What is receptive relaxation of the bladder?
The detrusor muscle relaxes as the bladder fills with urine in order to maintain constant bladder pressure.
Hypogastric nerve mediated.
What is the role of the pontine micturition center?
Coordinates the central and peripheral neuromodulation of voiding.
What is the role of the cortical micturition center?
Mediates voluntary micturition.
Pathophysiology of urinary effects of spastic (supra-conal) spinal cord injury
Loss of pontine co-ordination of voiding.
Can result in detrusor-sphincter dyssenergia.
Poorly sustained and involuntary bladder/bowel contraction
Can potentially result in unsafe bladder if both contract.
Pathophysiology of urinary effects of flaccid (conal) spinal cord injury
Loss of reflexes (bladder contraction, guarding, RR)
Arreflexic bladder and bowel.
Bladder filling without detrusor compliance can lead to an unsafe bladder.
Can result in stress incontinence.
What can cause a conal spinal cord injury?
Ischaemia such as transversus myelitis or diabetic neuropathy