Early Greek Flashcards
What archaeological periods occurred during Iron Age Greece?
Proto-Geometric — ca. 1050 - 900 BC
Geometric — 900 - 700 BC
Orientalizing — 700 - 600 BC
Archaic — 600 - 480 BC
Early Classical — 480 - 450 BC
Classical — 450 - 400 BC
Late Classical — 400 - 323 BC
Hellenistic — 323 - 31 BC
Why has so much pottery survived?
Cannot be completely destroyed.
Usually left alone by lotters bc they aren’t gold/expensive.
Define the terms proto-geometric and dipylon.
How do they relate to the Pro-Geometric Amphora, Athens, (10th century BC) vessel?
Proto-Geometric — Period were it was at the start of being completely geometric work.
Dipylon — An elaborate stage of ancient Greek pottery making and decorating in the geometric style.
The Proto-Geometric Amphora was found at the Dipylon cemetary and protrays the start of the Geometric period.
Besides the geometric decoration of the Dipylon amphora, from Athens, 740 BC what other depiction is present? How is the scene geometric? What does ‘horror vacui’ mean?
Dead guy lying on bier — display table that the dead person is laid out on.
Geometric — The way the human is conceived and then rendered; not naturalistic.
Horror Vacui — Desire to fill up space with orienmentation.
What is the narrative depicted within the two friezes of the Dipylon Krater, Athens, (mid-8th century BC)?
Deceased laying on bier and mourners flanking him.
Shields and horses and chariots.
What characteristics of the Deer Nursing a Fawn, Thebes, (ca 750 BC) sculpture feature abstraction and geometric patterning?
Deer components emphasized, but body is minimized.
Circles on the deer — horror vacui.
What does the size of the Lady of Auxerre, (ca 650-625 BC) statue signify?
What is she wearing?
What does her hand gesture indicate?
Statues are getting more naturalistic AND also getting taller and more life-size.
Belt around her waist, and peplos (long wool dress/skirt). - Breast exposed.
Ment to indicate her breast/fertility aspect.
How does the Mantiklos Apollo, from Thebes, (ca 700-680 BC) figurine begin to set stylistic precedents for figures to follow?
What was the function of this item, how do we know?
What expensive material is the figure is made of?
Seeing more naturalism creeping in. Interest in anatomy — nudity.
Votive object — scribed on the thighs of the figure.
Bronze — Monetary value.
Describe the conventions of the upper register and the style of the lower register of the MacMillan Painter, “Chigi Vase”, Corinthian Olpe, (ca 640 BC).
Upper — Battle Scene
- Echelon
- Black Figure Technique
- Twisted Perspective
Lower — Hunting/Procession
- Egyptian Art — Lion hunted
What other culture purchased Greek pottery and ultimately buried it in tombs?
Etruscans — They loved this shit bro. They bought lots of Greek pottery and then buried with the dead.
What cultures influenced the artists of the Corinthian amphora, from Rhodes, (ca 625-600 BC)?
What is the black figure technique?
Lions and panther were added which indicates Eastern culture. Creatures — Female headed bird (siren) — foreign to Greece and therefore indicates Near East.
Black Figure Technique – Glaze over pot to create different colors.
What are the two narratives of the Proto-Attic amphora, Eleusis, (ca 750 BC)?
What decoration indicates an Orientalizing influence?
On the Body — Slain of the Gorgon Medusa by Persuis
On the Neck — Blinding of Polyphemus
Medusa was used in the Eastern Areas