NAVAIR 00-80T-105 CV NATOPS Flashcards
What is the weather minimum for launch
What are the helo restrictions during FW launch/recovery
190-150 out to 3 NM; 1 NM around CV
5 nm: 020-150 - 400’ and below
150-340 - 300’ and below
5-10nm: 340-020 - 200’ and below
020-340 - 400’ and below
Case I Departure
Less than 1000-5 or night time ops (1/2 hour before sunset until 1/2 hour after sunrise)
Case II Departure
Greater than 1000-5 but less than 3000-5
Night/IMC/Case III Departure
Less than 1000-5 or night time ops (1/2 hour after sunset until 1/2 hour before sunrise)
Departure procedures for Case I or II
Helos SHALL clear the control zone as directed by tower. When departing for operations w/i the control zone (for example, SAR), they SHALL remain under control of the tower or other designated controlling agency
Departure procedures for Case III
Whenever possible, helicopters SHALL be maintained as a flight beneath the clouds. If unable to remain beneath the clouds, they SHALL proceed individually to pre-briefed departure fixes. After T/O, they SHALL climb straight ahead to between 200-300’ (unaided), 150-300’ (aided), or assigned by CATCC, and arc within 3nm to intercept the assigned departure radial. Helos being launched from the angled deck will not cross the bow when fixed-wing a/c are being launched. SAR helos will arc to the SAR pattern if able to remain beneath the clouds. If the SAR helo is unable to remain beneath the clouds, the procedure presented SHALL be carried out under positive control of CATCC and position will be taken in helo marshal. The climb to departure altitude will be commenced on the departure radial outside 12 nm
Where is the primary TACAN marshal fix
1000’ at 5nm on the 110 degree radial relative to the expected final bearing.
For multiple helos, each successive marshal holding fix adds 1nm of distance and 500’ of altitude. Holding pattern is a right hand racetrack pattern with 2nm legs. Inbound leg SHALL pass over holding fix
Where is the helo emergency marshal radial
Same as normal helo marshal radial w/helo emergency holding normally commencing at 7nm
From the marshal, what is the profile for instrument recovery?
Arc at 90KIAS and 500fpm descent to intercept 145 relative to final bearing at or above 900’. Unless otherwise directed, helos SHALL commence transition to landing configuration prior to 3nm fix
During Case III recoveries, what should CATCC do?
Vector helicopters to intercept final bearing at 3nm and 500’ MSL
Weather mins for NPA and MODE III
300-3/4 and 200-1/2 respectively
Waveoff procedures for instrument approaches
Helos SHALL climb straight ahead on the extended final bearing to an altitude of 300’ and await instructions from approach control. If no instructions are received w/i 2 minutes or prior to reaching 4 nm ahead of the ship, the pilot will attempt to make contact with the ship, giving ID and position. If instructions are not received, the pilot will assume comm failure and execute a turn downwind reporting downwind abeam. If radio contact is not reestablished, the pilot will proceed downwind and reenter through the 3 nm fix or turn inbound 2 minutes past abeam
Are personnel permitted to approach or depart a helicopter while its rotors are being engaged or disengaged?
Can you overfly other aircraft when departing or approaching?
Can personnel enter the rotor arc area of an engaged helo on spot 7 when a FW a/c is under tension on catapults 3 or 4?
Can helo ops happen on spot 8 while a/c under tension on catapults 3 or 4?
Can you hot refuel on spot 8?
Can helo ops take place on spot 8 when FW recoveries are taking place?
Where shall personnel be during rotor engagement/disengagement if required to be in area?
Either stand next to the fuselage or well outside the rotor area
Who clears stopping engines or folding of rotor blades?
LSE provides clearance except in case of emergency
What are the mandatory signals?
Waveoff and hold, SHALL be executed immediately
Can helicopters taxi on the flight deck?
Helicopters should not be taxied on the flight deck
If the ship’s roll (heel) is greater than 4 degrees, when should launch/recovery/rotor engagement/disengagement be attempted?
Launch/recovery/rotor engagement/disengagement should only be attempted in a turn when authorized by CVN CO or his designated rep. Anticipated wind parameters and ship’s heel must be communicated to the HAC prior to execution
What spots SHALL be used for night helo launches?
Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck
Can you use spot 7 with forward firing ordnance?
If the CV CO deems it necessary. Helos SHALL offset stbd when spotted for launch and landing. Helos with hung/misfired fwd firing ordnance SHALL not launch/recover on spot 7.
NOTE: Night/IMC ops to spot 7 w/fwd firing ordnance SHOULD be avoided
Can you do a spot 2 stbd approach or departure?
Can the LSO platform be up for helo T/O and Ldgs on spot 8?
SHALL be lowered and clear of personnel
What must be clear around spot 7 and 8 when helo ops are being conducted?
Safety boundaries SHALL be clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment
What SHALL the A/C Handling Officer or his rep ensure for all helo ops on spots 7 or 8?
That the a/c elevator has been secured in accordance with EOSS short-term secure procedures, stanchions lowered and locks properly engaged
Can you do a left seat slide-in visual recovery to spot 2?
Not recommended
Can you do a left seat slide-in visual recovery to spot 3?
WARNING: Left seat helo recoveries spot 4, 5, 6
Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5, 6 while there is a turning helo on the next fwd spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. The LSE SHOULD be positioned inboard of the catapult 4 safe parking line in the same general location as the right seat recoveries.
Can you do cross cockpit recoveries fwd of an occupied spot?
Not recommended
Can you do concurrent operations with FW a/c?
Authorized for spots 2 and 7. Concurrent operations include helo ground turns, T/Os and or landings during FW flight ops. Helo T/Os and landings SHALL be sequenced btwn FW T/Os and landings with clearance from the Air Officer and the wind w/i limits
If any spot 1-6 is occupied by an H-46, H-47, H-53, or V-22 then what happens?
The spots immediately fwd and aft SHALL remain vacant.
WARNING: Inverted “T” helo and tiltrotor a/c spots 2 through 6 do not provide adequate clearance for all combinations of helos
Case III unaided helo recoveries SHALL be conducted where?
To the angled deck, from astern, utilizing the OLS, with the wind oriented to the centerline of the angle deck, and w/i the parameters set forth in NATOPS. During night VMC recoveries on CVs equipped w/operating white floodlights and when the after portion of the flight deck is not clear, helos may make an approach utilizing the OLS and centerline of the angle deck. Upon approaching the fantail and when the deck and LSE have been visually acquired, the helo SHALL then slide over, fly up the port side to the landing spot, and slide into a landing