Neonatal Care Flashcards
The period before labor and delivery
An absence of spontaneous respirations
A congenital anomaly in which an opening exists between the heart’s two upper chambers.
atrial septal defect (ASD)
Cyanosis of the tongue and mucous membranes; usually reflects decreased saturation of the hemoglobin in arterial blood.
central cyanosis
A bony or membranous occlusion that blocks the passageway between the nose and pharynx. It can result in serious ventilation problems in the newborn.
choanal atresia
An incomplete closure of the newborn’s lip that occurs when one or more fissures fail to fuse in the embryo.
cleft lip
An incomplete closure in the soft/hard palate of the roof of the mouth that runs along its midline; occurs when one or more fissures fail to fuse in the embryo.
cleft palate
A congenital defect in which there is narrowing or constriction of the aorta
coarctation of the aorta (CoA)
A condition that occurs when the body is unable to warm itself
cold stress
Defects that occur during fetal development
congenital abnormalities
A herniation of abdominal structures into the pleural cavity through a defect in the diaphragm. Often caused by improper fusion of pleuroperitoneal membranes that separate the chest from the abdomen during fetal development
diaphragmatic hernia
The incomplete formation or abnormal development of the esophagus
esophageal atresia
An abdominal wall defect in which the anterior abdomen does not close properly, allowing the intestines to protrude outside the fetus.
A condition in which the heart’s left side, including the aorta, aortic valve, left ventricle, and mitral valve, is underdeveloped.
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
A congenital defect caused by abnormal rotation of the intestine around the superior mesenteric artery during embryonic development.
intestinal malrotation