Iota 9 Small Flashcards
If you have ever worn socks with sandals you better be a soccer player between games or wearing lederhosen but most likely guilty of a fashion this which translates to this
Fo pah
False step
In the wizard of oz dorthy and crew must pass through a field of this flower to get here
spoiler they wouldn’t have made it if Glinda hadn’t made it snow
To emerald city
This baseball team wasn’t represented in thr HOF until 01 when Dave Winfield was insulted wearing their cap
San Diego padres
This Lebanese appetizer consists of mashed eggplant tahini olive oil and lemon juice ; often served as a dip with pita triangle and seasoning
Bah bah guh newsh
Bah bah means papa
This famous Greek island known foe the blue domed white washed cube uh form houses of its 2 principal cities fear uh and oy uh
San tuh reen e
Also a board game
LocTed 40KM northeast of Mexico City it’s famous for its pyramids of the sum and the moon and avenue of the dead
Tay o tay whuh khan
Also a board game
The eastern terminus of the now defunct train line the orient express
Also a board game
2 rivers that meet at shot el uh rob and empty onto the Persian gulf
Tigress and Euphrates
Also a board game
Peripatetic folks
2022 film with the Oscar-winning song “Naatu Naatu”
A palace and fortress located in Grenada Spain it’s name means the red one in Arabic
Also a board game
There’s one in Paris and one in south bend Indiana pick one
Also a board game
Notre dame
There’s one in Paris and one in south bend Indiana pick one
Notre dame
Also a board game
A saw mill in this city in California central to the beginnings of the 1849 gold rush
Sutters mill in Cuh low muh
Also a board game
A less then Official name for the headquarters of the metropolitan police service in the city of London
Scotland yard
Also a board game
On sept 19 95 the NYT and Washington post individually published an essay entitled industrial society and its future which was written by this Ivy League graduate
Ted kuh zin ski aka thr uni bomber
Though he’s never actually referred to by either name in the Bible these 2 flowery phrases found in thr Song of Solomon 2:1are often used as descriptors of Jesus
The rose of Sharon
The Lilly of the valley
While thr truth is the crack in the Liberty bell most likely due to original metal an aprophyll tale states the crack occurred when chiming foe the death of this Supreme Court chief of justice in 1835
John Marshall
From the you can’t make this up files thr night Gretzky learned he would be traded to the kings he wqs babysitting this future music star as a favor to his good friend
Robin thick
According to stuffy actor John house man in an 86 commercial this former investment firm made money the old fashioned way - they earned it
Smith Barney
Won an Oscar for the paper chase
Gordy Howe became e oldest player to play in an NHL game in 80 when playing for this now relocated team
Hartford whalers - coolest logo
Now thr carolina hurricanes
According to song writer and producer rob sue far e this groups bootylicious samples her edge of 17 because he could not find a copy of this other song which he preferred to use
Destiny’s child samples Stevie nicks
Other song eye of the tiger
Can’t tell what song is starting until power chord or Stevie nicks comes in just like the white wing dove
The tiaras worn by the principal actresses on the series Bridgerton are provided by this jewelers archive
Also by her in breakfast at Tiffany’s
Swarovski swar ahf ski
Also Audrey Hepburn in breakfast at Tiffany’s
In 08 over 500 years after it was drawn da Vinci’s design for this was completely tested and proven to work
This nations military tanks contain a device called a vessel boiling electric that’s used to make tea in the vehicle
If you wanted to see his Washington crossing the Delaware
his self portrait with a straw hat or
His the dance class
you would have to visit this museum
The metropolitan museum of art
Emmanuel - Washington crossing the Delaware
Van go - self portrait with a straw hat
Edward day gah- the dance class
Synonymous with yesteryear and olden times this 4 letter meaning a long time ago was the period Rachel told phoebe her apothecary table came from to not admit shopping at pottery barn
Yore as in days of yore
Harold searles Thornton was the first to patent this pseudo sport table game featuring little men on poles
Quite difficult to pull apart this tall woody grass has a greater tensile strength than steel
used as armor ?
Spanish state
Down east state nickname
Nuh pet tuh cuh tar e uh is the scientific name for this feline friendly plant
Nepeta cataria
Along with Al diaz this acclaimed street artist used the tag SAMO
Jean Michele Basquiat
Soroa and Donald suck joined forces in ehat ….
Soar uh
Kingdom hearts
Lizzos fans
Liz be ins
Bennington battle day is an official holiday on this state
Majority of planet Saturn is made up of this element