Gloabl Flashcards
We refer to Russia as far as geography as:
What is the most popularly practiced religion in India
Hinduism then Islam
What year did India get their independence in
Before 1948 India was a colony of what nation?
Great Britain
Why didn’t Muslims want independence
Because they thought that the Hindus wouldn’t be nice to them
Why were Muslims given their own land
So that India can have independence
What country was apart of India until 1948?
Ancient India was also known as what
Ancient Indus River valley civilization
Where is it located and what is it often referred to as
Located in India and often referred to as a sub-continent
What years was it from
2500-1500 BCE (1000 years)
What is a peninsula?
A land with water surrounding it on 3 sides
What are the 3 bodies of water surrounding it?
The Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of Bengal
What is north western of India that is part of the sub-continent?
The Hindu Kush mountain range that separates Persia from India
What is a pass? What is its purpose
A pass is flat land that allows you to cross on an area that is mountainous. We use them because it’s too hard to climb the mountains.
What is a plain? What plain is there in India?
The Ganges river runs through the Indi-Gangetic plain.
What is the significance of the Ganges river to Indians
It is holy to them
What is a plateau? What plateau is located in India?
A plateau is land where some of its clevated and some isn’t. The plateau in India is called the Deken plateau.
What is the desert in the north west called?
The Thar desert
What are monsoons? When do they come?
They are winds that bring rain. From June to September there are heavy rains that flood a lot of the properties and farm land.
What are the largest cities in India? When were they discovered?
Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. They were discovered in the 19th century
Their 2 largest cities were very developed: they had stairs, and built their cities. They also planned their cities. What does this tell us about them?
It tells us that they had technical skills to build the stairs. The fact they were able to build their cities shows us that they had technical skills. Planning the cities shows that they have urbanization.
The indians were the first to have indoor plumbing. What does this show?
It shows us that they had technical skills.
How were their roads layed out.
In a grid system at a 90 degree angle
By the way the Indians were able to do all this what does it show?
It shows that they had a strong central government
Act archaeologists found stamps and seals. What were they used for? Where were they from?
The seals were used for trade and some of them were from Mesopotamia. Merchants traded them which shows they had SPECIALIZATION.
Did the Indians have a system of writing? If so were the historians able to decipher it?
They did have a system of writing however they were unable to decipher it.
What did each Indian city have? What could’ve been the purpose of it?
Each city had a high structure it could’ve been for security purposes.
What did it show by the fact that the Indians had a grid system?
It showed that they had a strong government
What was grown by the Indians. What was weaved and what was it used for?
Cotton, it was weaved to make cloth
What happened in 1700 BCE? What do historians say the reason for it?
Mohenjon- Daro and Harappa disappeared. Historians say that there could’ve been a natural disaster (hurricane/volcano) but they found bodies so there could’ve been a war
What does conjecture mean
What type of people were Aryans? (Appearance)
Where did they come from?
Aryans were light skinned
They came from (ancient) Persia
How did the Aryans get to India?
They came through the Kyber pass.
Why did the Aryans come to India?
They were cattle herders and were prob looking for a place to graze their cattle.
What type of people were the Aryans?
They were indo-European people.
Where did the Aryans settle in India?
They settled song the Ganges river
How did the Aryans pass over things from generation to generation? Why?
They passed it through an oral tradition because they didn’t have a system of writing but eventually got a system of writing
What type of religion did the Aryans follow?
They were polytheistic and later their religion evolved to one force.
Did the Aryans believe in afterlife?
Yes. They also believed in reincarnation and that the soul could appear again in many forms.
How did reincarnation influence the Aryans?
It shaped their society.
What did the Aryan religion require them to do.
It required them to perform many rituals specifically in a certain way
What were aryan priests who knew the rituals well called?
Brahmans (they were the highest class)
Did they have a government? Was it strong?
Yes but it wasn’t strong
What form of government did they have?
A city state form.
Who lead each Indian city state?
A rajah-who was a military and political leader
What kind of people were discriminated in India
Strait of Gibraltar
Separates Africa and Europe
Cast=social class
What was the order of the social classes
Highest to lowest: Brahmans Military Merchants Artisans
Who were the lowest Indian social class and why?
The untouchable because they were ritually impure. They did all the work
When was the cast system outlawed in India?
In 1948 when the British left and is still outlawed today
Why didn’t the untouchables rebel?
Because Hinduism says that you have to live your life in your cast. Also bc of reincarnation which they believed in. They believed in transmigration of the soul and accepted it.
What is dharma?
It’s fulfilling ones moral duty in this life and then they soul in reborn in a higher caste in the next life.
What is Kharma?
It’s describing how things are in your life. If you have a good Kharma it reflects that you did the right thing. Indians also believed in Kharma
Why did some Jewish women decide not to wear wigs from India?
Bc once many Hindu women sold her hair because she was poor and it’s considered idol worship to buy that hair.
What did the Indians do in the Ganges river?
They immersed themselves in it and cremated the dead bodies and scattered their ashes into the river
What was common for a rajah once they die?
For him and his wife to be cremated
Why are Hindus vegetarians
Because cows are holy to them so they don’t eat meat from them
Why do Israelis after the army sometimes go to India?
Because 1. They are drawn to yoga there
2. India is beautiful
Where is child labor taking place?
In Bolivia,South America
Where are the Andes mountain range
In South America
Why do some say that it’ll be impossible to eradicate child labor?
Because they say it’s apart of the Andean culture
Where was the incas advanced civilization
In Peru which is next to Bolivia
Who was the first European to come to Cuba and South America
Christopher Columbus
When did conditions in South America start to get bad
When Europeans started to go there
Who controls and is the upper class in Bolivia
The Europeans
What does working in a domestic system mean?
It means that they work a home (eg children that their jobs r bakers work at home)
Why do the Bolivians say that child labor is good
Because they said it teaches them to value what they have
What jobs for kids have harder working conditions
Those who work with bricks
How does child labor help the parents of the children
Because they won’t have enough money without the child’s salary so the parents can use their money
What did the international labor organization do when they found out that Indonesians pay workers $1 a day to make sneakers
They began to boycott it and refused to trade with Bolivia
What does exploit mean?
It means to take advantage of in an unfair way
What is apartheid
It’s when they are apart from all the other people
Who founded Buddhism in India
Gautama who was wealthy because he was born to a prince. He decided to be exposed to the real world and wanted to know the reasons for pain.
What are the 4 noble truths that guatama discovered
- Human desires cause pain and suffering
- Human desires are the physical pleasures and ppl suffer if chase after materials mm
- If ppl don’t chase after physical pleasures hen they reached nirvana which is when reach end of reincarnation and the soul is in peace
- Have to follow eigth fold path to achieve nirvana
What are some things that the eight fold path believes in?
- people need to understand noble truths
- Have to have the right intention
- Have to have right speech and be sensitive to other ppls feelings and not gossip
- have right intention
- Do the right thing and not what will cause harm to ppl (don’t sell drugs etc)
- Have right effort once decide to do something do it the right way
- Have right mindfulness meaning ppl shud think what they are doing
- Have right concentration meaning think everything deeply/meditate
Eight fold path sometimes called middle path
Who founded the Maurya empire in 300 BCE
What did chandragupta do
He reunited all of northern India that used to be ruled by rajahs
What kind of ruler was Chandragupta?
He was a harsh ruler.
What did chandragupta and his advisors consider to be the greatest evil? Why?
Anarchies, because they bring chaos which is why he was so harsh
What did chandragupta believe in? What is it?
In autocracy which is when there is one ruler who has all the power
Why did Chandragupta kill many people?
He was afraid of assassination
To try and stay safe, what did chandragupta not do
He never slept in the same place more than twice
Who took over for chandragupta when he died?
Asoka, his grandson who was ever more cruel than him.
What did Asoka do more than his grandfather did?
He conquered more land than him.
He then became a Buddhist
Was Asoka a good ruler and why?
Yes, because he too people’s needs into consideration
What unique thing did Asoka do?
He took pillars and set them up in neighboring lands and carved his laws into them so when the people would come they would know his rules
What were the pillars that Asoka took called? What languages were they carved in?
They were called stupas and Greek and Tramac
Why were there different languages on asokas pillars?
Bc they wanted to spread knowledge of the laws. The laws were written in Greek, Aramaic, and Sanskrit
What happened after asokas death?
The Maurya empire began to decline and the government centralized but became into city states ruled by rajahs.
What did Asoka do before his death?
He became nicer as teshuva for being so harsh
What years did the Gupta empire take place in?
From 535-320 BCE
What was the golden age known as and why
It was known as the golden age because so many important achievements happened during that time
What religion were guptas? How did this effect Buddhism?
They were Hindus and Buddhism almost disappeared because guptas were Hindus
What did the guptas practice in terms of marriage
They practiced polygomy, where a man marries more than one wife.
What did the higher class of guptas practice
They practiced sutee which is the practice of a widow commuting suicide on pyre of wood where they burned the spouses body.
During the Gupta empire, what did they write and what is an example of a famous writing
They wrote epics which are long poems. The most famous one is Ramayana
What else the did guptas write where the casts were the actors?
Fables consisting animals that are the characters and they teach lessons
What did the Gupta empire contribute that we use today? What did we use prior to that?
Arabic numerals which are the digits 0-9 . Before that we used Roman numerals
Who helped spread Arabic numerals?
Arabs from india
What were the guptas the first to understand in terms of math?
Zeros, square roots, negatives and they even calculated the value of pi which is 3.14
What scientific study did the guptas have a lot of knowledge on?
Astronomy, the study of heavenly bodies. Were also able to identify the 7 planets and predict eclipses which helped them know why the sun didn’t come up (before tht thought world was coming to an end)
What medical procedure were the guptas able to perform?
Plastic surgery, because they understood a lot about bones and inoculations-they performed them they are vaccinations.
What were the guptas able to do to small pox
They were able to inoculate it
What medical places did the guptas have?
They had hospitals and understood cleanliness
What did the guptas have in terms of education? What did the students study?
They had universities (a school that specializes in something and teaches discipline)
They also had many colleges. They built dormitories. These students studied: math, agriculture etc
How did the guptas participate in cultural diffusion?
They traded with other countries in the Middle East and Europe
Why did the guptas begin to decline?
The rulers weren’t as good
Who invaded the guptas
The Huns who were asiatic nomads. Tilidahuns came and destroyed things.
What were the Gupta rulers unable to do
Protect India
When was Islam brought to India? How?
In 600 CE Muslims attached India and brought in Islam which became the 2nd to largest religion in India.
Where is Greece located?
On th Balkan Peninsula
What seperstely area Greece from turkey
The Aegean Sea
What surrounds Greece in the South? East? West ?
South- Mediterranean Sea
West- Ionian Sea
East- Aegean Sea
How does being surrounded by water help Greece?
It helped them trade
Why is Greece called Hellenic civilization?
Bc an ancestor names Hellene lived there.
Described the land in Greece:
It’s mountainous and they farm on valleys
What kind of government does Greece have and why?
A city state form of government because it’s hard to govern mountainous land
Were the Greeks United despite the city state government? How?
Yes they all spoke the same language
What kind of specialization did the Greeks have
Advanced navagational technology
What material did the Greeks bios their buildings out of?
What type of religion did the Greeks follow
They were polytheistic
What food did the Greeks produce on their mountains?
Grapes and olives
What were the Greeks able to grow on flat land
Why did the Greeks establish colonies in Asia Minor?
So they could get food there and bring it back to Greece
What strong empire did the Greeks defeat in a war
The Persians
What do we know about Greeces climate? How did that influence their daily activities?
They did many things outdoors such as gyms marketplaces and temples were all outdoors because of the warm climate
Who originated the olympics
The Greeks
Who came from turkey and was able to be suddentary in Greece?
Neolithic farmers who domesticated grains
Who came from Macedonia?
Alexander the Great
Where do we think many people from Greece may have came from?
Where did the Minoans live?
On an island called create
What good qualities did the Minoans have?
They were good navigators and good farmers
What was the Minoans capital city and what was the center of their economic life?
Knossos was capital city and it has a big palace that was the center of their economic life
How did the Minoans aid to the Greeks development
They influenced them
Who was the Minoans King?
Do we know how to read the Minoans language?
How did the Minoans treat the women?
They had an egalitarian society meaning the men and women were equal
What was very important to the Minoans?
What did the Minoans believe in? What is Minotaur?
They believed in myths. Minotaur is their half bull half human mythological creature
What was the Minoan palace like?
It had many rooms and was like a maze
What artwork did they have at Knossos?
Pictures of dangerous sports
And frescos which is artwork painted on a wall throughout the palace.
What is the myth of Minotaur?
King challenged people to escape maze like palace
How do we know about the Minoans?
Sir Arthur Evans who was English and started digging in Greece and found all this
What are the theories of how the Minoan declined
- An earthquake happens and the survivors left
- The Mycenaeans attacked and was a war and Mycenaens won
- There was a volcano that destroyed everything
We think was a volcano because the frescos were preserved unless something unusual happens
Where did the Mycenaens live?
On the Balkan Peninsula
Who did they trade with in the Mediterranean world?
The Egyptians,Mesopotamians, Sicily
What quality did the Mycenaens have?
We’re good navigators
What did the Mycenaens do that’s a similarity of the Minoans
They build elaborate palaces like them
What amazing thing did the Mycenaens make?
Artifacts- most were found in tombs. They buried noblemen with artifacts and made funeral masks.
Shows that they could’ve been influenced by the Egyptians
What did the Mycenaens dominate?
The Balkan Peninsula
Why was the Mycenaen decline called the dark age?
Because Dorians invaded for 400 years
What were the Dorians like?
They were ferocious they destroyed and killed people
How did the Mycenaen population decline?
Not only were people being killed but they didn’t have babies during hard times
How did the Mycenaens emerge from the dark age?
They started to learn the alphabet that the phonecians taught them. The Greeks then added vowels
Who was Homer? What did he write and how did he write them?
He was a Greek blind poet who wrote epic poems. He dictated them to someone who wrote down his poems.
Who read Illiat and odyssey? What did he believe?
Heinrich Schliemann and he believed it had a historical base.
What does Heinrich Schliemann believe the poem is about?
He believes its about a Mycenaen queen named Hellene and the prince of Troy who tried to kidnap Hellene.
They then went to war with Ancient Greece against the ppl of Troy. Heinrich Schleimann thought he knew where Troy was.
Who did Schleimann get permission from? Did they grant him permission? What did he need permission for?
He had to get permission and got permission from the ottoman Turks to dig.
Did Heinrich Schliemann find Troy?
He believes he did
What is the Illiet about?
About Trojan wars (ppl from Troy are called Trojans).
The Greeks were Mycenaens.
The war was fought over Hellene bc the Greeks wants her back and got her back after 10 years
What is a ruse? Who used it? What was the ruse?
A ruse is a trick. The Mycenaens used one. They built a large horse and left it on the beach. Greek soldiers jumped out of the horse and surprised attacked the Trojans
What riches did he rich Schleimann find?
He found gold and jewelery. He also found 2 diadems which is like a tiara. They were very elaborate and he gave them to museums
What protection did Heinrich Schliemann find on the Trojan city?
He found a citadel
Where was the museum he gave the diadem to
Berlin Germany
How did Heinrich Schliemann break a promise?
He promised the Ottoman Empire that if he’d find anything he’d give it to them but he didn’t.
What happened to the diadem?
No one knows
What evidence is there that the Greeks could’ve gone to war with the Trojans to get their wealth?
Bc Trojan had an important ally, the Hittites who had strong weapons. The historians found a clay tablet w cueneiform about a war.
What does polis mean?
It’s a Greek word for city state. Policy political and police all come from that word.
What was the earliest form of a Greek government?
A monarchy
How were Greek nobles powerful?
They had money and could lend it to the poor people like farmers that can only pay back with land. Ppl who got land like that were able to build an army and a commander in chief.
Who were the tyrants?
The Greek people who were getting annoyed at the noblemen and went against them and defeated them
What happened once the tyrants got on top?
They abused their power
What did the Greeks have to do with their government and what were the first to do with it?
They needed a democratic form of government and were the first to form a democratic government
What is Acropolis?
It is a high point where government and religious buildings were constructed. Every polis had an Acropolis
What values did the Greeks have and how did they express them!
They admired physical and heroic actions, strength and endurance. They put all their myths and beliefs on vases
What are some religious beliefs of the Greeks?
Zeus is God of gods
Athens is God of wisdom
Didn’t believe in afterlife they didn’t look for morals they looked for natural world and wanted answers
Gods had human like qualities and looked like ppl can get married and have kids
What civilization had oracles? What was most important one?
Delphi most important one. Delphi would consult priest
What is an oracle?
A place where someone can get consult
What civilization was anthropomorphic? Was does anthropomorphic mean?
The Greeks were anthropomorphic. It means that they have human like qualities to their gods.
What Greeks leaders made changes to make a democracy? How many were there?
There were 5 of them. Draco,Solon, Pisistratus, calisthenes,Pericles
What significant things did Draco do?
He was the first to write down the laws of Athens meaning judges couldn’t show favoritism and pick who is right. They were very strict laws though. That’s why harsh laws are called draconian laws