Neon Prey By John Samdford Flashcards
Compiled by chickens
Составлены (подготовлены) курами
Filing cabinet \ ˈfī-liŋ \
Картотечный шкаф с выдвижными ящиками
Dowel \ ˈdau̇(-ə)l
Шпонка, штифт, дюбель
Our bodies are designed to perform these activities in a balanced and Reciprocal pattern /ri’siprekl/
На сбалансированной и Взаимной основе
Stop slumping
Перестань падать
A few minutes a day of mindfulness
Осознанность (полнота сознания)
Be proactive
Будь инициативным
If your pain is sciatic /sai’atik/
Седалищный нерв (ишиас)
The soldiers kept the attackers at bay.
The doctors have been able to keep her illness at bay for several months
In the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone (на расстоянии)
He is being rude and inconsiderate
Not thinking about the rights and feelings of other people: not considerate (бесцеремонный, невнимательный)
Внимательный к другим, деликатный, тактичный
After 60 seasons of its main series and ‘myriad spin-offs
Something that is ‘imitative or derivative /di’rivetiv/ of an earlier work, product, or establishment / фильм на основе попул. романа, продолжение успешн. сериала, новое телешоу с любимыми персонажами и т.п.