Negligence-Legal Causation Flashcards
Wright v Lodge
legal causation
‘Not every cause ‘without which not’ – or ‘but for’ – is regarded as a relevant cause in law.’
Staughton LJ, 132.
Lodge’s recklessness had broken the chain of causation. Even though the presence of Miss Shepherd’s car was a factor in the pile up, it was not a factor that had any legal significance in light of Lodge’s unwarranted and unreasonable behaviour. Shepherd could not have reasonably foreseen that another driver would intentionally or recklessly collide with her car; however, she could have been held liable if the other driver had merely been driving negligently (as was in Rouse v Squires – 1973).
Lodge was not merely negligent but reckless, driving at 60 mph in bad weather conditions. Hence, he was held liable for the injuries sustained by the victims. Nonetheless, the court determined that Miss Shepherd should contribute 10% to the compensation for her passenger.
It was late at night, and there was a very thick fog outside. Miss Shepherd’s car broke down on a carriageway, and it was determined that she acted negligently by leaving it on the carriageway. Though she tried to restart the car, it couldn’t. Mr. Lodge, a lorry driver, who was driving too fast, collided with the abandoned car, and then swerved across the central reservation, causing multiple other vehicles to pile up. Mr. Wright was injured as his car was hit, and another person was killed. Lodge asserted that Shepherd was partly to blame for the pile up because it was initially caused by her negligence in that she did not move her vehicle off the road.
Gray v Thames Trains Ltd [2009] UKHL 3
legal causation - supervening event
‘All these cases raise in one form or another the question: on what disabling supervening events is the initial tortfeasor entitled to rely to reduce or extinguish the consequences of his tort? Put another way: from what further misfortunes of the claimant should the tortfeaser be held entitled to benefit?’ Lord Brown at [98]
[75]–[76] ‘Why should the defendants pay damages on the basis that, but for his PTSD, the claimant would have been able to work after 19 August, when, as the court knows, because of the manslaughter, at all material times after that date he was actually in some form of lawful detention which prevented him from working?
The claimant’s approach is, to say the least, unreal. If that were the worst that could be said against it, it might stand in the uncomfortable company of Baker v Willoughby.’
= C cannot claim for loss of earnings bc the reason why he could not earn was because he was lawfully detained. The courts are prepared to look at what has happened subsequently.
The claimant was a passenger on a train which crashed due to the defendant’s negligence. He suffered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to his experiences, which caused his personality to change radically. The claimant went on to kill a person because of their disorder. As a result, he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after establishing the defence of diminished responsibility. The judge sentenced him to a hospital order under the Mental Health Act 1983.
The claimant sued the defendant in negligence. He claimed damages for the consequences of his manslaughter: including loss of reputation, emotional distress, and indemnity for any potential claims made by his victim’s dependants. He also claimed damages for the consequences of his sentence: loss of liberty and lost earnings during the period of his detention. The defendant argued that they were not liable for any of these losses. They argued that the defence of illegality prevented the claimant from recovering losses for the consequences of his own criminal acts.
Baker v Willoughby [1970] AC 467,
legal causation - supervening event
‘[The defendant’s argument] must not be allowed to succeed, because it produces manifest injustice. The supervening event has not made the plaintiff less lame nor less disabled nor less deprived of amenities. It has not shortened the period over which he will be suffering. It has made him more lame, more disabled, more deprived of amenities. He should not have less damages through being worse off than might have been expected.’
NB: this decision was subject to criticism => we must ignore the subsequent events, and this area of law was revisited in Jobling but the judges distinguished Jobling rather than overruling Baker.
The House of Lords held in favour of the claimant. The later cause was ‘concurrent’ with the original cause. As such, the defendant should be taken to have caused the claimant’s losses even after the date of the later cause. The claimant’s damages should not be reduced, as a result.
This Case is Authority For…
If a later injury is ‘concurrent’ with the injury the defendant inflicted, damages should not be reduced to reflect the fact that the claimant would have suffered the loss in any event.
What exactly this case decides is unclear. In particular, it is unclear when an injury will be deemed ‘concurrent’. This is because the decision in Baker seemingly conflicts with the House of Lords decision in Jobling v Associated Dairies [1982] AC 794. In Jobling, the House of Lords distinguished and criticised Baker, but did not overrule it.
There are two ways of interpreting this case:
A subsequent tortious cause will not break the chain of causation between the defendant’s tort and the ongoing injury;
A subsequent non-natural cause will not break the chain of causation between the defendant’s tort and the ongoing injury.
The claimant was about to cross the road. He had a clear view, and could see one car when he looked right. When he crossed the road, he was struck by the defendant’s car. The defendant had overtaken the only car the claimant had seen and had not taken action to evade the claimant. The claimant suffered serious injuries to his leg as a result. Before trial, the claimant was mugged and shot in the same leg. The leg had to be amputated. The claimant sued the defendant in negligence.
1. Could the claimant recover damages after the point at which he would have lost the use of his leg in any event?
Jobling v Associated Dairies [1982] AC 794,
supervening event
Lord Edmund-Davies at 808-9:
‘My Lords, it is a truism that cases of cumulative causation of damage can present problems of great complexity. I can formulate no convincing juristic or logical principles supportive of the decision of this House in Baker v Willoughby, and none were there propounded.’
Lord Keith of Kinkel at 815:
‘In proceedings against the first tortfeasor alone, the occurrence of the second tort cannot be successfully relied on by the defendant as reducing the damages which he must pay. That, in substance, was the result of the decision in Baker v Willoughby, where the supervening event was a tortious act, and to that extent the decision was, in my view, correct.’
= rationale for distinguishing the cases: in Jobling, the development of the condition is unrelated to a subsequent tort.
Held: Held, that the supervening illness could not be disregarded, the court had to take into account all factors in assessing compensation.
D was liable only for negligence loss of earnings in the intervening period between the back injury and C’s development myelopathy
- ReconcilingBaker v WilloughbyandJobling
- Where the supervening event is tortious, there is no reduction in damages:Baker
- But where the supervening event is non-tortious and a vicissitude of life, there is a reduction:Jobling
Facts: Mr Jobling, a butcher, slipped on the floor at his place of work due to his employer’s negligence. He injured his back which caused him to reduce his earning capacity to 50% of what it was. He then developed an independent back condition which was unrelated to the injury which left him unable to work. The trial judge appliedBaker v Willoughbyand held that the claimant was entitled to recover damages beyond the onset to the back condition. The employer appealed.
Lamb v Camden LBC [1981] QB 625,
intervening act - third party
Lord Denning at 637:
‘The truth is that all these three—duty, remoteness and causation— are all devices by which the courts limit the range of liability for negligence.’
Oliver LJ at 642:
‘Few things are less certainly predictable than human behaviour and if one is asked whether in any given situation a human being may behave idiotically, irrationally, or even criminally, the answer must always be that that is a possibility, for every society has its proportion of idiots and criminals. It cannot be said that you cannot foresee the possibility that people will do stupid or criminal acts, because people are constantly doing stupid or criminal acts. But the question is not what is foreseeable merely as a possibility but what would the reasonable man actually foresee if he thought about it.’
Issue: was the council liable for the damage caused by the squatters?
Held: D was not liable for the damage caused by the squatters.
Facts: C owned this house which had been rented out to a tenant – the Ds were the council. The latter were replacing a sewer nearby and in the course of doing so broke water pipe and the water undermined the foundation of C’s house. As a result, the tenant moved out, C arranged for repairs to the house and put the furniture in storage and went back to New York. While C was away, squatter moved int the house and caused damage to the property.
Knightley v Johns [1982] 1 WLR 349
intervening act - third party
367: ‘the inspector’s negligence was not a concurrent cause running with the first defendant’s negligence, but a new cause disturbing the sequence of events leading from the first defendant’s overturning of his car to the plaintiff’s accident and interrupting the effect of it.’
D1 was not liable as D2’s negligence constituted a break in the chain of causation
D2 was liable for C’s injury
**Principle : ‘Negligent conduct is more likely to break the chain of causation than conduct which is not; positive acts will more easily constitute new causes than inaction.’ **
D1’s negligent driving caused the blocking of a busy tunnel
D2, the police inspector, negligently forgot to close the tunnel and ordered C (a policeman) to drive back against the traffic to do so
C was hit by D3, another negligent driver
The judge held that only D1 was wholly responsible for the injury
McKew v Holland [1969] 3 All ER 1621
intervening act - claimant
Lord Reid:
‘If a man is injured in such a way that his leg may give way at any moment he must act reasonably and carefully… [If] the injured man acts unreasonably he cannot hold the defender liable for injury caused by his own unreasonable conduct. His unreasonable conduct is novus actus interveniens… A defender is not liable for a consequence of a kind which is not foreseeable. But it does not follow that he is liable for every consequence which a reasonable man could foresee.’
Held: he had broken the chain of causation by taking this flight of stairs knowing his condition
Principle: An unreasonable act by victim was results in further injury amounts to break in the chain of causation in negligence
Facts: C had been injured at work and as a result he sometimes lost control of his left leg. Once he was descending a steep flight of stairs without handrail and no support. He felt his leg give away, he landed heavily fracturing his ankle.
Wieland v Cyril Lord Carpets [1969] 3 All ER 1006
intervening act - claimant
‘It can be said that it is foreseeable that one injury may affect a person’s ability to cope with the vicissitudes of life and thereby a cause of another injury and if foreseeability is required… foreseeability of this general nature will, in my view, suffice.’
D was liable for C’s further injuries
The chain of causation was not broken as C walking down the steps was not unreasonable
D’s negligence caused C to wear a neck brace which restricted her ability to use her bifocal glasses
C missed a step on a staircase and fall down some steps, sustaining further injuries
Issue: did C’s act of going down the stairs break the chain of causation
Reeves v Commissioner of Police [1999] 3 WLR 363
intervening act - claimant - suicide
‘an independent act superseding the effect of the tortious conduct must, in my view, relate to an act which was outwith (outside) the contemplated scope of events to which the duty of care was directed.’
Where such a duty is specifically directed at the prevention of the occurrence of a certain event I cannot see how it can be said that the occurrence of that event amounts to an independent act breaking the chain of causation from the breach of duty, even although it may be unusual for one person to come under a duty to prevent another person deliberately inflicting harm on himself.’
= here the very act was the object of the duty
D was liable
* A duty of care can arise in respect of persons under D’s custody as there is a relationship of control
* A deliberate act that D was under a duty to prevent cannot amount to a break in the chain of causation or a voluntary assumption of risk but it can amount to contributory negligence
Man committed suicide in jail, despite the police being warned that he was a suicide risk
The judge found that he was of sound mind
C, as administratrix of the man’s estate, sued the police commissioner (D) for negligence in failing to prevent the man’s death
Did the man’s intentional suicide constitute a break in the chain of causation?
Corr v IBC Vehicles [2008] UKHL 13; [2008] 1 AC 884,
intervening act - claimant - suicide
- Where the defendant owes a duty not to cause psychiatric harm, and the claimant commits suicide because of the defendant’s actions, this falls within the scope of the defendant’s duty. It was not necessary for C to show that it was reasonably foreseeable that the D’s negligence would result in her husband’s killing himself; it was enough that it was reasonably foreseeable that her husband would suffer some form of depression if the defendants allowed him through their negligence to suffer an injury at work
- Suicide can only be anovus actus interveniensif done consciously and voluntarily in the absence of mental illness. Where it results from a reduction in capacity caused by the defendant’s breach, it will not break causation.
- Where psychiatric harm such as depression is a foreseeable result of the breach, there is no need to demonstrate that suicide specifically was foreseeable to establish that the loss was not too remote ⇒ A tortfeasor who reasonably foresaw the occurrence of some damage need not foresee the precise form which the damage might take:
Held: The CoC was not broken. D was liable for the man’s death subject to a reduction for contributory negligence.
[29] ‘If Mr Corr had not suffered from the clinical depression brought about by the accident, he would not have had the suicidal tendencies that led him eventually to kill himself. In my opinion, on the principles established by the authorities to which I have referred, the chain of causal consequences of the accident for which Mr Corr’s negligent employers are liable was not broken by his suicide.’ (Lord Scott)
Facts: The claimant’s husband was an engineer who suffered a workplace injury. The injury left him disfigured and caused him to suffer post-traumatic stress disorder and worsening depression. As a result, he committed suicide. The claimant sued under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976. The defendant, the man’s employer, accepted liability in negligence for the man’s initial injuries and the consequent psychiatric harm. However, they argued that any losses resulting from the man’s death should not be recoverable.
- Was suicide outside of the scope of theduty of careowed by the defendant to their employees?
- Was the suicide anovus actus intervenienswhich broke causation?
- Did the suicide trigger the defence ofvolenti non fit injuria?
- Did the suicide amount tocontributory negligence?
Spencer v Wincanton Holdings [2009] EWCA Civ 1404,
claimant - intervening act
[15] ‘Fairness, baldly stated, might be thought to take things little further than reasonableness. But what it does is acknowledge that a succession of consequences which in fact and in logic is infinite will be halted by the law when it becomes unfair to let it continue. In relation to tortious liability for personal injury, this point is reached when (though not only when) the claimant suffers a further injury which, while it would not have happened without the initial injury, has been in substance brought about by the claimant and not the tortfeasor.’ (Sedley LJ)
Held: Yes, D was held liable for additional disability, but damages were reduced by 1/3 for contributory negligence
C injured his leg and had it amputated due to D employer’s negligence
C tried to fill his car with petrol despite being handicapped, tripped and fell and became wheelchair bound
Was D liable for the additional disability?
Clay v TUI UK Ltd [2018] EWCA Civ 1177
claimant - intervening act
[106] ‘The judge then balanced the degree of inconvenience to which Mr Clay and his family were subjected against the risk of injury were he to attempt to jump from the one balcony to the other, and he found that Mr Clay’s action in climbing over the balustrade and putting his weight on the outside ledge constituted a strikingly new and independent act such that it became, in law, the effective cause of his injury.’ (Kitchin LJ)
Held: this conduct broke the CoC and the hotel was not liable for the fractured skull.
= is the C act an effective and independent cause of the injury or not.
Facts: C had been on holidays with family. They had a room with balcony. C on accident trapped ppl on the balcony and left people trapped by locking the door which had a fault mechanism. C tried to climb and fell and fractured his skull.
The Wagon Mound (No. 1) [1961] AC 388
remoteness - reasonable foreseeability test
Re Polemis Overruled.
Viscount Simmonds
For it does not seem consonant with current ideas of justice or morality that for an act of negligence, however slight or venial, which results in some trivial foreseeable damage the actor should be liable for all consequences however unforeseeable and however grave, so long as they can be said to be ‘direct’. It is a principle of civil liability, subject only to qualifications which have no present relevance, that a man must be considered to be responsible for the probable consequences of his act. To demand more of him is too harsh a rule, to demand less is to ignore that civilised order requires the observance of a minimum standard of behaviour (at 422).
‘For, if it is asked why a man should be responsible for the natural or necessary or probable consequences of his act (or any other similar description of them) the answer is that it is not because they are natural or necessary or probable, but because, since they have this quality, it is judged by the standard of the reasonable man that he ought to have foreseen them.’
426: ‘[Their Lordships] have been concerned primarily to displace the proposition that unforeseeability is irrelevant if damage is “direct.” In doing so they have inevitably insisted that the essential factor in determining liability is whether the damage is of such a kind as the reasonable man should have foreseen.’ (= not asking what you have effectively forseen but what should you have foreseen)
D was not liable for damage caused by the fire as it was not reasonably foreseeable that the oil would be set alight on water.
= it is in the case that the PC determined that the approach for limiting which csq you are liable for is the reasonable foreseeability (rejecting the idea of directness).
Ds were charterers of the Wagon Mound
Oil leaked from the Wagon Mound but D’s employees let it spread as they thought that the risk of it catching fire on the water was remote
When the oil caught fire, C’s wharf (Mort’s Dock) was damaged
The New South Wales Supreme Court ruled in favour of C on the basis that the Re Polemis rule was binding and as such damage directly flowing from D’s tortious act is actionable despite not being reasonably foreseeable
Hughes v Lord Advocate [1963] AC 837,
remoteness - reasonably foreseeable - kind of damage
Held (Privy Council)
Appeal allowed; C’s injury was reasonably foreseeable. Held: there was liability – you can only escape liability if the damage differs in kind, not in extent.
*‘This accident was caused by a known source of danger, but caused in a way which could not have been foreseen, and, in my judgment, that affords no defence.’ *
This was a Scottish case
Employees of the Post Office (Ds) left a manhole uncovered and protected only by a tent and paraffin lamp
A boy (C) climbed down the hole but kicked over one of the lamps when he came up, causing an explosion
C sustained terrible burns and sued for damages in negligence
The Court of Sessions held that the accident and injury was not reasonably foreseeable; C appealed
Jolley v Sutton LBC [2000] 1 WLR 1082
remoteness - reasonably foreseeable - kind of damage
‘The speech of Lord Reid in Hughes is in harmony with the other judgments. It is not in conflict with The Wagon Mound No. 1. The scope of the two modifiers—the precise manner in which the injury came about and its extent—is not definitively answered by either The Wagon Mound (No. 1) or Hughes v Lord Advocate. It requires determination in the context of an intense focus on the circumstances of each case’ (Lord Steyn rejecting the tension between Hughes and WM)
the House of Lords disagreed, preferring the trial judge’s broader characterisation of the risk created by the council’s negligence as that children would ‘meddle with the boat at the risk of some physical injury’ = D was liable as the accident and injury was reasonably foreseeable.
Facts: Boat left abandoned, the council knew it was there and planned to remove it. The wood was rotten. Two boys decided to repair it, but the boat fell, and one was paralysed.
Held: the Court of Appeal held that the damage was too remote. While physical injury by, say, falling through rotten planks on the boat’s deck was foreseeable, the injury the boy suffered when the boat collapsed on him was not.