Neck Muscles OINA Flashcards
Semispinalis Capitis
O: Transverse process C7-T6, articular process C4-C6
I: between superior and inferior nuchal lines
N: C2-T1 dorsal rami, greater occipital nerve
A: capital extension, rotation of head to opposite side, lateral bending of head to same side
Longissimus capitis
O: Transverse process T1-T5 vertebrae, C4-C7 articular process
I: Mastoid process
N: C3-C8 dorsal rami
A: capital extension, lateral bending and rotation of head to same side
Spinalis Capitus
O: medial part of semispinalis capitis
I: between superior and inferior nuchal lines
N: C3-T3 dorsal rami
A: capital extension
Longissimus Cervicis
O: T1-T5 transverse process
I: C2-C6 transverse process
N: C3-T3 dorsal rami
A: cervical extension, lateral bending of cervical spine to same side
Semispinalies cervicis
O: T1-T5 transverse process
I: spinous process of C2-C5
N: C2-T5 dorsal rami
A: cervical extension, lateral bending of cervical spine to same side, rotation of cervical spine to opposite side
Iliocostalis cervicis
O: Ribs 3-6
I: C4-C6 transverse process
N: C4-T3 dorsal rami
A: cervical extension, lateral bending of head to same side, assist depression of ribs
Splenius cervicis
O: T3-T6 spinous process
I: C1-C3 transverse process
N: C4-C8 spinal nerves
A: cervical extension, lateral bending of head to same side, rotation to same side
Rectus Capitis Anterior
O: C1 transverse process
I: basilar part of occiput
N: C1,C2 ventral rami
A: capital flexion, stabilization of AO joint
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
O: Transverse process of atlas
I: jugular process of occiput
N: C1,C2 ventral rami
A: lateral bending of head to same side, capital flexion, stabilization of AO joint, assist head rotation
Longus Capitis
O: C3-C6 transverse process
I: basilar part of occiput
N: C1-C3 spinal nerves
A: capital flexion, rotation of head to same side
Longus Colli
O: anterior tubercles of transverse process of C3-C5
I: atlas
N: C2-C6 spinal nerves
A: cervical flexion, cervical rotation to opposite side, may laterally flex
O: mandible
I: superior surface of hyoid bone, mylohyoid raphe
N: Trigeminal nerve
A: raises hyoid bone and tongue for swallowing, depresses mandible with hyoid fixed, assist capital flexion
O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: greater horn of hyoid bone
N: facial nerve
A: pulls hyoid bone up and back, capital flexion, assist depression of mandible, participates in mastication and speech
O: inferior mental spine of mandible
I: anterior surface of hyoid bone
N: C1 spinal nerve
A: elevation and protraction of hyoid, assist capital flexion, assist mandible depression
O: posterior bely is mastoid notch of temporal bone, anterior belly is mandible
I: intermediate tendon and from there to hyoid bone
N: Anterior belly is trigeminal, posterior belly is facial
A: mandible depression, hyoid elevation, anterior belly draws forward, posterior belly draws backward, assist capital flexion
O: manubrium, cartilage of 1st rib
I: thryoid cartilage
N: C1-C3 cervical nerves
A: cervical flexion, draws larynx down, depression of hyoid, mandible, and tongue after elevation
O: thryoid cartilage
I: hyoid bone
N: Hypoglossal nerve
A: cervical flexion, draws hyoid downward, elevates larynx and thryoid cartilage
Inferior belly: scapula
Superior belly: intermediate tendon of omohyoid
Inferior belly: intermediate tendon
Superior belly: hyoid bone
Innervation: hypoglossal and C2-C3 cervical nerves
Action: depression of hyoid, cervical flexion