Nazi Politics Flashcards
Limitations of initial power
- Only 2 other Nazis in the cabinet
No majority to pass legislation
- Strong opposition parties would oppose
Radicals within own party may challenge leadership
When was the Reichstag Fire ?
Feb 1933
Impact of the Reichstag fire
COnvinced Hindenburg to declare state of emergency
Suspended individual rights/ freedom of press
Mass arrests of political opposition- LW/ KPD
German industrialists contributed to Naziu funds due to fear of communism
Suppression of communists - 4,000 killed by the SA +SS
when was the enabling act
March 1933
What was the Enabling act/ impact
KPD deputies abscent for vote + deputies intimidated
COuld pass laws w/o Reichstag
Law against the formation of new parties → July 1933
What wa sthe 1934 Plebiscite
To combine President and Chancellor
Removed final threats to Hitlers authority
What was the election after the reichstag fire?
Hindenburg called election 1933
Hitler could legally arrest opponents
Violent campaign tactics
Won 288 seats but had to rely on DNVP to pass laws with majority
Banned 81 communist seats
When wa sthe night of the long knives?
June 1934
Causes of the night of the long knives
SA bad image for nazi party
Rohn increasingly critical of Hitler- feared may try seize power
Impact of Night of long knives (4)
400 killed in total
Persuaded army leaders to support H
Greater control of Nazi movement
Ended conservative elite threat
Example of Cummulative radicallisation
1938 Kristallnacht by Goebbles as he was out of favour with Hitler so wanted to be liked again
Problems with Hitler in decision making
Very absent, few direct orders
-34 decrees in 12 years
Led to cummulative radicalisation
Vague orders- overlap, duplication, conflict, confusion
How did Hitler create a ‘one nation’
1934 Law for the reconstruction of the state
Termintated lander,
Gauleiters in change of regional party organisation
Features of Administration
Largely under civil service
Decisions reguarly overturned by ‘Nazi principle’
Lost influence as Nazis increasingly set up own specialist agencies
When was gestapo set up?
Expansion of SS
Waffen SS
900,000 by 1944
35 Divisions
ABle to act how pleased
How did administartion become more chaotic?
Growing power of SS added complexity
With Hitler absent, no one to resolve tensions
Hitler unwilling to delegate power to w/o functioning cabinet gov coordination broke down
Each armed force given own ministry- competed for biggest budget
How did cummulative radicalistaion increase during war
Lawlessness intensified
War used to justify decisions that had no legal basis
FInal solution
New role of Gauleiters + problems
Reich defence commisioners
COnflicted w/ existing authorities
Added to chaos of gov
Problems with Reich control during war
More land to govern made centralization harder
Gauleiters more powerful
Hard to fight on 2 fronts- overstretched
Gov lost support, more resistance