What is ADPKD?
Inherited kidney disease
Chromosome 16 (85%) 4 (15%)
What are the features of ADPKD?
USS shows cysts, diagnostic criteria:
- two cysts, unilateral or bilateral if <30y/o
- two cysts in both kidneys if 30-59 y/o
- four cysts in both kidneys if >60y/o
HTN Recurrent UTI Abdominal pain Renal stones Haematuria CKD (can result in renal carcinoma)
What are the extra-renal manifestations of ADPKD?
- Liver cysts
- Berry aneurysms
Mitral valve incompetence/prolapse
Aortic root dilation and dissections - Cysts in other organs e.g. pancreas
What is ARPKD?
Chromosome 6
Multiple cylindrical lesions at right angles to the cortical surface
Features in the newborn
Prenatal USS or early infancy with abdominal masss
- Polyuria and polydypsia
End stage renal failure usually by 15
Liver involvement
What is Renal Cell Carcinoma?
Arises from PCT epithelium
Circumscribed by psuedocapsule of compressed normal renal tissue
20% Multifocal
20% Calcified
20% Cystic
How is Renal Cell Carcinoma managed?
Radical nephrectomy
Resistant to R+Ch
Biologics: a-interferon
How is Osmolality calculayed?
2 (Na+K) + GLucose + Urea
What is Acute Kidney Injury?
Rapid fall in kidney function over hours to days
Rise in serum urea and creatinine
What are the Pre-Renal causes of AKI?
- Hypovolaemia
- Sepsis
Renal Artery stenosis:
What are the Intra-Renal causes of AKI?
- Lymphoma
- Infection
- Tumour lysis after chemo
- Drugs
- AI - SLE
- Drugs
- Infection
- Primary Glomerulonephritides
Nephrotoxins: - Drugs - Aminoglycosides - Radiocontrast - Myoglobin - Acute Tubular Necrosis Myeloma and Hypercalcaemia
- Vasculitis
- Malignant HTN
- Thrombus or Cholesterol Emboli from Angiography
- Large vessel occlusion
What are the causes of post-renal AKI?
- Stones
- Clots
- Sloughed papilale
- Malignancy
- Strictures
Extrinsic compression:
- Pelvic malignancy
- Retroperitoneal fibrosis
What are the risk factors for AKI?
>75 y/o CKD Heart Failure Peripheral Vascular Disease Chronic liver disease Diabetes Drugs Sepsis Reduced Hypovolaemia Other urinary issues
What are the features of AKI?
Maintain fluid balance:
- Reduced BP
- Non-visible JVP
- Increased pulse
Uraemic Encephalopathy
What is KDIGO
SC: >2.6umol or >1,5x in 48 hours
UO: <0.5ml/kg/hr over 6 hours
SC: 2-2.9x baseline
UO: < 0.5ml/kg/hr over >12hours
SC: >3x baseline
UO: <0.3ml/kg >24 or 0 for 12 hours (Anuria)
What is Chronic Kidney Disease?
irreversible sometimes progressive loss of renal function over >3months to years