Nematology Flashcards
Nematode word
Greek word … meaning - Thread worm
1st plant parasitic nematode
Anguina tritici. Reported by Needham (1743)
In India reported by Milne (1919),in Punjab
Maximum plant parasitic nematode (ppn)are
Most damaging ppn are
Meledogyne belongs to group of
Sedentary endoparasites
Nematological society of India was established in
1969, In New Delhi,under IARI
Oesophagus lumen of nematode is
Triradiate in nature
Cuticle of nematode
chitin ❌
#Non cellular,non living layer
#serve as Exoskeleton
#help in respiration 🫁 and excretion
No of lips surrounding nematode mouth
Nematodes that are parasites of plants and animals
Study of Helminthes
Dolichodorus spp.
Awl Nematode
Leaf and bud nematode
Aphlenchoides spp.
Burrowing nematode
Radhopholus similis
Cereal cyst nematode
Haterodera avenea
Chrysanthemum foliar nematode
Aphlenchoides ritzema bosi
Citrus nematode
Tylenchulus semi penetrans
Coconut red ring nematode
Redinaphelwnchus cocophilus
Cystoid nematode
Meloidodera spp.
Dagger nematode
Xiphinema spp.
Golden cyst nematode
Globodera rosto chiensis
False root knot nematode
Nacobbus batati formis
Lance Nematode
Haplolaimus spp.
Lesion nematode
Paratylenchus spp.