nature vs nature debate Flashcards
nature - nature debate
a debate concerned with the extent to which aspects of behaviour are a product of inherited or acquired characteristics
the genetic transmission of mental and physical charcterisitics from one generation to another
any influence on human behaviour that is non-genetic. this may range from pre-natal influences in the womb through to cultural and historical influences at a societal level
behaviour is seen to be product of innate factors (biological or genetic)
behaviour is a product of environmental influences
innate characteristics
characteristics we are born with
acquired characteristics
traits we acquire or pick up from the environment through life
interactionist approach
the idea that nature and nurture are linked to such an extent that it does not make sense to separate the two. so researchers instead study how they interact and influence each other
reactive influence
a parent may react more positively to a child who’s easy going and happy than a moody and demanding child. the home environment is a reaction to the predisposition of the child
active influence
a sociable child is more likely to seek out friends who are similar and engaged with different people than a shy child. the genetic makeup of a child seeks to develop in an environment that is similar to their predisposed characteristics
this refers to a change in our genetic activity without changing our genetic code. it is a process which happens through life and is caused by intercation with the environment. for example smoking and diet
passive influence
the environment created is linked to the parents genetic makeup and passively transmitted to their child through their environment. sporty parents may provide an environment that is sporty for their children.