Negev Desert In Isreal Flashcards
A statue of this fictional Boxer stand near the steps of this museum
Rocky at the Philadelphia art museum
Derived from this vermilion is a shade of this primary color
Derived from cinnabar
Marie curie famously equipped and drove mobile X-ray units on the front lines during this war
The ruined Greek town of akrotiri can be visited on this island
Ack ruh tear e
Also Pompeii
We make movies better is the tagline for AMC theaters commercial featuring this star of being the Ricardo’s
Nicole Kidman
This French named cooking technique wqs originally an procedure for controlling water baths in a laboratory
Sous vide
Sue v
Mr potato head and playdoh are made by this Division of this company
Playskool of hasbro
This 1906 novel exposed the plight of workers in chicagos meat packing industry
The jungle by upton Sinclair
Though it’s got no strings attached this pocket sized reed instrument is also called a harp
Largest shark - at 40 feet
Also second largest
Whale shark no 1
Basking shark 2
The ancient illuminated manuscript known as the book of kells is housed at this place of higher learninfn
Trinity college
Thr northern most point of mainland Australia
Also what state
Cape York peninsula in Queensland
Now a folk hero this Celtic queen led an uprising against the Roman’s in the middle of the first century
Bo wEd? uh c uh
Regarding 18 wheelers the length of a typical non permanent box trailer is almost always written on the top sides of thr trailer and is typically this many feet
Also rosters limit of NFL team
This many countries are members of the UN
United Nations
This number in Chinese sound very similar to their word for prosper or wealth and is hence considered very lucky
Also number of movies in the Harry Potter series
On this date - the 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier his number was retired from all teams
Also who was the last player to wear
April 15 97
Mariano Rivera
Theme song enter sandman Metallica
Jennie’s number
From a song
Tommy 2 tones
This is the name of the magazine for teenage girls that has been the source of all things girl since 44
On a standard dart board this number is at the top or 12 o’clock position
Bonus 3 6 and 9 o’clock
20 at 12
6 at 3
3 at 6
11 at 9
This 97 movie starred jack lemon George c Scott
James gandolfini tony danza
Courtney b Vance
Hume cron in
12 angry men - TV movie
George c Scott won a golden globe and Emmy - played Cobb part last holdout
Lemon played Fonda
57 version starred lee J cobb Martin ball some EG Marshall and jack klugmen as well as Henry Fonda ? - main star
Up to 2020 movie this many James Bond movies have been released
Bonus novels written by him
Movies 25 eon (production company) which are canon
2 non eon so 27
Ian Fleming novels 12
Las en b
2020 movie no time to die
The Canadian $1 piece also known as this and thr susan b Anthony dollar have multiple sided inner borders- coin is round but inner border has this many sides
Also in the title of a 60 movie remade in 01
(Oceans) 11
60 - rat pack
11 - Clooney and Pitt
This many movies in thr Harry Potter universe released as of 2020
8 in series - last book 2 movies
2 fantastic beasts
10 total
As of 2020 this many elements on periodic table have been discovered or synthesized
118 discovered
Infinity on the table
Related to thr fib uh noch e sequence this is the common name for thr ratio with the value 1 + square root of 5 per ver 2 or about this number
Bonus Greek letter used to represent in formulas
The golden ratio
Greek letter is fi
Rick Flaired by a 19 year old
This many pounds are in a stone
Where is this used
Same as number of days in a fortnight
Used in Britain - imperial measurement system
This many gallons are in a barre of oil
Also thr answer to ultimate question of life the universe and everything
And Jackie and Mariano
NPR host Scott
weekend edition Saturday
Snowman who says, “Some people are worth melting for”
Romance novelist Leanne
Comedian loni
an American comedian, television host, actress, author, and former electrical engineer. While working as an electrical engineer in the early 2000s, she switched to music engineering, until later launching a career in stand-up
Arts town east of her Ghost Ranch
Georgia O’Keeffe’s