Negligence Flashcards
Donoghue v Stevenson
HOL developed neighbour principle - Lord Atkin said to take reasonable care to avoid injury to your neighbour in law
Robinson v Cheif constable of West Yorkshire
Supreme Court said where precedent establishes a DOC exists, follow
Blyth v Birmingham water works
Defendant will be judged to the standard of a reasonably competent person in that situation with similar skills/experience
Well v Cooper
If defendant is ordinary person, not expected to act professional
If defendant is a professional or possesses a skill, they are judges to standard of professional body as a whole
If judge proves the professional opinion is illogical or irresponsible, defendant is liable
Wilsher v Essex area health authority
•No account taken on defendant’s experience
•If there are multiple causes of damage & judge can’t decide, claimant may not get damages
Doctor under duty to warn patients of material risks & offer alternative treatment
Chester v Afshar
Doctor under duty to ensure patient is aware of side effects of treatment
Nettleship v Weston
If defendant is a learner/inexperienced, judged to standards of someone experienced
Mullens v Richards
If defendant is a child, judged to standards of another reasonable child of similar age
Paris v Stepney council
If claimant had special characteristics making potential harm suffered more serious, defendant is liable for all injury
Bolton v Stone
If low risk of injury, less precautions required
Hayley London Electricity Board
If high risk of injury, greater precautions are required
Defendant should take necessary practical precautions relating to cost & effort