Nazi Dictatorship Flashcards
Economic recovery
Schacht economic strategy president of the Reichsbank and minister of economics, respected internationally the solution to hyperinflation 1923
Econonic depression hit its low point winter 1932/3 Revival through public investment large spending in an effort to stimulate demand and raise national income
Schachts policies
Banking and Control of the capital - state had greater responsibility for the control of the capital within the economy, setting lower interest rates reschedule debts
ASSISTANCE FOR FARMING AND SMALL BUSINESS - stimulating economic growth and rewarding sympathetic Nazi supporters
State Investment
Law to reduce unemployment 1933 renewed and expanded with Labour Service and RAD 1935 requiring young men to serve 6 months of unpaid work before military service main focus was rearmament but initially spread between rearmament construction and transportation - reforestation land reclamation motorisation - Autobahnen and buildings
To triple public investment between 1933 - 1936 increase government expenditure by 70% and with a dramatic growth in jobs unemployment went from 6 million 1932 to 1.6 million in 1936 Schacht maintained high tax encouraging private savings in state savings banks
Schachts new plan and balance of payment problems
Still two underlying worries remained fear of inflation and balance of trade deficit, inflation never materialised but balance of trade emerged 1934, consequence of importong increase with a lack of increase of exports not only an economic issue with politics heavily involved
Schachts new plan - he was given dictorial powers over the economy introducing the new plan, providing for comprehensive control by government of all aspects tariffs capital and currency exchange to prevent excessive imports, deciding on what to import or not
Set by a series of measures - Bilateral trade treaties
Reichsmark currency
Mefo Bills - main purpose disguising government spending
Never a member of Nazi party by 1936 unemployment = 1.5 million production increased 60% by 1933 and GNP grown 40%
4 year plan
Summed up by guns or butter - rearmament or consumer goods Goering V Schacht getting ready for a war time economy to expand rearmament and autarky - regulate imports and exports, control key areas of labour force prevent inflation, increase raw material production, develop ersatz products increase agricultural production
Effects - turning point where Nazi control of economy became tighter 1937 Schacht resigned with Funk replacing him with mixed success never reaching the targets of the plan and the started the war prematurely to the economy being ready
‘Police State’
SS 1925 elite bodyguards for Hitler only 250 members but grew to 52,000 by 1933 and total commitment to the Nazi Party
Himmler also created SD to be internal security police 1933-4 he took control of all police in Lander including Gestapo in Prussia, and SS carried out Night of the Long Knives by 1936 all police powers were united under Himmler by 1939 it was merged under the Reich Security Office led by Himmler and his deputy Heydrich
Part and State
One party state Nazi having sole political authority, seeming to deceive to think the Nazis were a well working government with powerful propaganda as there was actually much confusion between state and party clash was called dualism worked with policy of Nacht und Nubel - seize any dangerous person
Became more than an organisation looking for power, was a key bloc within Nazi Germany
However party bureaucracy compete for influence over state institutions, internal division/rivalries never overcame, independence of gauleiters main obstacle to control
‘Police State’
SS 1925 elite bodyguards for Hitler only 250 members but grew to 52,000 by 1933 and total commitment to the Nazi Party
Himmler also created SD to be internal security police 1933-4 he took control of all police in Lander including Gestapo in Prussia, and SS carried out Night of the Long Knives by 1936 all police powers were united under Himmler by 1939 it was merged under the Reich Security Office led by Himmler and his deputy Heydrich Kripo kept law and order having a brutal reputation without needing trial to arrest.
Gestapo Kripo and SD responsible for intelligence gathering controlled by Heydrich used block wardens
Having Waffen SS 14,000 soldiers committed to Nazism