Navi Flashcards
Where was yirmiyahu born
When was he born?
On 9 av
What shevet was he from?
Shevet Levi
Who was he a Talmud of
What is כוליה חורבנא?
It is that the entire Sefer is totally a churban
What is רובינא חורבנא
It is that most of the Sefer is about churban but not the entire Sefer
What are the 3 sefarim that yirmiyahu wrote?
Megillas aicha, Sefer yirmiyahu and Sefer milachim
Who are 3 navis that had nevuah during his time?
Yirmiyahu, tzaphanya and cholda
Where was a Sefer Torah found? What was the significance?
It was found during a bedek habayis. It was the Torah that Moshe wrote. The part that it was open to was the part of the churban
What do we learn from the words אשה מרחמת?
We learn that they called cholda bc women have more compassion.
Where did each of the navis give נבואה?
Cholda- gave only for women and in shar cholda
Tzaphanya- in בתי כנסת
What we do know about the amount of navis?
That there were over 1.2 million navis but we only mention 48 bc they are the ones that contributed
Rashi- בטרם אצרך מבטן
That yirmiyahu was picked to be a navi a long time ago by the data if Adam harishon
Rashi- נביא לגויים
- That they were actually goyim
2. They acted like goyim when they did avoda Zara. But bnai yisrael are written first because they are the ikar
דא-בטרם תצא מרחם
That yirmiyahu was picked to be a navi even before he was born
Rashi- כי נער אנוכי
Yirmiyahu said that he isn’t worthy of being a navi that he isn’t like Moshe who rebuked others only when he became older and yirmiyahu is still young
Metzudas David- ואומר
That he didn’t know the words of a navi and the organization in a clear way. Yirmiyahu was still young and it wasn’t regular for him. This showed us that it’s hard to be a navi and yirmiyahu was young in a way that he interpreted the nevuahs and a young boy in age.
Radak- להצילך
Hashem didn’t promise him that he won’t he hit or touched because he will be hit or touched. But He did promise him that he won’t be killed and that He’ll have him and he won’t die, and that he’ll save him. From here we learn: don’t promise something that you can’t fulfill
Rashi- היטבת לראות
The quickest branch to ripen is an almond branch. Just like almond branched ripen quickly, Hashem is quick to do what he says. It’s 21 days that takes a almond to ripen and 21 days between 17 Tamuz and 9 av
Rashi- מצפון תפתח הרעה
That בבל is to the north and the first churban was done by בבל
Torah shebal peh- ופניו מפני צפון
That hatred is hidden among them and we never know who can be the enemy.
2 reasons מעם לעז that Hashem showed a pot
- If you put meat on fire directly it’ll burn so the pot protects it, which shows that a wall around yearshalayim will protect them
- If your have something with a pit it’ll smell good so you will come smell it so if you put a wall, the enemies will surround it
לא ראו דבר ה
When you catch a theif while they are stealing something they get embarrassed.
Abarbanel: זכרתי לך חסד נעריך
- חסד נעוריך= אבות
- אהבת כלותיך
- בני״ שהלכו אחרי ה׳ ממדבר
How many years was yirmiyahu a navi for?
Maharei kra: זכרתי לך חסד נעוריך
Hashem did a chesed and and took bnai yisrael out of mitzrayim and watched over them in the desert. From here we learn: that we need appreciation for someone when they do a chesed for us
Metzudas David: ויהבלו
They followed and went after nothingness and became nothingness
Rashi- the 2 bad things that bnai yisrael did are:
- they left Hashem who is the source of all living things
2. They dug wells that were broken
Daas zekanim: what do we learn about from the 2 רעות
That if you do the same mistake twice it was on purpose and wasn’t a mistake
Connect to what we learned: they sinned 2x they were punished 2x and they were comforted 2x
That they way bnai yisrael act towards Hashem is the way Hashem acts towards bnai yisrael
Difference between a גנב and a גזלן
A גנב is scared of being caught stealing so he only steals at night
A גזלן will steal during the day
Rashi פרשת בשלח
Yirmiyahu have mussar to ppl
The topic of פרשת כי תצא:
A couple gets married: they get divorced and the woman leaves. She married another man and divorces him too. The first husband if FORBIDDEN to marry her. Yirmiyahu told them this because bnai yisrael are “married to Hashem” and it’s considered that they got married to him at har Sinai. The husband is Hashem and the wife is bnai yisrael who keep leaving Hashem to do avodah zara
Metzudas David- על דברי השקר
The היכל,אולם ודביר are all parts of the בהמק. We mention this because the bhmk will be destroyed
Rashi- היכל ה׳
(Aramaic words…)
They mean that 3 times a year we show ourselves before Hashem and those 3 times are the שלוש רגלים. From here we learn: we should keep Hashem’s mitzvos all year round and not just during the 3 רגלים
כאשר עשיתי לשילה:
Hashem will do the sem thing with the bhmk that He did to Shiloh (He destroyed it)
Alshich- ואתה אל תתפלל
Hashem said to Moshe “don’t daven to me” Hashem wanted Moshe to daven to Him but this time with yirmiyahu Hashem didn’t want him to daven to Him. From here we lean: that after Bnai yisrael did the עגל, He was still able to forgive them.
ילקוט שמעוני
To change the actions of Avraham- he took a knife and fire (for עקדת יצחק)
Yitzchak- took wood for the עקדה also
Sarah- made cakes for the מלאכים.
A group of women who sang songs, yirmiyahu wanted them to sing songs about the churban
מעם לעז-
A connection between tears and tefila
That there are 2 ways to lose your money: 1. is by a natural disaster that causes you to lose your possession (eg-fire burns house down)
2. By gambling all your money away
*people have mercy and feel bad for those that lost it through a natural disaster and don’t feel bad for those who lost it thorough gambling
Torah shebal peh: אין בי כח
Hashem cried over the first churban but didn’t have strength to cry over the second one. So that’s why yirmiyahu called the מקוננות,to cry over the churban because they had no strength.
Daas sofrim: ותבואנה
To call the מקוננות and try to have them and hopefully they will try. They didn’t come because they usually sing songs after things happen not before they happen. And they couldn’t prepare for tragedy because didn’t have nevuah unless yirmiyahu shared the nevuah with them.
מעם לעז: איך שדדנו
That there are 2 ways to lose your money: 1. is by a natural disaster that causes you to lose your possession (eg-fire burns house down)
2. By gambling all your money away
*people have mercy and feel bad for those that lost it through a natural disaster and don’t feel bad for those who lost it thorough gambling
Radak: התחל מי אלו תכונות השלוש
The 3 things a person can’t brag are: smartness, wealth, and strength.
A חכם can be saved by using his tricks and trickory.
A גיבור can use his strength to save him like if a person is being robbed, he can hurt the robber.
The עשיר is like the חכם and גיבור because he can redeem his נפש by bribing.
כן מנהג העולם:
means that if you brag like that it’ll be a custom of yours to talk like that
- These are the 3 people most likely to brag about their things.
- a person is allowed to brag about how much they believe in Hashem because it can make other people also say how much they believe in Hashem.
Maharei kra: אל יתהלל חכם
A person who learned Torah but doesn’t keep it ISNT a reason to be praised, it puts him in a state of disgrace. (גנאי) that person is a לומד תורה ואינו מקיים
A person who learns a little and keeps/doesn’t learn and keeps is a לומד מעט ומקיים/אינו למד ומקיים
The lowest level is a לומד תורה ואינו מקיים because he is choosing not to keep it but is learning it
Maharei kra- כי אכלו את יעקב
If they ate him didn’t they devour him? So why is there כפל לשון? It’s not like someone who eats and devours the food it’s someone who eats and makes it absent and doesn’t leave anything over
Radak שפוך חמתך על הגוים
Yirmiyahu is saying to Hashem that if he angry at bnai yisrael to our His anger onto the גוים.
Even though bnai yisrael sin they are still staying under Hashem. Even when they wanted to do avodah Zara they are still under Hashem. Yirmiyahu used this as protection for bnai yisrael so that they shouldn’t be punished and bc they know that they are under Hashem And that is there anger He should pour out the anger onto the גוים.
So why should the גוים be punished? Bc they are Hashem’s messengers not bc they did it. They did it with the actions that they should have donee.