Neck Flashcards
Hyoid bone
does NOT articulate w/ skeleton
invovled with swallowing, vocalization, tongue movement
fractured when strangled
red = investing (superficial fascia)
purple = infrahyoid fascia
blue = pretracheal fascia and buccopharyngeal fascia
brown = carotid sheath
yellow = prevertebral/deep fascia
Investing layer of fascia
sleeve that binds all strs in neck
surrounds SCM and trapezius
Pretracheal fascia
covers thyroid, parathyroid, trachea, esophagus
Carotid sheath
carotid artery, internal jugular vein, vagus n.
Prevertebral (deep cervical) fascia
covers vertebral musculature
Borders of the anterior triangle of the neck
Superior: inferior border of the mandible
Anterior: anterior median line
Posterior: SCM
*ant/pos bellies of digastric and superior belly of omohyoid further divide triangle…
Name the triangles of the anterior neck.
green - carotid
purple - submandibular
blue - muscular
red - submental
Submandibular triangle boundaries
Anterior: anterior belly of digastric
P/I; posterior belly of digastric
S: inf. border of mandible
Submental triangle boundaries
*only UNPAIRED triangle*
L/R: L/R anterior belly of digastric
inferior: hyoid bone
Muscular triangle boundaries
A: anterior median line
P/S: superior belly of omohyoid muscle
Carotid triangle boundaries
A/I: superior belly of omohyoid m.
A/S: posterior belly of digastric m.
3 muscles off of the styloid process
Styloglossus (VII), stylopharyngeus (IX), and Styloglossus (XII)
Suprahyoid muscles
digastric (anterior and posterior bellies), stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
*aka submandibular triangle
- connect skull to hyoid bone
- raise hyolaryngeal complex during swallowing and vocalization, raise hyoid and base of tongue
*mylohyoid, geniohyoid, anterior belly of digastric - also specifically help with jaw opening (mandible depression)
Innervation of the strap muscles
Facial n. (CN VII)
posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid mm.
N. to mylohyoid (V3)
anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid mm.
Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
sternohyoid, sternothryoid, inferior belly of omohyoid, superior belly of omohyoid mm.
C1 (traveling w/ CN XII)
thyrohyoid, geniohyoid mm.
Infrahyoid muscles
Omohyoid m. (superior and inferior bellies), sternohyoid m., thyrohyoid m., sternothyroid m.
lower hyoid or thyroid cartilage or stabilize them when talking
are located inferior to the hyoid bone or insert on the inferior aspect of the hyoid bone.
Contents of submandibular triangle
- submandibular gland
- submandibular lymph nodes
- N. to mylohyoid (V3)
- Facial a. (and v.) w/ submental branch
*a = deep to submandibular gland, v = superficial
- Lingual a. (deep to hyoglossus)
- Submandibular duct
- Hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
Facial a. and facial v. in relation to submandibular gland
Facial VEIN passes superficial to submandibular gland, facial ARTERY passes deep/through the gland
Digastric m.
Contains intermediate tendon that is attached to hyoid via a fascial sling and separates into
ANTERIOR BELLY (CN V3 - n. to mylohyoid)
Mylohyoid m.
one of the SUPRAhyoid mm.
forms floor of oral cavity, has central raphe
raises floor of oral cavity + tongue when swallowing
N; n. to mylohyoid (CN V3)
Geniohyoid m.
*one of the suprahyoid mm.
DEEP to mylohyoid
N: C1 root of ansa cervicalis (travels w/ CN XII)
Submental triangle
UNPAIRED // centrally located
boundaries =
L/R: L/R anterior belly of digastric
I: hyoid bone
lymph nodes
small veins that unite to form anterior jugular vein
Carotid triangle contents
superior portion of common carotid a.
large part of internal carotid a.
external carotid a. (+ many of its branches)
internal jugular v.
vagus n. (CN X) + all the branches
Cervical sypathetic trunk
Internal carotid artery
No major branches in neck
Branches in head to supply orbit, pituitary gland, and cerebrum
Branches of external carotid
Superior thyroid a.
Ascending pharyngeal a.
Lingual a.
Facial a.
Occipital a.
Posterior auricular a.
Superficial temporal a. (w/ transverse facial a. branch)
Maxiallary a.
Superior thyroid a.
*branch of external carotid*
Thyroid gland, infrahyoid region + larynx
*superior laryngeal a. branches from superior thyroid artery - this artery piereces the thyrohyoid membrane w/ the internal laryngeal n.
What two structures pierce the thyrohyoid membrane
superior laryngeal a.
internal laryngeal n.
Ascending pharyngeal a.
*branch of external carotid a.
to pharynx, prevertebral mm., meninges, tympanic membrane, soft palate