Nephro Flashcards
acute renal failure
- inc BUN and Creat over hrs to days
- hours:rhabdo, contrast induced RF; constricts aferent art and its toxic to renal tubules
- aminoglycoside(5-10days), post strep(1-2wks)
- azotemia vs uremia
- why bleeding diathesis in uremia
- azotemia: renal insuff; buildup of azoles; NO DIALYSIS
- uremia: very severe RF; need dialysis;worse; acidosis, mental status changes, highK, fluid overload, anemia, hypoCa, pericarditis;bleeding diathesis (bc platelets dont degran so alpha and dense granules dont work, tx with DDAVP releases platelet factors temporarily); uremia prevents degran of WBC so infxns
aminoglycoside toxicity
- in weeks
- space intervals to dec chances of toxicity not dec dose
- need to accumulate toxicity over days
- one dose wont cause RF
- peak kills organism; trough = toxicity thats why you space intervals otherwise you get ototoxicity
pre/post/intra renal
- pre=dec perfusion; decBP, RA stenosis, dec volume, dec albumin
- post= dec drainage or dec fwd flow; GFR most det by hydrostatic pressure of glomerular cap pushing into glom space; dec GFR is hydrostatic press of bowmans spce inc instead (stone in bladder or both ureters, strictures, tumors, obstrxn)
- in prev both, kidney is normal; can transplant it and it will have normal fxn
- intra=tubular or glomerular prob and kidney itself is defective
ARF dx
- BUN high in all forms of renal failure
- can be falsely high with inc protein load in diet or GI bleed
- BUN falsely low with malnut, liver dis, or SIADH
- Creatinie is main measure of renal fxn; closest to gfr; inulin not naturally in body; slightly overest GFR bc some tubular secrxn of creat; creat is met prod of skeletal muscle; creat can be false low from dec muscle mass so adjust creat clearance for weight; creat inc .5-1pt/day even if pt anuric; .5–>1.5–>2 kidney dead
prerenal azotemia
- due to hypovolemia, hypotension (shocks), third spacing(addisons low aldo, peritonits, osmotic diuresis), low albumin nephrotic syn leads to dec renal perf
- chf, constrictive pericarditis, coarc of aorta: have edema and fluid overload but no perfusion of kidney so inc bun and creat
- BUN:cr = 20:1; low flow so theres inc time for urea to be absorbed but creat same amt excreted
- urine Na low (500 bc UNa low and concentrated urine; spec gravity inc shows Uosm inc
renal art stenosis
BUN:CR = 10:1
-this effect is highly exagerrated with acei which markedly diminishes renal perfusion bc theres high aldosterone state in RAStenosis
hepatorenal syn
- renal failure due to hepatic failure
- kidneys are normal
- intense constriction of afferent arteriole= dec renal perfusion (bc defect is in afferent its lab values are like prerenal)
- bun:cr 20:1, urine Na low, Fe low
- no improvement in renal failure after 1.5L saline is dx of this
- tx: tx underlying hepatic syndrome; fix liver kidney lives
ACEi effect on kidney
- acei induced renal failure is from vasodilation of efferent arteriole: dec GFR
- rise in BUn:cr if theres underlying renal insufficiency
- severe decline in renal fxn in bl renal art stenosis when starting acei
- overall dec progression to uremia and renal failure bc dec in intraglom htn
- dec proteinuria by 35-45%
- brief dec in gfr and long term benefits
kidneys afferent and efferent control
- afferent dilation by prostaglandins; inh by nsaids and cause vasoconstrxn (no good in Dm, HTN)
- efferent constriction inc gfr and its by angiontenin II; acei dialtes efferent and dec gfr
hepatopulm syn
- kindeys normal
- marked changes in sat levels with changes in body positions=orthodeoxia
- o2 sat drops when they sit up and theres an inc in A-a gradient
postrenal azotemia
- dec outflow of urine with bl obstrxn; stone in bladder obstructs both kidneys
- bladder ca, prostate hyper, bl ureteral dis(retroperitoneal fibrosis), neurogenic bladder (DM, MS); bl strictures
- Cr rises only when lost at least 70-80% of renal fxn
- initially 20:1 like prerenal then as permanent damage occurs it will lower to 10:1 such as in ATN
- early discovery imp; complete recovery possible until 10-14days of obstrxn
- ATN is mcc in hosp pts
- DX: distended bladder, bl hydronephrosis on renal sono or CT, or finding large vol of urine after passing foley
- after voiding there should be no more than 50mL of urine left in bladder
retroperitoneal fibrosis cause
-bleomycin, methotrexate, & methylsurgide(migraine med)
chemo man mneumonic
ears: cisplatin=deaf
arms: vincristine = periph neuropathy
lungs: bleomycin, busulfan
kidneys: cisplatin
bladder: cyclophosphamide=hemm cystitis
legs: vinblastin=peripheral neuropathy
acute tubular necrosis
- allergic, toxin, pigments (myoglobin, HB), crystals, calcium
- from hypoperfusion of kidney leading to such severe ischemia theres cell death ot from toxic inj to kidney like aminoglycosdie or amphotericin. this is from sepsis or after cardiac or aortic sx
- from combo of both ischemia and toxic inj; if ischemia is severe then tubular cells necrose and slough off into urine and become granular, muddy brown or pigmented casts
- longer duration of hypotension/hypoperfusion, the greater chance of ATNl; risk inc with toxic inj; ex risk of rhabdo causing renal failure is inc when theres hypoperf of kidney
three phases of atn
- prodromal: time between acute inj and onset of renal failure
- oligouric: <100ml/24hrs
- postoliguric= diuretic phase when all water not prev excreted will now leave the body in vigorous polyuria
ATN dx
- initial clue BUN:Cr close to 10:1
- hugh urine sodium, high FeNa,low osm bc dead cells dont work
- isosthenuria:osm same as serum osm
ATN tx
- hydration to make sure no prerenal
- diuretics like furosemide or mannitol dont reverse ATN
- nothing reverses it, like a sunburn, see if it corrects itself
- if life threatening then dialysis used
- dopamine doesnt work (inc splanchnic and renal perf)
allergic interstitial nephritis
- hsa fever, rash, eosinophils in urine, and happens in one dose
- allergies:kidney, stevens johnsons, drug induced hemolysis
- pcn, ceph, quinolones, sulfa(thiazides, lasix, acetazolamide), allopurinol, rifampin; nsaids,PPI
- infxns: leptospirosis, legionella, cmv, ricketssia, strep, SLE, sjogren, sarcoid, cryoglobulinemia
- joint pain common cuz AIN acts like serum sickness
- lab eosinophilia, eosinophiluria, hematuria, proteinuria, inc IgE levels,
- best initial test: UA looking for white cells but it cant distinguish eosin from wbc
- most accurate: hansel stain or wright stain of urine
- single most accurate: kidney bx but not necessary
- resolves spontaneously after stopping agent; if BUN and creat continue to rise then short course of steroid
- sudden severe crush injury(K out of cells), seizures, severe exertion, hypokalemia(bc causes musc to breakdown to inc K), hypophosphatemia, statins
- massive hemoglobinuria to cause RF only in ABO incompatibility
- pigmetn toxic to tubules and it precipitates
- toxicity degree related to duration of contact of tubular cells with Hb or Mb; compounded by dehydration so person who run a marathon has myoglobin release and poor kidney perfusion
rhabdo lab tests
- most imp is EKG or K level with severe crush inj or seizure bc acidosis and highK can cause arrhythmia; if peaked T waves give calcium gluconate or Ca choride
- best initial test is UA: dipstick positive for blood but no RBCs seenbc hb/MB reacts with an agent on stick and comes out as if RBCs present
- confirmed with high serum CPK enormously high 10,000-100,000. n<500
- met acidosis with dec serum bicarb, high phosphate from musc breakdown, low Ca from deposits of ca in damaged muscles
- very rapid rise of creatinine
- tx: hydration and mannitol as diuretic to dec duration of contact; alkalinize urine with bicarb may help stop precip of pigment in tubule
- inc K but no ekg changes: insulin/glucose, or bicarbonate
bence jone proteins cause tubular damage
- myeloma more commonly cause of nephritic
- myeloma: inc ca, amyloid, bence jones, ab clog the glomerulus
- mcc ethylene glycol OD suicide with antifreeze
- met acidosis with high anion gap with renal insuff
- dx: oxalate crystals on Ua; envelope shape
- Tx acute: ethanol or fomepizole infusion to prevent formation of ethylene metabolite oxalic acid; then disalysis used to removve the ethylene glycol; sodium bicarb canbe given to correct acidosis
-ch. hyperoxaluria and kidney stones bc of fat and Ca malabs
methanol vs ethanol s.e.
- methanol=optic neuritis “drank myself blind”
- ethanol: renal prob with ca oxalate stones
- tumor lysis syndrome
- this is why pts with leukemia or lymphona get vigorous hydration and allopurinol prior to getting chemo (allopurinol inh xanthine to hypoxanthine to uric acid)
- oxalate stones usually precipitate in alkalined urine
- uric acid stones precip in acidic urine
- allopurinol alkalinizes urine too so it reduces risk of uric acid nephopathy
- gout does it by same mech but slower
- mcc primary hyperparathyroidism
- sx if theres stones or renal impairment
- <5mm stone passed spontaneously
- stellate=star shaped
- staghorn-sx
- need more time >5days
- no therapy to reverse any sepecific cause
- no test to confirm, just check history
- tobramycin is least nephrotoxic vs genta and amikacin
- dec K and Mg predispose to toxicity
- has postab effect so one dose daily is only needed
-renal toxic and distal renal tubular acidosis
-high creatinine and dec Mg bicarb K.
atheroembolic dis
- renal failure after vasc catheter like angioplasty
- eosinophilia, low complement, blue discolor of fingers and toes, livedo reticulris(blue fishnet stocking of veins)
- most acc test: skin biopsy to see chol crystals
- no tx
contrast materials
- renal failure in 12-24hrs after use
- rise in creat peaks at 3-5days after injury
- bun:cr may be 20:1 bc it cuases afferent vasoconstrxn like prerenal
- prevent with hydration and n-acetylcysteine
50 year old male hx of SCD, nsaids, flank pain, fever, ua shows necrotic material
- papillary necrosis
- dx= spiral ct
- tx none
papillary necrosis
- hx of scd, db, urinary obstrxn, ch pyelonephritis
- SUDDEN onset flank pain, hematuria, pyuria, fever
- necrotic material in urine
- no growth of org onculture
- dx is ct scan (bumpy contours in renal pelvos where papilla sloughed off)
- no tx
prevention of contrast induced renal failure
- must hydrate with 1-2L normal saline over 12 hours before the procedure
- bicarb and n-acetyl cysteine also shown to dec risk
- diuretics dont work
- everywhere
- low urine sodium adn Fe<1% bc intense vasoconstrxn causes urine retention of Na
- single most imp dx test is renal bx; renal bx guides tx unline in tubular dis
- vascular dis
- GI, LUNGS,URI, jts, skin, eye, kidneys
- c-anca
- ch upper and lower resp illness not resp to ab
- high esr, anemia, inc wbc
- rheum factor + in 50%
- best initial test:antiproteinase 3 ab=canca
- most acc test: bx kidney/lung for granulomas
- tx cyclophosphamide and steroids
churg strauss
- asthma, eosinophils, inc eosinopils, allergic rxns
- PANCA=antimyeloperoxidase
- most acc lung bx granulomas&eosinophils
- tx glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide
- idiopathic d/o of only lung and renal
- anti basement membrane ab
- 1/3 have no lung inv and just hematuria and proteinuria
- hemosideren laden macrophages
- best initial test: level of anti basement memb ab to type IV collagen
- single most acc test: lung/kidney bx showing linear depostis on immunoflorescence
- tx: plasmapheresis and steroids. cyclophos may help
polyarteritis nodosa
- every organ EXCEPT LUNG
- most acc test: bx
- tx cyclophosphamide and steroids
- hep B in 10-30% PTS
- Abd pain mimicing mesenteric anemia and the pain occurs with eating; angiogram of vessels inv in GI tract can eliminate need for bx
- SURAL NERVE is freq location for bx
- panca only in a minorty of pts
- tx steroids and cyclophosphamide
henoch schonlein
- no lung.uri involved
- igA deposits in mult tissues getting renal insuff, skin lesions, gi sym, tetrad of palapable purpura,
- acc test: bx of inv tissue but rare bc most often resolves spontaneously
- next best step? nothing, self limited
- steroids can be used if dis progressive
- bx= leucocytoclastic effect (WBC attack
IgA nephropathy (Berger dis)
- presents with mild hematuria that resolves spont in 30%pts; ~40-50% progress ESRD
- from igA deposits but only in kidney
- asian pt with recent URI or pharyngitis who gets hematuria 1-2days later (poststrep occurs 1-2weeks later)
- igA inc in only 50%pts, complement levels normal, dx bx bc igA level not reliable
- tx: acei/arbs with proteinuria, with massive proteinuria use steroids
- fish oil value marginal