Nematodes (roundworms) Flashcards
strongyloides stercoralis
cutaeneous reaction and allergic reaction at skin
pulmonary, intestinal symptoms
hyperinfection in immunosupressed leads to sepsis, ARDS
diagnose with rhabditiform larvae in stool
necator americanus
ancylostoma duodenale
filiariform enters skin and carried to heart and lungs, break into alveoli, taken to intestines
itch, pneumonitis
IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA- sucks blood in the intestine has to be warm, moist climate in soil
eggs- thin shell, oval, round ends embryo in 8-16 cell stage
Cutaneous infections nematodaes
strongyloides stercoralis ancylostoma duodenale necator americanus get in feet from SANd! you shit out rhabditiform larva that gets back into soil, where it develops into filariform
Ingested infections nematodes
enterobius vermicularis
ascaris lumbrocoides
trichinella spiralis
don’t EAT that!
enterobius vermicularis- pinworm
adult worm in intestine- female migrates to anus at night and lays eggs perianally
become infective in 4-6 hours
eggs hatch in duodenum and develop in 10-30 days
cannot diagnose in stool, need scotch tape test with eggs clear and flattened on one side
ascaris lumbrocoides
adult worms in intestine, eggs passed in feces, larvae hatch from egg after ingestion and penetrate the gut
clin- pneumonitis, bowel obstruction
adults 30-40 cm, eggs oval to elongate with bumpy shell
diagnose with eggs or adults in stool
Toxocara canis
food contaminated with eggs- visceral larva migrans, causes granulomas in retina, mimics rb