Neck Lecture Questions Flashcards
What are the 4 compartments of the neck?
-2 vascular
What can be found in the visceral compartment of the neck?
-Parts of the digestive & respiratory systems
-Endocrine glands
What can be found in the vertebral compartment of the neck?
-Cervical vertebrae
-Spinal cord
-Cervical nerves & muscles
What can be found in the 2 vascular compartments of the neck?
-Major blood vessels
-Vagus nerve (CN10)
What is the fascia called that surrounds the anterior portion of the neck?
Superficial fascia
What is the fascia called that surrounds all of the compartments in the neck?
Investing fascia
What is the fascia called that surrounds the visceral compartment in the neck?
Pretracheal fascia
What is the fascia called that surrounds the vascular compartment in the neck?
Carotid sheath
What is the fascia called that surrounds the vertebral compartment in the neck?
Prevertebral fascia
How is blood drained from the head and neck?
-The anterior jugular vein drains blood from the anterior neck into the external jugular vein
-The external jugular vein drains blood from the rest of the neck and brain
What are the main triangles of the neck?
-Anterior triangle
-Posterior triangle
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
-Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
-Inferior border of mandible
What are the borders of the posterior triangle?
-Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
-Anterior border of the trapezius
-Middle one third of clavicle
What are the 4 sub-triangles of the anterior triangle?
-Submandibular triangle
-Submental triangle
-Muscular triangle
-Carotid triangle
What are the borders of the submandibular triangle?
-Inferior border of the mandible
-Digastric m.
What are the border of the submental triangle?
-Hyoid bone
-Anterior belly of digastric
What are the borders of the muscular triangle?
-Hyoid bone
-Superior belly of omohyoid m.
-Anterior border of the SCM m.
What are the borders of the carotid triangle?
-Superior belly of the omohyoid m.
-Posterior belly of digastric m.
-Anterior border of the SCM m.
What structures pass through the submandibular triangle?
-Facial a. & v.
-Submandibular gland
-Hypoglossal n.
What structures pass through the submental triangle?
-Submental lymph nodes
What structures pass through the carotid triangle?
-Internal jugular v.
-Carotid a.
-Vagus n.
-Ansa cervicalis
What structures pass through the muscular triangle?
-Thyroid and parathyroid glands
What are the 4 suprahyoid muscles?
What are the 4 infrahyoid muscles?
Which of the 4 infrahyoid muscles does not attach to the hyoid?
What is the purpose of the stylohyoid ligament?
This ligament makes the contraction more effective and stabilizes the muscle action
What happens if someone’s hyoid bone is lower than normal?
They are more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea
What connects the digastric muscle to the hyoid bone?
A ligament that is where the two bellies of the digastric meets
Where does the common carotid artery bifurcate?
It bifurcates at the level of C3, which gives rise to the external and internal carotid arteries
What is different between the right and left common carotid arteries?
Right common carotid artery comes from the brachiocephalic trunk of the arch of the aorta, and the left common carotid artery comes right from the aortic arch
Where is blood drained from the upper limbs?
Blood being drained from the upper limbs happens in the subclavian veins
Where used to be the most common place to place a central venous catheter?
In the right or left subclavian veins
What are the anterior triangle nerves and where do they come from?
-Glossopharyngeal (CN9): jugular foramen
-Vagus nerve (CN10): jugular foramen
-Accessory nerve (CN11): jugular foramen
-Hypoglossal nerve (CN12): hypoglossal canal
What is the function of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Innervates muscles of the pharyngeal wall
What is the function of the vagus nerve?
Innervates several structures such as larynx, lungs, heart, liver, and structures in the abdomen
What is the function of the accessory nerve?
Innervates the SCM and the trapezius
What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve?
Innervates the tongue
Which of the anterior triangle nerves are mixed (motor & sensory)?
-Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9)
-Vagus nerve (CN10)
Which of the anterior triangle nerves are only motor nerves?
-Accessory nerve (CN11)
-Hypoglossal nerve (CN12)
What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle?
-Posterior edge of SCM
-Anterior edge of trap
-Middle one third of the clavicle
-Apex is at the occipital bone
What are the two subtriangles in the posterior triangle?
-Occipital triangle
-Subclavian triangle
What are the boundaries of the occipital triangle?
-Anterior edge of trap
-Posterior edge of SCM
-Superior edge of omohyoid
What are the boundaries of the subclavian triangle?
-Inferior belly of omohyoid
-Middle 1/3 of clavicle
-Posterior edge of SCM
What muscles form the floor of the posterior triangle?
-Splenius capitis
What are the superficial muscles in the posterior triangle and what are they covered by?
-Levator scapulae
-All covered by vesting fascia
Where does the brachial plexus exit in the neck?
Between the anterior and middle scalenes
What does it mean if something is innervated by the posterior rami?
It is an intrinsic muscle of the back
Do the scalenes elevate only the 1st two ribs?
No, they elevate the first two ribs, but since they are all connected in the thoracic cavity, all of the ribs are elevated
What are the veins that are in the posterior neck triangle?
-Retromandibular vein
-Posterior auricular vein
-External jugular vein
What is the 1st part of the subclavian artery?
Anterior to anterior scalene
What is the 2nd part of the subclavian artery?
Posterior to anterior scalene
What is the 3rd part of the subclavian artery?
Exits between anterior & middle scalenes
Where is the subclavian vein?
Anterior to the anterior border of the anterior scalene
What does the thyrocervical branch of the 1st part of the subclavian artery give rise to?
-Transverse cervical artery
-Suprascapular artery
What does the transverse cervical artery give rise to? Where does it supply?
-Superficial branch: continues on deep surface of trap
-Deep branch: continues on deep surface of rhomboid muscles
What does the suprascapular artery supply?
Distributes branches to muscles on the posterior surface of the scapula
What nerve roots form the cervical plexus? What does it consist of?
-Nerve roots from C1-C4
-Muscular branches (deep branches)
-Cutaneous branches
What nerves in the posterior neck are apart of the cervical plexus?
-Inferior root of ansa cervicalis
-Transverse cervical nerve
-Supraclavicular nerve
-Phrenic nerve
-Lesser occipital nerve
-Greater auricular nerve
What does the ansa cervicalis innervate?
Infrahyoid muscles
What does the transverse cervical nerve innervate?
Skin of the lateral & anterior part of the neck
What does the supraclavicular nerve innervate?
Skin over the shoulder & clavicle
What does the lesser occipital nerve innervate?
Skin of neck & scalp posterior to the ears
What does the greater auricular nerve innervate?
Skin of parotid region (anterior to ears), ears, and mastoid area
What does the phrenic nerve innervate?