Neck Swelling Flashcards
Midline neck swellings
Thyroid Lymph node Thyroglossal cyst Subhyoid bursa Lipoma Submental dermoid Thyroid Ludwig's angina
Sub divisions of anterior triangle
Sub mental - hyoid , anterior belly of digastric
Submandibular - anterior and posterior belly of digastric, mandible
Carotid - stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric, superior belly of omohyoid, anterior border of SCM
Muscular- superior belly of omohyoid, anterior border of SCM, midline
Supra hyoid muscles
Infra hyoid muscles
Sterno hyoid
Sterno thyroid
Thyro hyoid
Beahr’s triangle
Common carotid
Inferior thyroid artery
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Joll’s triangle
Lateral - Upper pole of thyroid gland and superior thyroid vessels
Superior - Attachment line of strap muscles to the hyoid
Cricothyroid muscle - floor
Content - external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
Naso pharynx
From base of the skull to soft palate
Contains - adenoid, Eustachian tube, fossa of Rosenmuller
From soft palate to epiglottis
Contains - palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil and base of the tongue
Laryngopharynx (hypo pharynx)
Starts from epiglottis to cricoid cartilage (C6)
Contains - piriform sinus, post cricoid area and posterior pharyngeal wall
Trotter’s triad
In nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Ear ache (involvement of trigeminal nerve)
- Conductive deafness ( serous otitis media )
- Paralysis of soft palate
Complications of radical neck dissection
- Seroma formation
- Infection
- Flap necrosis
- Carotid blow out
- Injury to vital structures - frozen shoulder due to spinal accessory nerve damage, trachea, phrenic nerve, vagus nerve, RLN, carotid.
Lymph ooze
Pneumothorax, chylous fistula
Fascial and laryngeal edema
Cerebral irritation
Local recurrence
If IJV is removed increased intracranial tension will be there for 8-10 days
Spontaneous regression of the primaries
Types of SCC where RT is contraindicated
Verrucous carcinoma
Marjolins ulcer
Name of the gland in the floor of the mouth from which Ranula develops
Gland of Nuhn and Blandin
Gray scale parameters that favours malignancy
size: larger-more likely malignant
shape: round, L/T <2
heterogenous echotexture
loss of central fatty hilum/thinning of hilum
eccentric versus concentric thickening of cortex
presence of microcalcifications
necrosis: cystic/coagulative
Ill defined capsular margins: invasion