Near Eastern & Egyptian Art Flashcards
Who are the people of the Near East?
Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians
What purposes do ziggurats serve?
They are essentially city halls — serve as a place to worship the Gods.
What is a votive?
What is an example?
A votive is a sacrifice.
Ex. gifts, blood, etc. (Abu Temple Statuettes)
What are some differences between the White Temple of Uruk and the Great Ziggurat at Ur?
The Ziggurat at Ur was surrounded by a temenos wall (defined sanctuary zone). Had a direct approach.
The White Temple has a circular approach at the top of the stairs. Used to praise the gods.
Why is the Female Head, from Uruk, (Warka) described as “idealized”?
What is its importance?
Likely did not represent a single person, rather an ideal for what a woman should look like.
Was one of the earliest work of monumental sculptures.
Describe the Abu Temple Statuettes, Tell Asmar , and state their purpose:
Were depicted as devotees of the Gods; mortals.
They were thought to serve as votives — sacrifices. Were left in the cella as a gift to the Gods.
What is the artistic convention used to arrange the Standard of Ur?
What are the other conventions used?
What are the themes of each side of the Standard?
What new material was used? (hint: a precious stone)
- Arranged in three tiers.
- Echelon — Trying to depict 3D objects.
- Compilation of perspectives — twisted perspective and true profile.
- Hierarchy of Scale
- Number of figures doing the same thing — ment to represent a large size/number of people.
Each side was Ying and Yang — Peace and War
Wooden box with inlays of shell — Ivory and LAPIS LAZULI.
What object may be considered the first instance of cast bronze?
The Bronze Head of an Akkadian Ruler
The Victory Stele of Naram Sin, Susa, may be the earliest depiction of what?
What is a stele?
What is the relief technique and is this Stele an example of low or high relief?
What do the two rosettes represent?
One of the earliest depictions of a landscape — on a relief.
Stele — Any object that is inset into the ground.
Low Relief — Not a lot of depth.
Two rosettes represent the sun and the moon — was there a third?
What is Hammurabi (Babylonian) known for instituting?
What is the material used?
What is the narrative of the image above the law text on the Stele of Hammurabi, from Susa?
What is the significance of the depiction of the god?
Known for institution Law Codes.
Black Basalt — Material
Narrative — It was the King (Hammurabi) recieving advice and guidance from the God.
Important because the God was depicted as a human — which wasn’t done before.
What change has occurred for the placement of the ziggurat at the Citadel of Sargon II, Khorsabad?
It was huge and few people got to enter. The ziggurat was not the main focus.
What are the figures found at the gates of Sargon’s palace?
Looking at the figure, what is the reasoning for the placement of the legs?
As guardian figures, what is the term used for them?
Lamassu & Apotropaic — Guardian figures.
They had 5 legs — used to show them both standing still and walking when looked at from different angles.
Apoptropaic — “To run away from”
What term describes the function of the Winged Genius, Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud?
How would you describe the attempt at anatomy for the Winged Genius?
Apoptropaic — Human with wings.
The calf muscles show that they understand anatomy — just maybe not able to replicate it. Attempting.
What is the narrative of the Palette of Narmer, from Hierakonpolis?
What is the function of a palette?
Like Sumerian art, what artistic functions are present in the Palette?
Narrative — Showing Narmer in battle.
Function of a Palette — Serves as a historical document.
Artistic Functions — Twisted perspective.
How are deities depicted on this sculpture?
With their heads cut off and their phallus removed — also shows them in large numbers (showing how many he defeated).
What is the difference between a mastaba and a stepped pyramid?
What is the oldest pyramid?
Who was the architect and what else was his role?
Mastaba — Flat top with stepped sides, used for common people.
Pyramid — Has a mastaba inside, used for royalty, Kings, and pharaohs.
Oldest Pyramid — Stepped Pyramid of Zoser
Architect — Imhotep, he was also the Kings advisor and a doctor.
In what ways did the Egyptians use the river Nile? (hint: orientation of people and function)
Used it to separate the village from the burial grounds.
When it flooded, farmers were idle — used their time to help build the pyramid.
What is the actual function of a pyramid?
What material was placed over the stones of the pyramid? (hint: it is only still remaining on the tip of Khafre’s pyramid)
Function — Provides a “safe deposit box” for the King and pharaohs.
Material — Limestone sheath.
Why are there two burial chambers within a single pyramid?
Used to deter looters away — did not work.
The Sphinx is seen as directly in front of Khafre’s pyramid, suggesting it may be what? (hint: term for a guardian figure)
What is distinctive about the Sphinx, who may it represent?
Represents — Believed to be Khafre himself.
Is the Seated Statue of Khafre, from Gizeh a portrait?
What material is used and in what way has it been carved?
How would you be able to view this sculpture?
Is of Khafre, but is idealized.
Material — Diorite; carved one side at a time (quadrifacial frontality).
Looking at it from the side shows how the piece is connected (so as to not be fragile).
What purpose did the Reserve Head, from Gizeh, serve?
Were used as last case scenarios incase the original sculpture was broken — used for Ka and Ba to go in and out.
What similarities and differences do you notice in the following three works?
Menkaure and Khamerenebty (M &K) Ka–Aper (KA) Prince Rahotep and Nofret (PR & N)
- Quadrifacial frontality
- Woman are shown as fertility figures regardless of status.
- No twisted perspective.
- Different materials (wood - stone) that reflected their status.
- Different status (common person to royalty).
- Higher status = more idealized.
- Higher status = more connected and less fragile.
Why is the location Deir – el – Bahari noted as important?
Why are these burial monuments different than the Old Kingdom?
Who is the architect for the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir – el – Bahari?
Location — It was the mortuary for pharaohs.
Difference — Burials were done in secret and were separate from the temples.
Architect — Senmut.
Who is the pharaoh of the New Kingdom?
Hatshepsut — A woman!
A hypostyle hall and clerestory are both used in the Temple of Amen–Re, Karnak.
What is a hypostyle hall?
What is a clerestory?
Hypostyle Hall — Basically a fuck ton of columns.
Clerestory — Windows that were placed to add light to the interior.
What characteristics distinguish royalty from women, children and animals in the hunting and banquet scenes of the fresco painting found at the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes?
Royalty — Placed formally and had clothes.
Non-Royalty — Placed informally (dancers) and were nude.
Women — Were clothed at the top; men were not.
Animals — Shown naturalistically; shows the artist understands and that humans aren’t realistic for a purpose.
During the Amarna Period, Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV) changed the religion of Egypt to a monotheistic belief system.
What is the result in art?
It created a liberalized view — men were shown as more feminine and less idealized.
His system included a belief in a singular God.
How has the depiction of royalty changed during this period?
What term do we use in art to express this style?
Royalty were seen as more feminine and less masculine. Less idealized.
Mannerism — Exaggerated features.
Who was Nofretete (Nefertiti)?
What is the importance of her statue?
Akhenaton’s wife — was depicted with mannerism.
She was shown as the image of BEAUTY and GRACEFULNESS.
Mentuemhet, from Karnak, is a return to the old style. Why did the art work change?
Akhenaton died and the priest took reign again. They changed the art back to the idealized state.