NCLEX Flashcards
What medication is contraindicated for individuals with Hemophillia? and why?
- NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Aspirin)
- Inhibits platelet aggregation
What is a long-term complication associated with hemophillia?
- Joint destruction (Hemathrosis)
-Most frequent sites of internal bleeding are the joint cavities
RivaroXABAN, edoXABAN, and apiXABAN are all examples of what type of medication?
Factor Xa inhibitors - Anticoagulants
Why are factor Xa inhibitors being prescribed more frequently than other oral anticoagulants such as warfarin?
- Lower risk of bleeding and require less ongoing monitoring
What should clients’ avoid taking when prescribed factor Xa inhibitors ?
- NSAIDs (increase risk for uncontrolled bleeding)
- Garlic
- Ginger
S/S of fluid & electrolyte imbalances (general)
- Tetany (intermittent muscle spasms)
- Prolonged QT intervals (arrhythmias)
- Paresthesia (numbness or tingling of the hands and lips)
- Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
- Fatigue
- Confusion and irritability
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Headaches
- Muscle cramps
S/S of hypocalcemia
- Serum calcium <9.0 mg/dl [2.25 mmol/L]
- often associated with decreased parathyroid hormone levels
- tingling lips
- Seizure activity
- Bronchospasm
- Muscle cramping
- Cardiac dysrhythmias
- Dry, scaly skin
- confusion or irritability
- brittle nails
S/S of hypokalemia
- Serum potassium <3.5mEq/L [2.5 mmol/L]
- Constipation
- Heart palpitations
- Fatigue
- Muscle weakness and spasms
- Tingling and numbness
- Muscle twitches and/or cramps
- arrhythmias
S/S of hyponatremia
- Serum sodium <135mEq/L [135mmol/L
- N/V
- Headache
- Confusion
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps
- Seizures
- Coma
- Cardiac dysrhythmias
Hypocalcemia is commonly caused after a thyroidectomy due to what?
Hypoparathyroidism - decreased parathyroid hormone levels
- Parathyroid hormone and calcium have a reciprocal relationship therefore when one increases or decreases so does the other.
What is the chvostek or Trousseau sign used to look for?
- Hypocalcemia
What is the Chvostek and Trousseau sign?
Chvostek sign - twitching of the facial muscles in response to tapping over the facial nerve
Trousseau sign - Carpopedal spasm which involves flexion of the wrist, thumb, and MCP joints induced by pressure applied to the arm by an inflated BP cuff
What medication is used to increase calcium levels?
Calcium gluconate
& Vitamin D to increase calcium absorption in the intestines
Clients with hypocalcemia should include which types of food in their diet?
- Foods high in calcium & vitamin D
Ex. tofu, banana, sardines, almonds, and dark green vegetables.
Clinical manifestations of fetal alcohol syndrome
- Intellectual disability
- Developmental delay
- Distinct facial characteristics (indistinct philtrum (smooth space between lip and nose), thin upper lip, epicanthal folds, flat midface, short palpebral fissures)
What type of isolation precaution should a client with C.diff, MRSA, VRE, or scabies be placed in ?
Contact precautions
What are the infection-control measures for contact isolation?
- Hand hygiene ( soap and water for C.diff)
- Nonsterile gloves
- Gown
- Private room preferred
Tenecteplase (TNK) - tPA injection is used for what?
- Used to manage intravascular clots
- Used when a blood clot in a heart artery causes an MI
- Ischemic stroke within 4.5 hours after the onset of stroke
How is TNK given?
- IV
Difference between TNK and tPA?
- TNK is modified with higher attraction to clots, which results in less unintended bleeding in other areas of the brain compared to tPA
- TNK has a longer half-life
What type of insulin is Lantus –> Glargine
- Long-acting
What is the peak time of long-acting insulin & when should it be given?
- No peak because it is slowly absorbed
- Given at bedtime
What side should someone using a cane hold it on?
- Hold cane on strong/unaffected side
How do you measure for crutches?
- correct length if 2-3 fingers space between the top of the crutch pad and the axilla
- Hand grip: at wrist level when arms are hanging and approx 30 degrees of elbow flexion when using
How do you walk up and down stairs with crutches?
- Up with the good, down with the bad
ie: first good leg goes up then bad leg vs Going down the bad leg goes down first with crutches - Crutches move with the bad leg
What is the purpose of a small-volume cleansing enema?
Works by pulling fluid into the internal lumen, which softens stool to promote defecation
What type of fluid is used in a small-volume cleansing enema?
100-200ml of hypertonic solution (sodium phosphate) –> to draw fluid towards solute to soften stool within the bowel.
Large- volume enemas use what fluid?
Tap water >500 ml of water (hypotonic solution) into the colon
What do Lipase inhibitors do?
prevent the breakdown and absorption of fats from the intestines
- prescribed for clients with obesity who have difficulty losing weight
- Should be taken with or within 1 hour of meals that contain fat, if meal does not contain fat then the dose may be skipped
A client with a C3 spinal cord injury has a headache and nausea. The clients’ BP is 170/100 mm Hg. How should the nurse respond initially?
A. Administer PRN analgesic medication
B. Administer PRN hypertensive medication
C. Lower the head of the bed
D. Palpate the client’s bladder
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
An acute life-threatening response to noxious (Harmful) stimuli, which clients with spinal cord injuries above T6 are unable to feel.
S/S of Autonomic dysreflexia
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- A pounding headache
- Diaphoresis
- Nausea
Noxious stimuli may include:
- Bladder distention eg. obstructed urinary catheter, neurogenic bladder
- Fecal impaction
- Tight clothing eg. shoelaces, waistbands
What is intussusception?
Occurs when a segment of the intestine prolapses and then telescopes into an adjacent segment.
S/S of intussusception
- Vomiting
- Stool changes (red, jelly-like stools)
- acute episodes of abdominal pain
- sausage-shaped mass palpated in the right upper quadrant
- Right lower quadrant often feels empty to palpation