NAVMED 6470/10 and 6470/11 Flashcards
Authorized Systems
Automated Radiological Management Information System (ARCMIS)
Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP)
Back up copy of the exposure information database must be made at least quarterly and retained for 2 quarters. If backups are made more frequently, at least two recent backups should be retained
NAVMED 6470/10
Record of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation
previously DD 1141
NAVMED 6470/11
Internal Monitoring
Included in 6470/11
Date and time of monitoring
Activity Present
Isotope monitored
Anatomical location of contamination
Monitoring results that are less than minimal detectable activity shall be recorded as 00.000 rem
Equipment type used and serial number in remarks section in cases where:
Individual exposed to airborne radioactivity greater than applicable limits
Greater than minimum detectable activity
Results recorded in block 12 CEDE of the NAVMED/10 for same period
Forward to NDC, if above MDA
All cases of external contamination require IM
Results of external contamination shall be recorded in the remarks of /10 and /1 (annual and situational reports)
Required to be updated and filed in health record
Personnel exposure information will be entered in the computerized database at least once a quarter
Printouts are to be filed annual in medical record
Preparation and Review of the NAVMED 6470/10
Receipt Audit of all previous exposures to verify the members LTEDE is correct.
If unknown, contact previous command, if not successful contact NDC
Per NAVMED P-5055, dose estimate may be made based on
Partial records
co-worker exposures
statements of the individual
NAVMED 6470/10 initiate new
Enter demographics for patient data
upload members radiation health data into TMIP
Initiate a transfer NAVMED 6470/10,
exposures are primarily forwarded via dose transmittal letter
CNAVMED 6470/10 and NAVMED 6470/11 cross checked
Manually prepared- verified on an annual basis
Forms generated using an approved computer program, annual verification not required
To ensure accurate transcription and recording random sampling of NAVMED 6470/10 and /11 shall be cross checked. Shall be performed semiannually 1% of records
Errors are found, POA shall be drafted which specifies the number of additional records to be reviewed.
Noted by making entry in remarks section of the database for the audited 6470/10 and 11 or by signing signing and dating a statement of remarks section of the printed forms that entries have been verified.
Correcting Erroneous Entries on 6470/10 and 11
Entries shall not be stricken out, new entry which corrects the errors
explanation of error and the correction shall be briefly documented by a dated entry
an asterisk or footnote number shall be neatly entered in the block containing the erroneous entry