Neck And Back Pain Flashcards
If you suspect a disk herniation what imaging is indicated?
If the patient has no risk factors in the H/P and PE for serious disease other than sciatica, treat conservatively and do not perform any diagnostic testing
- neuro deficit: pain radiographs for other causes
- severe progressive neuro deficit with serious condition: urgent MRI
- - not rapid/severe: routine MRI
What to do if you suspect cauda equina and you think its from a tumor? (Not imaging)
When clinically suspected, especially if due to a tumor, treat the patient with dexamethasone 10mg IV before any other testing.
Imaging for suspected cauda equina
Suspect tumor, MRI w/ gadolinium
- image entire spine
- 10% will have vertebral metastases and and additional silent epidural metastases
Suspect from disk herniation MRI localized to the lumbosacral spine
When should you suspect transverse myelitis?
Presents like cauda equina/epidural compression syndrome with a NEGATIVE MRI
Back pain with suspition of infection, what is the gold standard imaging?
MRI with contrast
What should you find with vertebral osteomyelitis? Timeline, labs
Prolonged symptoms >3mo
Labs: elevated CRP, +/-leukocytosis
POS BC in 40%
Findings with diskitis?
- Unremitting back/neck pain
- Awakens at night
- Not relieved by rest or analgesics
- Fever in 60-70%
- Variable neuro deficits
What is the triad for spinal epidural abscess?
How accurate is it?
- severe back pain
- fever
- neurologic deficit
Only seen in 8-13%
Spinal epidural abscess is often co-infected witj?
Vertebral osteomyelitis
Risk factors for spinal epidural abscess?
IV drug use
ETOH abuse
Spine surgery
Distal infection
Indwelling catheter
Recent spine fracture
Chronic renal failure
Cauda equina fits into what category?
Epidural compression syndrome
What is the earliest/MC finding of cauda equina?
Urinary retention of >500mL alone or incombination with two of the following:
- bilateral sciatica
- subjective urinary retention
- rectal incontinence sx
What is the most important predictor of MRI confirmed cauda equina compression?
Urinary retention is the most important predictor of MRI confirmed cauda equina syndrome
What is the MC sensory deficit of cauda equina?
Saddle anesthesia
- occurs over the buttocks, posteriorsuperior thighs, and perineal regions
Why does radiology always ask about rectal tone in cauda equina?
It is decreased in 60-80%
What is a positive straight leg test?
Radicular pain radiating below the knee of the affected leg
Why test straight leg test?
Screening test for herniated disk
68-80% sensitive for a L4-L5 or L5-S1 herniated disk
What is a highly sensitive but not specific test for nerve root compression by herniated disk?
Crossed straight leg raise test
- radicular pain down the unaffected leg with straight leg raise.
C1-C2 compression presents in what region?
C4-C5 presentation ?
Complaint: neck, shoulder, arm
Sensory deficit: shoulder
Motor weakness: infraspinatous, deltoid, bicpeps
Reflex: reduced biceps reflex
C5-C6 presentation?
Complaint: neck, shoulder, upper medial scalp, proximal forearm, thumb, index finger
Sensory deficit: thumb, index finger, lateral forearm
Motor weakness: deltoid, biceps, pronator teres, wrist extension
Altered reflex: reduced biceps and brachioradialias reflex
C6-C7 presentation?
Complaint: neck, posterior arm, dorsum proximal forearm, chest, medial 1/3 of scapula, middle finger
Sensory deficit: middle finger, forearm
Motor weakness: triceps, pronator teres
Altered reflex: reduced triceps reflex
C7-T1 presentation?
Complaint: neck, posterior arm, ulnar side of forearm, medial inferior scapular border, medial hand, ring and little finger
Sensory deficit: ring and little fingers
Motor weakness: triceps, flexor carpi ulnaris, hand intrinsics
Altered reflex: reduced triceps reflex