Neck & Subocciptal Region Flashcards
Name the deep cervical fascia and their contents.
Investing Fascia: deep to platysma and encircles neck (mandible to sternum)
Pretracheal Fascia: around thyroid a., trachea, esophagus
Prevertebral Fascia: encircle vertebrae & deep mm of neck
Carotid Sheath: neurovascular bundle, medial to sternocleidomastoid m (IJV lateral, CCA medial, vagus n. posterior)`
Name the anterior muscles of the neck, their innervation, and whether they are categorized as Supra- or infrahyoid.
Muscles of anterior cervical triangle:
- mylohyoid, anterior & posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, and geniohyoid (deep to mylohyoid)
- thyrohyoid, sternthyroid, sternohyoid, and anterior & posterior omohyoid
Name the triangles of the neck, their borders and contents.
Anterior Cervical Triangle:
Sternoclediomastoid m., inferior border of mandible, and midline of neck
Submental: below anterior digastric m.
Submandibular: between mandible and digastric m.
Carotid: between posterior digastric m., sternocleidomastoid m., and superior omohyoid m.
Muscular: superior omohyoid m., sternoclediomastoid m., and midline
Posterior Cervical Triangle:
Sternoclediomastoid m., clavicle, and upper trapezius m.
Supraclavicular: sternocleidomastoid m., inferior omohyoid m., and clavicle
Occipital: sternoclediomastoid m., inferior omohyoid m., and upper trapezius m.
Summarize the cervical plexus including the peripheral nerves that arise using a drawing.
See drawing
Name the branchial (pharyngeal) arches and what muscle(s) derive from each.
- Mandibular - mastication, mylohyoid m., anterior belly digastric m. - trigeminal n. (V3)
- Hyoid - facial expression, posterior belly digastric m., stylohyoid m., - facial n. (VII)
- Third - stylopharyngeus m. - glossopharyngeal (IX)
- Fourth - cricothyroid cc., inferior pharyngeal constrictors - Vagus (X), superior laryngeal
- Sixth - intrinsic laryngeal - vagus (x), recurrent laryngeal
Define branchial motor axon function and relate this to the function of cranial nerves.
Innervated skeletal muscle from pharyngeal arches
- homologous to somites
Identify the unique features of the cervical vertebrae.
CI - atlas - no spinous process, transverse foramen, superior articular surface)
C2 - axis - dens
C7 - prominent spinous process
*most have bifid spinous process
Identify the suboccipital muscles of the neck, their innervation, and function.
Superior oblique mm.
Inferior oblique mm.
Rectus capitis posterior major mm.
Rectus capitis posterior minor mm.
Suboccipital Triangle: suboccipital n. and vertebral a.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the rectus capitis posterior major m.
Attachments: from spinous process C2 to lateral aspect of inferior buccal line
Actions: extension and ipsilateral rotation
Innervation: suboccipital n.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the rectus capitis posterior minor m.
Attachments: tubercle on posterior arch C1 to medial aspect inferior nuchal line.
Actions: extension
Innervation: suboccipital n.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the inferior oblique m.
Attachments: spinous process C2 to transverse process C1
Actions: ipsilateral rotation
Innervation: suboccipital n.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the superior oblique m.
Attachments: transverse process C1 to area between superior and inferior nuchal lines
Actions: extension and lateral flexion
Innervation: suboccipital n.
What are the posterior muscles of the neck.
Splenius capitis, longissimus capitis, semispinalis capitis
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the splenius capitis m.
Attachments: ligamentum nuchae and lower cervical and upper thoracic spinous processes to lateral third of superior nuchal line
Actions: extension, lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation of head
Innervation: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the longissimus capitis m.
Attachments: upper thoracic transverse processes to posterior margin of mastoid process
Actions: extension, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of head
Innervation: dorsal rami of spinal n.
Name the attachments, action, and innervation of the semispinalis capitis m.
Attachments: upper thoracic and cervical transverse processes to occipital bone between inferior and superior nuchal lines
Actions: extension and contralateral rotation of head
Innervation: dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.