neoplasms and cancers Flashcards
prostate cancer?
gnerally slow -growing, malignant neoplams of the adenomatous cells
what can Pr. CA lead to?
urinary obstruction and metastatic disase
where do th)e majority of pr Ca originate?
in the peripheral zone (outer portion that is palpable on rectal exam)
then the transition zone (portion that surrounds the urethra)
then the central zone (ejaculatory ducts)
epidemiology of pr cancer
most common non-skin cancer in men
what are some risk factors for Pr, Can?
genetic predisposition, hormonal influence, dietary and environmental factors, infectious agents
*** old age
what can be used for Pr cancer screening?
what are the clinical features of Pr. Ca?
+many asx
+ urinary obstruction or irritative voiding if tumor invaded into the urethra, bladder neck, or trigone of the bladder
+enlarged, nodular, asymmetric prostate
where may Pr Ca metastasize?
bone! may lead to possilbe spinal cord impingement if the vertebral bodies are involved
what dx studies can be done for Pr ca?
+PSA usually elevated
+patholgical exam
+ transrectal US
+may see incrased LFTs (alk phos)
what would apathologic exam of tissue reveal in Pr. Ca?
obstructive prostatic hyperplasia shows that 10% have malignancy
what would a US show for Pr ca?
hypoechoic lesions in prostate
what confirms the dx of prostate cancer?
biopsy; and allows histolgical grading
what grading system is used for prostate cancer?
the Gleason: adds together the pimary and secondary grades of the tumor; final score btw 2-10
*higher score, worse prognosis
tx of pro. c?
depends on staging
what dx tools/imaging is used to stage pros cancern?
abdominal/pelvic CT or MRI, pelvic lymphandencetomy, bone scan
low grade prs tumors
may not need tx
stages A and B pr cancer tx?
tumore confined to prostate
tx with Radical retropubic* prostatectomy (RRP), brachytheraphy, or external beam radiation therapy
stage C Pr. cancer tx?
tumor w/ local invasion; tx the same as stage A and B
stage D pr cancer tx?
hormonal manipulation using orchiectomy, antiandrogens, LH agonists, estrogens
palliative care
what is brachytheraphy?
are radiated and implanted in prostate They remain in prostate even after radiation has degraded about 60 days.
This treatment is best for localized, contained cancer.
bladder cancer general features?
uroepithelial tumors
+most are transitional cell carcinomas