neonate, injury, intersx Flashcards
The AGPAR 5min score
Indicative of response to resuscitation
Neonatal exams involves biochemical or hematologic tests
The first respiratory effort occurs within how many sec of life
Structures liable to intra cranial injury
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Great cerebral vein
Medication used in intracranial injuries
Vit K and sedatives(Phenobarb)
Nature of fractures of the newborn
usually complete and not greenstick
Fracture of which bone is common
Long bones
Difference between caput succ.. and cephalhematoma in terms of crossing suture
Cephalhematoma does not cross suture lines.
Sternocleidomastoid muscle is bruised or lacerated
Facial parlaysis
Damage to facial nerve
Erb’s palsy
Damage to roots of the brachial plexus C5 & 6
Klumpke’s paralysis
Injury to nerve roots C7, 8 and T1
Is the female sex differentiation neutral
Cause of virilization of female external genitalia
Enzymatic defect leading to increased ACTH production resulting in adrenal hyperplasia and increased production of adrenal androgens