LPM Flashcards
*Milk fat 7%
*Jet black colour body
*Highest milk producing breed of buffalo 🐃
*Tightly curled horn.
It is the most important breeds of buffaloes whosehome is Rohtak, Hissar and Jind of Haryana, Nabhaof Punjab and southern part of Delhi state
.• This is also known as Delhi, Kundi ,Kali & Black Gold.
• The colour is usually jet black with white markingson tail and face extremities sometimes found.
• The tightly curved horn is important character in thisbreed
.• The buffalo cows of this breed are one of the mostefficient milk and butter fat producers in India.
• Butter fat content is 7%
Average lactation yieldis vary from 1500-2500 kg
the average milkyield is 6.8 kg/day.
*found in Sutlej valley in Ferozpur district of Punjab
and in the Sahiwal district of Pakistan
*known as Panch kalyani / Panchabhadra.•
#black with white marking onforehead, face, muzzle, legs and tail
#depressedbetween eyes
#wall eyes & 5 white markings
.• The horns are small and coiled tightly
This breed is found in Sutlej valley in Ferozpurdistrict of Punjab and in the Sahiwal district of Pakistan.(bred around Ravi river).
Also known as Panch kalyani / Panchabhadra.• Usually the colour is black with white marking onforehead, face, muzzle, legs and tail.• The most desired character of the female is the possession of white markings.• The head is elongate, bulging at top and depressedbetween eyes. The muzzle is fine.• The peculiarity of the breed is the wall eyes & 5 white markings.• The horns are small and coiled tightly. The neck islong, thin and fine.• The milk yield is 1500-1850 kg per lactation and theinter calving period is 500-550 days and age at firstcalving is 45-50 months.
Heavyest buffalo…sleepy eye
Dropping horns
#The horns are heavy, inclined to droop at each sideof the neck and then turning up at point, but less tightly curved than in Murrah
*Mal dharis
• These are massive animals found in their pure formin Gir forests. The breeding tract of this breed is Kutch, and Jamnagar districts of Gujarat
.• The head and neck are massive. The forehead isvery prominent, wide with a slight depression in themiddle.
• The horns are heavy, inclined to droop at each sideof the neck and then turning up at point, but lestightly curved than in Murrah (drooping horns).• The colour is usually black.• The average milk yield is 1000 to 1200 kg. Theseanimals are mostly maintained by traditionalbreeders called Maldharis, who are nomads.• The bullocks are heavy and used for ploughing andcarting.
Breeding state - Gujarat
Sickle shape horn
Two white collar….one round the jaw…other at the brisket
8 - 12% milk fat 😊
• The breeding tract of this breed is Kaira and Barodadistrict of Gujarat.• Coat colour varies from rusty brown to silver-grey. Skin isblack or brown.
• The body is well shaped and medium sized; the barrel is wedge shaped. The head is long with prominent eyes.• The horns are sickle shaped, moderately long and flat.• The colour is black or brown• The peculiarity of the breed is two white collars, oneround the jaw and the other at the brisket.• The milk yield ranges from 900 to 1300 kg.• The age at first calving is 40-50 months with a intercalvingperiod of 400-500 days.• The peculiarity of this breed is very high fat percentage inmilk (8-12per cent).
*Longest lactation period in buffaloes…
*Cross breed of Surti and Murrah
#only buffalo 🦬 with black 🖤 switch of tail
• Mehsana is a dairy breed of buffalo found in Mehsana town in Gujarat and adjoining Maharastra state.•
Body is mostly black; a few animals are black-brownin colour.
• The breed is supposed to have been evolved outof crossbreeding between the Surti and the Murrah.
• The body is longer than in Murrah and the limbs lighter.
The head is longer and heavier.
• The horns usually are less curved at the end compared to Murrah breed but are longer and couldbe of irregular shape.
• The milk yield is 1200-1500 kg
.• The breed is supposed to have good persistency
.• The intercalving period ranges between 450-550 days.
Highest fat % in Buffaloes (14%)
Wedge shape body
Copper colour body coat 🧥
👁️ Eye lids are copper or brown
• Home tract of the breed is Agra and Etawah districtof Uttar Pradesh and Gwalior district of MadhyaPradesh.
• The body is usually light or copper coloured is apeculiarity of this breed. Eye lids are generally copper or light brown colour.
• Two white lines ‘Chevron’ are present at thelower side of the neck.
• Horns are black, curling slightly outward, downwardbefore running backward parallel and close to neck,and finally turning upward.• The average milk yield is 800 to 100 kg.
• The bullocks are good draught animal with high heat tolerance.
• The fat content varies from 6 to 14 per cent. Thisbreed is an efficient converter of coarse feed intobutterfat and is known for it high butter fat content.
Two white lines ‘Chevron’ are present at thelower side of the neck.•
This breed is an efficient converter of coarse feed intobutterfat and is known for it high butter fat content.
Horns are black, curling slightly outward, downwardbefore running backward parallel and close to neck,and finally turning upward.
sword shaped horns).• Horns of this type have a distinct advantage that they help the animals to protect themselves from wild animals and also easy to move in the forest
Nagpuri / Ellichpuri
The breeding tract of this breed is Nagpur, Akola and Amrawati districts of Maharashtra
.• These are black coloured animal with white patches on face, legs and tail.
• This is also called as Elitchpuri or Barari
.• The horns are long, flat and curved, bendingbackward on each side of the back almost toshoulder(sword shaped horns).
• Horns of this type have a distinct advantage thatthey help the animals to protect themselves fromwild animals and also easy to move in the forest.
• The face is long and thin. The neck is somewhatlong.
• The average milk yield is 700-1200 kg per lactation.
• The age at first calving is 45-50 months with aninter-calving period of 450-550 days..
Grey skin…most violent breed of buffalo
*Toda breed of buffaloes is named after anancient tribe, Toda of Nilgiris of south India.
.• Coat colour of the calf is generally fawn at birth.
• In adult the predominate coat colours are fawnand ash-grey.
• These buffaloes are quite distinct from otherbreeds and are indigenous to Nilgiri hills.
• The animals have long body, deep and broadchest, and short and strong legs.
• The head is heavy with horns set well apart,curving inward outward and forward.
• Thick hair coat is found all over the body. Theyare gregarious in nature & crescent shapehorn.
Greyish white stockings from carpal/tarsal joint to fetlock are present predominantly in females.
– Tamil Nadu
• Coat colors vary from black to light brown or brownish black. Greyish white stockings from carpal/tarsal joint to fetlock are present predominantly in females.
• These buffaloes are maintained under extensivesystem and are reared for manure, milk andmeat (male calves are sold for cara-beef)
.• The animals are adapted to graze in the hillyterrain due its small size (about 102cm inheight).
• The milk yield of the animals ranges from 1.5 to2.0 liters per day and mainly used for house holdconsumption.
Bullocks are excellent draftanimals for carting and plowing especially in amuddy field for paddy cultivation.
Luit (Swamp)Assam and Manipur• These are swamp buffaloes having 48 diploidsno. of chromosome (2N) and distributed mostlyin upper Brahmaputra valley of Assam. These arealso found in some areas of Mizoram, Manipur,and Nagaland bordering Assam. Luit is amedium-sized black colored buffalo with acompact body and strong built up. The foreheadis broad with a conical face and wide muzzle.Eyes are prominent. Horns are broad at thebase, curved upward to form a semi-circle andtaper to a narrow tip. Light white stockings upto the knee and hock joint are present in bothfore and hind legs. The tail is short reaching upto the hocks. The udder is bowl-shaped andsmall in size. Lactation milk yield ranges from385 to 505kg. Bullocks are excellent draftanimals for carting and plowing especially in amuddy field for paddy cultivation.
The horns are very long extending beyondshoulder blade, sometimes up to pinbones…
• Native of Kolhapur, Solapur districts in southMaharashtra.
• Body colour varies from light black to deepblack.
• It is medium sized animal having longnarrow face, very prominent and straightnasal bone, comparatively narrow frontalbone and long compact body.
• Typical characteristic of this breed is itshorns which are very long, curved backward,upward and usually twisted outwards. Thehorns are very long extending beyondshoulder blade, sometimes up to pinbones
Horns reach up to the shoulder unlike in Pandharpuri buffaloes.
Marathwadi Maharastra
• Colour: Greyish black to jet black. Someanimals have white Marking son foreheadand lower parts of the limbs
• Horn Shape & Size: Horns are parallel to theneck, reaching up to shoulder but neverbeyond shoulder blade. Medium in length
• Visible Characteristic: Length of horns differentiates these buffaloes from Pandharpuri buffaloes. Horns reach up to the shoulder unlike in Pandharpuri buffaloes.
• Home tract: Kalahandi & Rayagada districts
• Colour: Coat colour is usually a mix of black andgrey, light colour grey to ash grey.
• Horn Shape & Size: Horizontal going backwards,upward, and inward, Curved to make half circleappearance. About 50 cm long
• Visible Characteristic: Tail extends below hock
• Type: Dual
• Production traits: LL-282 days, LMY-820 -830Ltrs, Milk fat-8.07%.
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