Neoaves: Core water birds Flashcards
Loons (Gaviiformes)
- Foot propelled divers
- Tarsi Laterally compressed
- Streamlined body
- Spear shaped bills-fish
- Young ride on back
- Live 20-28 yrs
(Sphenisciformes) Penguins-Southern Oceans
18 species
- Flightless-wings modified as flippers, can’t fold
- Dive to 800m for 30 min
- Bones not hollow
- Feathers not in tracts; dense waterproof
(Procelliifromes) Tube nosed seabirds: albatross (wolrdwide), petrels(all oceans), shearwaters (all oceans), diving petrels (southern), storm petrels
147 species
- Tubular nostrils
- Hooked bills
- Salt excreting glands
- Pelagic
- Most monogamous
- Parents/young squirt fowl smelling stomach oil at intruders
(Ciconiformes) Long legged wading birds: Storks
19 species
- Short toes partially webbed
- No syrinx
- Many breed colonially, some place stick nests in trees
(Suliformes) Aquatic Birds: frigate birds, boobies, cormorants, anhingas
61 species
- Gular pouch
- Totipalmate
- Oceans + inland waters
- Tropical oceans
- Gliders
- Sexually dimorphic
- Kleptoparasites + predators
Gannets + Boobies
Tropical and temperate oceans
- External nostrils closed, breathe through mouth
- Colonial, incubate with vascularized feet
- Dive into water for fish
Tropical oceans
- Snake birds
- Don’t have waterproof feathers
All continents and oceans
- Foot propelled divers-dive out of water first
- External nostrils closed
- Some flightless
(Pelicaniformes) Herons, bitterns, egrets, Ibises, spoonbills, pelicans
118 species
-Tropic, some temperate
Herons, bitterns, egrets
- Long neck-modified vertebrae-spears, s-shaped in flight
- Pectinate middle toe
- Powder down
- Rookeries
Africa, Madagascar
- Monotypic
- Live near water
- Crepuscular/twilight
- Huge roofed nest
- Monotypic
- Marshes
- Massive, hooked bulbous bill
- Transports water to nestling
- Powder down
All continents
-Totipalamate feet
(Opsicothomiformes) Hoatzin
1 species
- Monotypic
- Folivorous
- Crop=fermentation chamber
- Small sternum, bad fliers