cardio Flashcards
EKG left ventricle hypertrophy
- Sokolow lyon cirteria: S in V1 and R in V5 >35mm
2. cornell criteria: R in aVL and S in v3 >28mm in men and >20mm in women
EKG right ventricle hypertrophy
Right axis deviation (lead I down and lead II up) and R wave in V1 >7mm
WilliaM MorroW
LBBB W shape in v1v2 and M shape in v5v6
RBBB M shape in v1v2 w shape in v5v6
ischemis vs infarct
ischemia ST deperession
infarctions (MI) ST elevation
testing for chest pain order
c/p –> EKG –> stress test (+ is ST dep 2mm) –> angiogram –> cabg if 3 vessel dis or left main coronary artery disease or 2 vessel disease in DM; Angioplasty otherwise
systolic murmurs and distinguishing charac
- AS: harsh sys ejxn murmur,radiation to coratid
- MR: holosystolic, radiation to axilla
- MVP: midsys click
diastolic murmurs and distinguishing charac
- always abnormal
- AR: early decrescendo
- MS: mid to late low pitched murmur
sinus bradycardia
- <60, hypotn, lightheaded, BB/CCB excess
- atropine
- pacemaker for chronicity
(a) transcut pacer acutely
(b) transvenous chronically
s3 s4 gallops
- s3 dilated, MV dis, normal in young adults and in pregnancy high output pts
- s4: hypertrophied, hnt, diastolic dysfxn with stiff ventricle, AS, normal in younger pts and athletes
pulsus paradoxus
pericardial tamponade, COPD, asthma, tension pneumo, foreign body in airwway
pulsus alternans
cardiac tamponade
pulsus et tardus
Htn Endocrine Anemia Rheumatic heart dis Toxins Failure to take meds Arrhytmia Infxn Lung (PE) Electrolytes Diet (excess Na)
first degree AV block
- can be in normal pts; inc vagal tone; inc bb/ccb use, aging, digitalis
- asymp
- pr prolonged >200msec
- no tx
2nd degree av block type 1
wenckeback, going going gone
- drug effects or inc vagal tone; SA node dis; right coronary art dis
- asym usually
- no tx;atropine or pacemaker if unstable
2nd degree av block type 2
- unexpected dropped beats without a change in PR interval, fixed PR and drop
- fibrotic dis of condxn system, prior MI
- sometimes syncope, PROGRESSES TO 3RD DEGREE
Third degree av block
- no electrical communication between atria and ventricle
- cannon a waves
- no relation between waves
sick sinus syn (tachy-bradycardia syn)
heterogenous do of abn in supravent impulse gen and condxn that lead to intermittent supravent tachy and bradyarrhythmias
sinus tach
normal response to fear etc, hyperthy, infxn, PE, volume contrxn
- CHADS2 SCORE: CHF, HTN, age >75, DM, stroke/TIA
anticoag if >48h, beta blockers to control rate, CCB/cardiovert if new onset <48h or if TEE shows no left atrial clot or after 3-6 weeks of warfarin with INR 2-3, Digoxin - risk of thrombotic event is the same whether pt is sym or asym
- rate vs rhythm: RACE vs AFFIRM trial
- BB or digoxin doc in CHF
- pharmocologic cardioversion: if have to then amiodarone, dofetilide, flecainide, ibutilide, propafenone, quinidine
- newer tx: catheter ablation: MAZE procedure; foci from pulm veins MC; destroys ectopic source
sawtooth, rate of 300bpm
1. tx anticoag and rate control; cardiovert if unstable
multifocal atrial tach (MAT)
- multiple p waves
- copd or resp dis thats why not mx with bb
- narrow q waves, 3 or more unique p waves, rate >100
av nodal reentry tacharrhythmia (AVNRT)
- dep atria and vent simultaneous;y
- palpitations, sob, angina, syncope
- rate 150-250; p wave buried in qrs or shortly after
- tx coratic massage, valsalva, adenosine, cardiovert if unstable
av reciprocating tachy (AVRT)
WPW, retrograde p wave seen after a normal qrs, same tx as avnrt
paroxysmal atrial tachy
rapid ectopic pacemaker in atrium (not sa node)
- rate >100; `160, p wave with an unusual axis before each qrs
- adenosine can be used to unmask underlying atrial activity; cures 90%
- can use verapamil also if not working then bb/ccb/digoxin
premature ventricular contrxn
ectopic source in vent, assoc with hypoxia, electrolytes, hyperthy
- asym usually, palpitations
- early wide qrs not precip by p wave; usually followed by a compensatory pause
- tx cause; unstbale then bb or others
cad, mi, ischemia, electrolytes, can progress to vfib
- 3+ PVCs
- cardiovert if unstable and antiarrhtymics (amiodarone, lidocaine, procainamide)
cad, heart dis, cardiac arrest
1. immediate cardiovert and acls
long qt syndrome, proarrhythmic response to meds, low K, congential deafness
1. correct hypokalamia, give mg initially and cardiovert if unstabel
unstable cardioconvert
stable procainamide doc
avoid bb ccb digoxin bc can block condxn and force condxn around av node
1. long term ablation
CHF tx
- high risk but nothing: tx risks, acei for dm, atheroscelrotic dis, htn
- with structural heart dis (MI, left vent sys dysfxn, valve) = acei, bb
- with prior or current sym+ DIURETICS, acei, bb, digitalis, salt restrxn
- marked sym despite meds= mech assist, heart transplant, cont iv inotropes, hospice
- dobutamine used acutely to inc contrxn and dec afterload with hydralazine/nitrates; digoxin and acei used chronically
classification of chf
- no limit of act
II = slight limit, comfortable at rest or with mild exertion
III = marked limitation of act, comfortable only at rest
IV confined to complete rest
left sided CHF
pulm edema, rales, bl basilar rales, pleural effusions, orthopnea,